Xbox One launch title plays itself :)


Oct 13, 2008

'Nuff said - QTE based game, but if you don't press anything, you still succeed. If you press the button in time, you get extra gory cutscene or more XP

Seriously.... It's even less challenging than my smartphone games, as they can be failed, and it seems that Ryse can't be failed. It looks like gaming will be even more dumbed down than it is now.
Microsoft understands that no one wants to buy their console, so they have no choice but to make games that play them self.
Saves time, you can go down the pub while the game beats itself.
I don't have a whole lot of time to play games like I'd like, so this is perfect for me. Now if Steam would just figure out a way to have my backlog of games play themselves we'd be on to something...
Yeah I was actually interested in this game until i found out what the gameplay was like.........................

Its more like an interactive movie
Interactive Video Game brings a whole new meaning for next gen, the game beats itself just pop it in and sit back and relax with your headset talking with your friends while the game does all the work for you
Interactive Video Game brings a whole new meaning for next gen, the game beats itself just pop it in and sit back and relax with your headset talking with your friends while the game does all the work for you

So you take a shitty Kinect game, and then remove all real interactivity. Profit?
I can't read the article at work, but from the conversation, it sounds like this is just the Quick Time Events?

If you're a crazy awesome gamer that wins at everything, it shouldn't mean anything to you; you're going to get through the QTE anyway. However, for people like me, who don't really care for the Quick Time Events and feel they bring nothing to a game -- I like it.
Microsoft understands that no one wants to buy their console, so they have no choice but to make games that play them self.

Microsoft doesn't own Crytek.

It might not be a bad game, but you'll mostly be buying it to show your friends and family the graphics. It's a tech demo disguised as a game. Nothing wrong with that. Every console launch since the PS2 has had these types of launch titles. Think about it. This doesn't make the Xbox One look bad... maybe it should make Crytek look bad a little... but honestly I think Microsoft just wanted Crytek to make them something really pretty looking, and if you want something pretty... you go to Crytek. I would reserve judgement until it drops to $20 in about 4 months after launch and then judge.
LOL! Just more evidence that the Xbone is more about watching TV than playing games, when one of the games is hardly more than a TV show.
LOL! Just more evidence that the Xbone is more about watching TV than playing games, when one of the games is hardly more than a TV show.

LMAO! Good god you are so right! RYSE is pretty much nothing more than another episode on... umm... what was that TV serie about ancient rome again that came out few years back?
I can't read the article at work, but from the conversation, it sounds like this is just the Quick Time Events?

The article focusses on the QTEs, and how if you don't execute them perfectly nothing bad happens. You just don't get the extra XP. I think the article is misleading, because it's not all QTE combat, and despite what some people are saying on here, it doesn't play itself. It's a hack-n-slash game, and those "QTEs" are used when carrying out executions, and earning more XP points to earn upgrades. Dan Stapleton, from IGN, described playing the game:

The melee fighting that began shortly thereafter felt very similar to Batman:ArkhamCity, with the basic principle being to strike with the X button and counter with the shield using the A button. I usually found myself facing at least two enemies at a time, which meant shifting directions with the left stick to block an attack and continue my attack flow. The main difference is that after landing a couple of basic strikes on an enemy a button prompt appears above his head - usually it’d be the B button icon - and when pushed something bloody happens.

Instead of incapacitating thugs with gadgets in the Batman style, you stab them through the neck with a Roman gladius sword. Or throw them on the ground and curb-stomp them. ...I asked how many we’d see in the final product. “Over 100,” promised the Crytek rep – an answer which left me feeling pretty good about the odds of being continually shocked by new and creative murders.

These executions aren’t quite quick time events, in that most of them are simply one-button prompts rather than a sequence, and failing them by pushing the wrong button usually still results in a dead barbarian, just with a smaller batch of experience points as a reward. That’s a good touch, since it does away with the frustration repetition of a mandatory sequence and lets the action continue.

I'm guessing when the "B" button shows up over their head, and you don't press it (to do the execution) you can still continue slashing away at them, until they die. I haven't played the game, so I don't know.
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