WTB: The Best AGP Video Card Possible

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Jun 22, 2004
Hey Friends,

Today I'm looking to purchase the best AGP, I repeat, AGP video card that I can get for 40-50$ shipped or around that price range.

I'm looking somewhere along the lines of a 6800GT or X800XTPE 256MB

I will be glad to pay first if you have around the same heatware as myself. If not we may work something out. Need something ASAP so let me know. It's an upgrade for a friend who has no money and would like to start playing WoW that I'm buying her for Christmas.

Please PM me here or email me at my email below, PMs are prefferred.

You are going to buy HER a present. Nothing makes love like max frames per second in World of Warcraft. I get hard just thinking about it. Those big shiny swords, maximum mana power, maximum frames per second, jumping through the forests together on majestic horses, O GOD I have to quit....I might wet myself.
The ATI Radeon 3850 AGP is the fastest AGP card ever made. Of course, for the cost of one you could buy a low end Core2Duo (E2200 or similar), a motherboard, 2-4GB of DDR2-800 and a 9800GTX that would absolutely destroy it in everything, so....
If you're looking for the best AGP card, then you'll want a Radeon HD 3850 AGP, like this one. If you'll be playing WotLK, then you'll need as much horsepower as you can get. Shadows and extended view distances are making even my GTX260 work harder.

EDIT: I should hit submit quicker.

The ATI Radeon 3850 AGP is the fastest AGP card ever made. Of course, for the cost of one you could buy a low end Core2Duo (E2200 or similar), a motherboard, 2-4GB of DDR2-800 and a 9800GTX that would absolutely destroy it in everything, so....

You can get a 3850 AGP for around $120. A 9800GTX alone is $100, tell me where I can get a motherboard, cpu and 2GB or RAM for $20 and I'll do whatever you want.
You can get a 3850 AGP for around $120. A 9800GTX alone is $100, tell me where I can get a motherboard, cpu and 2GB or RAM for $20 and I'll do whatever you want.

Prices have gone down, and I no longer keep up with / care about AGP cards. Sorry.

Still, considering you can get an entirely new, entirely superior system for ~$60-100 more (depending if you buy new or used parts) it's not the best deal. A 3850 is anything but quick by today's standards.
Thats nice but I'd like something around the 40-50$ range since it is a gift. I'd like an 6800GT or X800XT or something along those lines.

Also, does anyone know how much better a 7800GS is over the 6800 regular Vanillas?

Thats nice but I'd like something around the 40-50$ range since it is a gift. I'd like an 6800GT or X800XT or something along those lines.

Also, does anyone know how much better a 7800GS is over the 6800 regular Vanillas?


Well, you didn't give a price range originally and said you wanted the best AGP. So we tailored our posts to that. But good luck, I'm sure someone has what you're looking for, or at least can point you to a good deal.
Bump, will purchase something today via paypal so let me know what you guys have.

Thanks for all your help Ryan. Would you happen to know how the 7800GS is over the 6800Regular?
Bump, will purchase something today via paypal so let me know what you guys have.

Thanks for all your help Ryan. Would you happen to know how the 7800GS is over the 6800Regular?

There doesn't appear to be a large difference:


That's a very nice page for comparing video card specs. It won't create benchmarks on the fly but should give you some idea how various cards compare to each other in terms of raw power...

edit: I used the 6800GT for that link; the regular looks to be noticeably slower than the GT :(
GeCube X1950Pro 256meg. Fan is slightly noisy, other than that it is in perfect condition.
I'll let it go for $58 shipped via UPS.
^^^ good deal, and depending on the rest of your system this will likely be bottlenecked by your cpu anyway.
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