X19050Pro Woes


Limp Gawd
May 2, 2007
Alright, so my friend has me come down to his room and I look at this X1950pro, the fan is screwed so it doesn't work properly.

So the question is...what do you guys recommend for a cooler for this thing?
i've always been a fan of the his coolers on their iceq video cards. the closest aftermarket version of that cooler is this:


the only problem is that the fan plug is a molex so it won't plug into the video card fan connector. to be able to plug the cooler into the card you would need this:


while this all may seem like running around in circles, the end result is that the hot air generated by the card would be exiting the case. its also a lot like the cooler ati adopted for the x1950xtx. i've actually got this setup running on my x1900xt and cf master card.