WTB: Laptop around $250


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
I need a laptop for my wife's father, something around $250 for websurfing and very light gaming. Integrated wifi and a battery in good condition are required

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Why not just buy him a new netbook????
Many are around $300 now and would be new instead of used?
I have an Eee 10" screen and it runs Windows 7 like lightening.

Also look at Dell outlet.
Bump I looked. I picked up a Dell D420 on ebay for around that price for my father. Good luck with finding one.
For only $90 more ($340 delivered CONUS) you could buy my D630, for which I have a fs post. It would be easier on the eyes than one of the smaller netbooks. Also new enough with an Intel 2.0ghz c2d cpu, so it wouldn't be using old technology. ;)
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