WTB: Whatchemacallit - partial car tarp snow blocking cover thing with bungees

The Red

Sep 13, 2006
Alright, I've seen this product but I have no idea what its called and I cant find it anywhere.

It is a tarp that covers a car partially and has bungees on it that hook into a car's wheel-wells so that when you need to get to work in the morning, you just remove the tarp cover to get rid of the snow and such and be on your merry way...

This thing basically just mostly covers the windows, but thats exactly what I need, as I hate scraping frost and removing snow from my car's windows.

It should come as no surprise that I live in Buffalo.

Does anyone have one of these things for sale or know where I can find one?
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I looked through those, the California Pop Tops are only partially water resistant and not available in 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix size, and the other things on there seem to only cover the front windshields...

I have a feeling I might end up buying a blue tarp, some bungees, and some metal clip-in holes and doing this thing DIY style. This WTB thread might turn into an evnetuall DIY guide...

now to find a way to "cauterize" the blue tarp edges after I cut a shape into it... if I'm not mistaken those tarps have material inside and I might have to sow the rim instead...

but if someone can help me avoid this DIY deal, I'd be grateful...
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