WOW this came out of nowhere

Sounds pretty promising and compare to SED or OLED, this is by far the best technology. Imagine a laptop without teh need of a screen? YOu can pretty much project your screen against something. Same with a mobile phone instead of using the tiny screen.

We'll just have to wait and see.
A 40" tv that has more detail than current hd plasmas, weigh less and use half the power for less than a grand...2 please.
One of the articles stated "half the price of a comparable plasma"...sheeeyyyyyeah right. :p Think Mitsubishi is a benovolent company who won't take advantage of being first out of the gate with a new superior technology? I had to wait nearly 5 years for plasma prices to become sane...I hope this doesn't take that long because it sounds very promising. (or maybe too good to be true?)
omg this means I'm going to have to put off my big screen purchase......BY ANOTHER FRICKEN YEAR!!!!! :mad:

Holy fuck, I bet we'll be seeing laser based computer monitors pretty soon as well since its so cheap to produce. On a sidenote though, I wonder if these screens will fuck with your eyes since they're lasers.


Pelaprat predicts that the new Laser TV, which is scheduled to be launched by the 2007 holidays, will be the death of Plasma TV. However, he said LCD TVs will still dominate the smaller-screen market.

That looks pretty sweet. Would love one to replace my 23 inch computer lcd.
Holy crap! And I was waiting for HDR displays, but damn these are badass!!

I can just imagine us buying a keyboard that projects a 24" widescreen display in front of us LOL!

Screw that! I want a 50" $1000 monit0r!!!11 :D