WTB: Corsair PSU PCIe Power Cables

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Fully Equipped
Mar 26, 2008
I seem to have misplaced the bad of extra cables that came with my Corsair HX750 and now that I have a second HD6970 sitting here... I kinda need it. :p

I've contacted Corsair support who told me their Parts dept. would contact me and that was last week. Haven't heard from them. I've also PM'ed Redbeard with no reply. At this point i just want the cables!

Anyone have an extra set? I guess I would need two for another 6970.
honestly just bug corsair, call them and they'll expedite. i did this with my case and they were awesome
just FYI, not all the cablers are the same. the HX cables wont work with the AX for example.
if i were you i would use 2 adapters for now and then just bug them untill they respond.
yeah, you need to bug the crap out of them dude, I had to not only replace my powersupply that melted the 24pin, but also my damaged motherboard, and they sent the replacement with 3 day shipping. I have a feeling though ill never see the reimbusement money for the motherboard though. :(
I have 2 not being used from my HX750. PM me what ya think is a fair price and lets get ya xfired.
I have 2 not being used from my HX750. PM me what ya think is a fair price and lets get ya xfired.

I ended up hooking it up with adapters... I completely forgot about those, lol.

That will hold me over until Corsair gets back to me. Thanks everyone. :D
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