WOW PVP: the truth?


Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004
For someone coming from a background of primarily Dark Age of Camelot for their PVP/RVR, how does WOW's compare at lvl 70? Is it feasible to "catch up" at this point? I tried WOW for about a month but couldn't get into the levelling... if it has good PVP and raiding at the top-end, I would probably just grin and bear it, but I'm always hearing how bad it is/how "carebear" it is. Can someone who has played both DAOC and WOW tell me their thoughts? I'm just not seeing waiting another year for WAR neccessarily, or at least, I want something to play in the meantime :(.
There are also battlegrounds... or are they dismissable, hence your comment?
Battlegrounds are extremely repetitive. Everyone's already played them for years.
And the new battleground was a total failure since:
a.) It wasn't what anyone wanted(meaningful world PvP)
b.) It was worse than previous battlegrounds. Mixing A and B(wsg and AB) did not make it better than A or B.

So yeah, although you'll see some people grind honor in battlegrounds which will get you off slot PvP items that Arenas don't cover, overall they're a disappointment now. I mean, would you honestly want to play de_dust for 2-3 years straight?

So that leaves you with Arenas. There's a few of those, and like BGs, they're repetitive and essentially meaningless. You grind arenas to get better gear for the next season of arenas. There's not really a lot of meaning to any of it.

WoW world PvP was quite fun years ago, and imo would be worth picking up the game for(since everything else was pretty well done as well). But those days are dead since there's no incentive to world PvP anymore, and thus WoW PvP is developer and not player driven now. So while there is support for PvP, it's not really the right kind of support and imo the devs are clueless as to what they need to do to make the PvP meaningful and enjoyable(and challenging).
Thanks, Andrew... I guess I'll just have to be patient. I'm dying for a good new MMO to play :).
Haha, yeah, I bet :(. Thinking of Conan as another possibility as my next one instead of WAR still.
I remember long ago when 4 alliance guilds met 4 horde guilds at the crossroads and crashed Frostwolf server. :D
I played both pve and pvp servers. I hated pve servers because, well the pvp in all aspects sucked, there was 0 point in doing pvp, but it was great for just an overall gaming experience. The pvp server rocked hardcore. I killed horde every chance I got, and was killed by horde every chance they got. The ratio on my server was roughly 1:4 alliance to horde, so I had a great time. Only reason I did arena was for gear, and I farmed ssc and such just for nightly adventures with the guild.

I loved the pvp, nothing was more fun than going to horde camps and just picking on the horde around until they cried so much that the best guilds in the server would come. Sending 1-3 peeps at a time, I enjoyed killing everyone of them up until the numbers started getting a little to high for me and my group of 2-3 peeps...

Enjoyed my Lineage 2 pvp experience more though :D I had so many pvp kills <3
BC killed pvp. The world became to big to get people to care if UC was under attack. Even on pvp servers, not much world pvp/ganking happens anymore. Always some, but not much.

/WoW free for over a month now....getting the shakes still, but good month for other games.
/WoW free for over a month now....getting the shakes still, but good month for other games.

I've been WoW free for awhile now also (I was really, really hardcore into it...wasted 3 years of my life). I still get the urge to come back.

Basically the PVP is fun if you have a solid group of friends to play with and have fun (especially if u have great gear =] ). Overall it gets really repetitive though.
Played both WoW and daoc. (friars boon ftw btw)...... Played wow for 4 years now , I think you would find that even though the game is not balanced for 1v1's a skilled player can beat most odds. The feel of the pvp is totally different from rolling around in DAOC. Its not so much of a "hunt" if you know what i mean. Arenas are fun and can be very competitive with the right group of people. Aside from that nobody really logs in to PVP for battlegrounds unless its a double honor weekend for said battleground (meaning you earn double the points you usually would thus the incentive). Even in battle grounds the "objectives" make the pvp less about player - vs - player and more about PVE in a sense (especially true for AV the 40v40 BG).
You asked about catching up.........if you dont buy an account or get one from a friend, it is not going to be possible to catch up to current gearing standards to be competitive in arenas at any level (competitive i mean get to 1900+ rating and keep it) unless you 24/7 wow for a good 2 months to go from 1-70 and then to gear... even then thats asking a lot.

My advice if you are looking to pvp competitively ---- buy a character or forget about season 2 and 3 competition and play with your friends and enjoy the game.

I personally am looking towards WAR.........but wow has been fun to play despite what most people say after they quit. I think it has been one of the best mmo's I've played. (just sold my account last week)
Played both WoW and daoc. (friars boon ftw btw)...... Played wow for 4 years now , I think you would find that even though the game is not balanced for 1v1's a skilled player can beat most odds. The feel of the pvp is totally different from rolling around in DAOC. Its not so much of a "hunt" if you know what i mean. Arenas are fun and can be very competitive with the right group of people. Aside from that nobody really logs in to PVP for battlegrounds unless its a double honor weekend for said battleground (meaning you earn double the points you usually would thus the incentive). Even in battle grounds the "objectives" make the pvp less about player - vs - player and more about PVE in a sense (especially true for AV the 40v40 BG).
You asked about catching up.........if you dont buy an account or get one from a friend, it is not going to be possible to catch up to current gearing standards to be competitive in arenas at any level (competitive i mean get to 1900+ rating and keep it) unless you 24/7 wow for a good 2 months to go from 1-70 and then to gear... even then thats asking a lot.

My advice if you are looking to pvp competitively ---- buy a character or forget about season 2 and 3 competition and play with your friends and enjoy the game.

I personally am looking towards WAR.........but wow has been fun to play despite what most people say after they quit. I think it has been one of the best mmo's I've played. (just sold my account last week)

Oh really? I thought Amythest Slash pwnt for my Minstrel :p! My guild doesn't have a focused WOW presence,and my RL friends are all on different servers... (guild is Ice Dragons, you may have heard of them). I know most in the guild are looking toward Conan/WAR.

Yeah, I couldn't ever really play a bought character in any case. On WOW, I felt it would be way too difficult to catch up to actually be competitive at all, and the lack of a "hunt" didn't seem like it would bode well for my fun factor. I'm holding out hope for WAR or Conan still... :). I like the sounds of both, and Conan actually sounds REALLY good except for the no "open-field roaming" RVR aspect with a "hunt/being hunted" feel to it :(. I hope Conan turns out to be REALLLLYYYYY good, I love the look of the combat system on it.
there is generally fighting to be had on my server. any of the world pvp areas usually have something going on. only in the expansion areas though. not enough people have maxed out enough at lvl 70 to start leveling chars. that may change with the next patch though.
there is generally fighting to be had on my server. any of the world pvp areas usually have something going on. only in the expansion areas though. not enough people have maxed out enough at lvl 70 to start leveling chars. that may change with the next patch though.

I tried a PVP server first, but I couldn't get into the whole "I want to relax, and level some... OMG THERE'S AN ENEMY AHHHHHHHH GANKED BY A LVL 70!!!" thing. I like having distinct team-based areas that you choose to go into with persistent areas to capture/lose/defend/etc. I then tried a normal server, and eventually gave up... got to about lvl 40 each server, made a killing on the auction houses (about 1200 gold by that point on each of those 2 servers), and it seemed like the game was "easy", just long.
Thanks, Andrew... I guess I'll just have to be patient. I'm dying for a good new MMO to play :).

Omfg I so agree. I need a pvp based mmo so bad. I very much miss the oldschool terren mill vs southshore battles. Wow PCP sucks now compared to those days.

I'm so depressed that WAR is being pushed back. Guess I'll just stick with FPSs for now.
in patch 2.3 (the next one comming up) they are going to make soloing even easier. They are somewhat revamping all the old world instances to make them more attractive to actually go to. they are also reducing the time it takes to lvl by requiring less xp and giving more xp for questing.

Just roll a hunter. they are the easiest class to play and one of the most powerful.
They're just prepping for the release of TLK. If they left it as is, the time it would take to get from 1-80 would be close to probably a month longer than it takes to get from 1-70 for most players. So they are decreasing the amount of exp everyone will need up till 60. Thats at least what I heard. 60-70 should be the same with the increase of exp from 70-80. It takes me less than 10 days played to get from 1-70. I might start playing again when TLK is released lol... See how fast I can get 1-80.
in patch 2.3 (the next one comming up) they are going to make soloing even easier. They are somewhat revamping all the old world instances to make them more attractive to actually go to. they are also reducing the time it takes to lvl by requiring less xp and giving more xp for questing.

Just roll a hunter. they are the easiest class to play and one of the most powerful.

Don't roll a Hunter. Go to the Armory and check out some guilds, you will see that 90% have more hunters than anything else. there is no demand for a hunter in the End Game. you sit and watch the Looking for Group chat channel and you will never see anyone asking for a hunter, you look in the Looking for More tab of the group ap and you will se a hunter waiting for just about ever instance.
Yes Hunters are easy to play, yes Hunters have there Place in the game, and Yes theres plenty of them!
If you want End Game, you will want to roll either a Warrior, a Priest, a Mage, for the highest demand, or you can play a charactor that can either Tank or heal such as a Druid or Pally. Shamans have some demand for there healing abilities, next to last is the warlock, and then last is the hunter!
Generally WoW PvP is only satisfying if you are casual (it's a great way to get gear and enjoy the game on a casual level while still feeling relevent compared to everyone else) or if you for some reason are super into arenas, which few people are....

Played both WoW and daoc. (friars boon ftw btw)...... Played wow for 4 years now ,

Even if you were in the beta, you couldn't have played WoW for four years. Its third year anniversary is coming up later this month (according to wiki, on the 23rd of this month). The beta was only about six months.
Generally WoW PvP is only satisfying if you are casual (it's a great way to get gear and enjoy the game on a casual level while still feeling relevent compared to everyone else) or if you for some reason are super into arenas, which few people are....

Yeah :(... I want more than casual play, but I don't like arena PVP too much and especially not enough to be SUPER-HARDCORE-20-HOURS-A-DAY-OMG-MUST-BE-THE-BEST-OR-I-LOSE-ALL-MY-RANK into it.

I just spent awhile reading about Conan, which I've followed for a long time along with WAR... it looks exactly like what I'm searching for, from the sound of it. It appears that you CAN go out for world PVP in the Border Kingdom (Frontier) area and fight against people on "teams", it just depends on who's in your guild/alliance to determine what the sides are. Can anyone confirm I'm reading it right?

There's also the whole "PVP level" system that exists alongside normal PVE levels, and "blood money" like Realm Skill Points+Bounty Points in DAOC that let you pick and buy abilities and consumables/etc., not just replace your gear like in WOW, whether it came from PVE or PVP.

In addition, there are arenas for organized matches, and then sieges of the keeps that provide bonuses in both PVP/PVE to own and maintain. Also, obviously, duels :p.

Do I have the right understanding of how Conan is going to work on a "normal" server (i.e. not the FFA PVP or RPVP servers)?
I find WoW PvP fun only in moderation. It's like any first person shooter in that eventually someone or something is just going to piss you off. Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses, and since WoW PvP is basically balanced by the rock-paper-scissors method, it can sometimes be enfuriating depending on what class makeup the opposing team is.

Hunters are great classes, but like one of the previous posters said, there are just way too many of them. Each class has about the same percentage of morons, and since Hunter is probably one of the most played, you run into a whole lot more of them. Honestly, I don't think I've run into a single great Hunter that did his job exceptionally well while instancing. Most of them not only had a difficult time outdamaging our warrior tank, but they also did a poor job of crowd controlling. Eventually we just gave up and found it easier to just grab another dps to burn the mobs down faster.
Yeah :(... I want more than casual play, but I don't like arena PVP too much and especially not enough to be SUPER-HARDCORE-20-HOURS-A-DAY-OMG-MUST-BE-THE-BEST-OR-I-LOSE-ALL-MY-RANK into it.

I just spent awhile reading about Conan, which I've followed for a long time along with WAR... it looks exactly like what I'm searching for, from the sound of it. It appears that you CAN go out for world PVP in the Border Kingdom (Frontier) area and fight against people on "teams", it just depends on who's in your guild/alliance to determine what the sides are. Can anyone confirm I'm reading it right?

There's also the whole "PVP level" system that exists alongside normal PVE levels, and "blood money" like Realm Skill Points+Bounty Points in DAOC that let you pick and buy abilities and consumables/etc., not just replace your gear like in WOW, whether it came from PVE or PVP.

In addition, there are arenas for organized matches, and then sieges of the keeps that provide bonuses in both PVP/PVE to own and maintain. Also, obviously, duels :p.

Do I have the right understanding of how Conan is going to work on a "normal" server (i.e. not the FFA PVP or RPVP servers)?

I am with ya there. Conan has some very cool concepts, especially for PVP. I am married with a newborn and cannot play 20 hours a day like in college but I can devote 3-6 hours most nights, after the wife and baby go to sleep, and I am hoping Conan can fill that void. My current nightly PVP is DOTA with some friends. It's old but still fun.

I think you do understand how it SHOULD work on a normal server. As long as the PVP isnt like EQ2 I will probably be on a PVP server. EQ2 has way too much griefing due to higher lvl twinks. Of course that might be the age of the players that I always ran into:)
I remember long ago when 4 alliance guilds met 4 horde guilds at the crossroads and crashed Frostwolf server. :D

I remember long ago when 40 people in a small area crashed any server.:D
battle grounds suck IMHO, Av theres usually 2-5 people at least AFK. The fun PVP is in arenas and real world.
I am with ya there. Conan has some very cool concepts, especially for PVP. I am married with a newborn and cannot play 20 hours a day like in college but I can devote 3-6 hours most nights, after the wife and baby go to sleep, and I am hoping Conan can fill that void. My current nightly PVP is DOTA with some friends. It's old but still fun.

I think you do understand how it SHOULD work on a normal server. As long as the PVP isnt like EQ2 I will probably be on a PVP server. EQ2 has way too much griefing due to higher lvl twinks. Of course that might be the age of the players that I always ran into:)

Yeah, I'll have to decide between the normal and PVP ones closer to launch, but they both sound appealing. I'll likely go on a normal one. Time-wise, yeah, I have about 3-6 hours generally I could play an MMO in any given day myself, a far cry from the near-unlimited time of the past :p.
tiger, i saw a video of the pvp seige battle in conan...i wasnt really that impressed with what they showed there, looked like they took a few steps back in time as far as combat...what do they plan on introducing that is unique?

I liked the CG movie....that was sweet ass...but alas thats not gameplay :p.

And I agree I miss the feel of the hunt/hunted aspect of RVR, definately missing in wow.

I don't think its accurate to say wow is easy and long, its definately short compared to most games MMO's at least lvling wise!

Anywho .... /tapping fingers waiting for new mmo!
tiger, i saw a video of the pvp seige battle in conan...i wasnt really that impressed with what they showed there, looked like they took a few steps back in time as far as combat...what do they plan on introducing that is unique?

I liked the CG movie....that was sweet ass...but alas thats not gameplay :p.

And I agree I miss the feel of the hunt/hunted aspect of RVR, definately missing in wow.

I don't think its accurate to say wow is easy and long, its definately short compared to most games MMO's at least lvling wise!

Anywho .... /tapping fingers waiting for new mmo!

Combat in Conan is going to be using a different control scheme than other MMO's... basically you have to make contact with melee and essentially do massive, branching style-chains instead of just 2, 3, oops 2 missed, 2 again, 2, 3, 2, 3... over and over :). Ranged attacks/magic are going to require aiming in a small cone toward the enemies I believe, and again be different than just hitting 4 for Greater Refollication 5 for Heaven's Benediction :p, you chain them together with different effects inside of each spell and its followups it sounds like. It also has "sidesteps" to help manually dodge, and will allow for knockbacks, as well as no set swing timer, you choose when to swing for effectiveness. It will have different "battle stances" that affect these, too.

Looks kinda cool to me... other than that, the advancement system for PVP/PVE levels looks good, hopefully it has raid content and good end-game content that are both rewarding on each front like DAOC had. It certainly has enough backstory to draw from for the atmosphere. My major hope is that it's like DAOC 2, quite honestly, because that's all I really want :D.

EDIT: Just watched that trailer you mentioned (GC'07 one right?) and it was the lamest thing I have ever seen :p, but it really didn't show much of anything to judge off of.

EDIT2: Just watched the CG trailer now also, that one was good, but as you said, it's only CG :(.
Yep no fun early in Blizzard's WoW hardware setups. Frostwolf was called Crashwolf.
Don't miss WoW though. Was a blackhole for time.
BGs would be fun if they had like 5 maps per each mode. As it stands now, it's a total bore fest.
Hey there. I have been playing WoW since its release and have to say if you are thinking of playing strictly for pvp you might want to wait for another mmo as many have suggested. Battlegrounds are pretty formulaic in how they work and aside from the odd challenging warsong gulch match, I would say the real "challenge" would lie in arena matches. If you can find a good and reliable group of people to do any of the bracet sizes with you can have a pretty fun and rewarding time. IMO your main problem would be the gear difference between you and any player that has been playing BC for some time. Granted, the more pvp/raiding you do the better your gear will get, but I would imagine it would be very frustrating to jump right into pvp against even decently geared players.
One positive: The new patch (it's on test atm) is supposed to reduce the amount of xp needed to level from 30-60 and increase the amount of xp gained from quests, etc. So this would help you level a bit faster.

As many have been pvp is pretty much dead. The days of Tarren Mill/Southshore and the Crossroads are long gone. Warsong Gulch can be enteraining if you are in with a good group of people (all classes are equally useful in there I would say...the matces can get very cutthroat and exciting)...Arathi Basin has never been a favorite of mine, regardless, the objective is to control resource nodes and generate resources at a faster rate than the other's fairly fixed time wise as you generate a specific number of resoures depending on how many nodes you control. (Conversely, wsg games can last an indefinite amount of time). Eye of the Storm is kind of a hybrid combination of AB and not much to say there... Alterac Valley is no longer about's just a race to the enemy base to kill the general....It used to be fun. The nice thing about arenas is the matches are fast and you are usually paired with a team of about equal rating.
50% how much time you spend on getting your gear
50% what character you rolled vs what your facing (sometimes this one is 100%)

yeah i havent played wow in a year or so and im happy about it
you guys wanting pvp should give rf online a try, its free and its based on pvp and pvp race battles.