X360: wired vs. wireless


[H]F Junkie
Sep 5, 2001
I outright stink at fps games on the X360 as I am used to a keyboard and mouse ..

that being said , is there any monumental differences with a wireless vs. wireless controller for the X360? .. (input lag etc...)

I ask because I have only used wireless controllers on my X360 and right now I am trying to plow my way thru Halo 2 and it just seems that there is a bit of lag in the controls whilst playing

I can't aim worth a poo so it could just be me I guess :p
theres no input difference, but i prefer the wired 360 controllers because they dont have a battery pack getting in the way :D
I have a wired & a wireless. I did a bit of testing, and I didn't notice any difference. I find I much prefer the wireless, because I hate cable clutter. Always tripping over it, etc.

You'll eventually get over the sucking with a controller bit. With time, it'll become second nature. I remember my first time trying to play a FPS on a controller - Halo. I was at a LAN party for the PC side of things, but people had some Xboxes set up, too. I joined in, and promptly spent the next half hour getting my ass kicked while I tried to figure out how to not stare at the ceiling :p. A week later, I got an Xbox and a copy of Halo, and went to another event. Now, I really don't care what platform I play on. Mouse and controller are equally fun to me. Some FPS games I like to play on the PC - like AA -, simply because a controller doesn't have all the buttons.
Wireless. Wires are annoying.

Especially when laying in bed; the wireless controller is a life saver. Plus, I recommend the quick-charge kit and not the plug-&-play kit. Plugging in a wireless controller EVER is annoying. Replacing the battery pack takes less then 5 seconds. $10 rechargeable AA batteries kit works too, but they're not as convenient to replace as MS' battery packs.
theres no input difference, but i prefer the wired 360 controllers because they dont have a battery pack getting in the way :D


Hate the positioning of the battery pack so use my wired pad more than my wireless one. I only bought the wired to use with my PC, but find it more comfortable generally to the wireless version.
I've spent minimal time using the wired 360 controller, but I didn't notice any different between it and the wireless one. I think the poor aiming is just you! :D Just kidding. You just have to keep practicing, and get use to it. I use to do a lot of FPS gaming on the PC, and still do, and it took a little bit to get use to the controller, but I have no problems using either setup, and enjoy both.
aiming , I always seems to over steer (so to speak) .. whiz past enemy with cross hairs then over correct ... I am getting pretty good at out lining whatever I'm shooting at with bullets now ... :rolleyes::p

Wireless is so much better. Much more freedom. I can't believe I never got a wireless controller for the Ps2. Wires feel so restricting

When my friend got 360 and I had to walk across his room, i still acted as if i was stepping over cables, but there were none. A little odd on my part.. Lol.
I have both wired and wireless, but i'm more or less forced to use the wireless. I have a cat that likes to chew wires, so that means I've got every piece of electronic equipment wire hidden. Wireless controllers, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, wireless steering wheel, wireless mic...

I dont see much, if any difference from wired to wireless. I just have to remember to keep all of my stuff charged for use.