WTB: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150

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Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2005
hey all, i'm lookin to invest in a good tv tuner so I can record some of my favorite shows so I can watch them again whenever I want. I've done a little research and the Hauppauge looks like a good candidate. So I'm lookin to buy the PVR-150 (non-MCE version as I only run XP) from anyone that would be willing to part with it. Hopin to spend no more than 60 bucks, more or less, as the only good deal I can find at the moment is at CompUSA, which has it at 69.99 (after 10 instant and 20 mail in rebate), but i really don't want to be bothered with a MIR that'll give me 20 bucks in like 8 weeks unless I have to (the rebates are good until this saturday....). So if anyone has one, please PM me, IM me at Jericholic1227 or email me at jericholic1227 AT yahoo.com
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