WTB Skylanders characters


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 15, 2000
My son got the XboX game and a few of the characters, just looking for more.

I will leave heat.
Had to Google these. Do the physical little characters give you stats in the game or something?

Just curious. Kinda neat.

They keep their stats and like using extra characters in an RPG they have different characteristics and they keep their bonuses from system to system. Unfortunately they get tired and you need more and they didn't make enough to meet demand.
Toys R Us has shipments in every tuesday and Thursday from what I was told. My son got this for xmas too and he now has like 22 characters he bought with his Xmas money. This is like pokemon was back in the day. Are they all sold out in your area? If you need me to pick up some for you let me know, they tend to restock pretty frequently around here. Right now were looking for the troll character pack I think his name is boom boom.

I just cant believe the price gouging thats going on with these. So let me know if you need any I will see whats around.

This is the pack we're looking for.
well... I found the pack I needed. Bestbuy got a shipment today. Sad thing is that I already had to contact Activision customer service, since Boomer the main one my kid wanted has issues and doesnt work 1/2 the time. I would return it, but ofcourse they sold out. The cool thing is that they arent even asking me to send the bad one back they're just sending me a new one in the next day or so. So thats pretty good customer service, it should be since the price of this game with all the characters is insane! :)

I was also told that Target stores and Toys R Us stores are getting shipments tomorrow, so you might want to call around to your local stores tomorrow to check stock.