World of Warcraf - Scroll of Res, anyone need?


May 20, 2006
My wife is trying to get a nice mount, does anyone want or need a scroll of ressurection? She can send you one just PM me your email address.

The Scroll gives you the ability to boost any of your chars to level 80, free catacyslm, 7 days free game time, a free server transfer, etc.
You do understand that the person has to sign up for a month of game time as well to receive the mount, right?
u do realize it doesnt take much to get someone to resub to WoW its the most addictive game on the planet.
u do realize it doesnt take much to get someone to resub to WoW its the most addictive game on the planet.

I never stopped my sub, but I did stop playing for awhile. I am thoroughly hooked again though. PvP in SWToR made me appreciate WoW PVP much more
i played SWTOR for awhile too coming back to WoW shows me how much a giant pile of steaming dung SWTOR is.
i was a huge wow fan throughout tbc but the fire died down with each expansion. theres no going back to wow now, the game has been dead to us top tier arena players for a long long time.
I never stopped my sub, but I did stop playing for awhile. I am thoroughly hooked again though. PvP in SWToR made me appreciate WoW PVP much more

Just playing ANYTHING in SWTOR makes me appreciate WoW that much more.

Gearing all my alts, starting to get back into my mage that hasn't really been played beyond leveling since SSC/TK were new and cool...having lots of fun with it right now.