WTB: 40GB+ iPod


Aug 13, 2005
Basically upon hearing the iPhone 4 was not getting a storage bump I've been reduced to looking to other options, as I've been maxed out on storage on my phone for over a year since I first got the 32GB 3GS. Since the majority of my music listening is in the car and my car has a dedicated iPod charging cable that also directly accesses the library, throwing an iPod in the glovebox should work fine. (won't actually do that, I know it kills the battery).

Feel free to post the model, generation, storage size, and condition along with the price. Pictures also help! Feels very redundant buying one but until Apple is able to offer a cloud service where I can just access my music over 3G this will have to do. Look forward to doing business with one of you, always been a pleasure buying/selling with those who are [H]ard :D