Xbox360.Xbox RPG?


Feb 19, 2004
Looking for an RPG game...

games i've liked in the past are

FF series
Tales of Symphonia
Chrono trigger/cross
breath of fire..

anything on the Xbox or Xbox360 taht would suite my taste?
There are a couple of rpgs coming in the near future (Blue Dragon etc..) but I really can't think of anything right now. I recently picked up Jade Empire (original Xbox game but compatible with 360) for cheap and really enjoyed's from Bioware, the same people who made the KOTOR games.
i have no idea what rpgs exist for the original xbox. the only rpgs that i know about on the 360 are enchanted arms and oblivion. blue dragon looks good. should be out some time this spring. also lost odyssey and mass effect will be out later this year as well. ;)
Enchanted Arms
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Final Fantasy XI
Infinite Undiscovery
Eternal Sonata
Cry On

I suggest you look them all up, they're either out or coming this year for the 360.

Also rumor has it Mystwalker (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyseey .. Microsoft Game Studios published games), bought the Chrono series licenses from SquareEnix and are going to be developing a new Chrono game for the 360.
I think he means RPG's as in Eastern-style RPG's. Like, ones that aren't first person dungeon and dragon-looking.

Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
Lost Odessey
Enchanted Arms

Those 4 are what you are looking for. Can't wait for Eternal Sonata myself.
Also rumor has it Mystwalker (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyseey .. Microsoft Game Studios published games), bought the Chrono series licenses from SquareEnix and are going to be developing a new Chrono game for the 360.

This could be the greatest piece of news in history.
Like it has already been mentioned, if you like the Final Fantasy series then you'd probably like Blue Dragon. Afterall, it's made by Hironobu Sakaguchi, who was one of the men behind the Final Fantasy games.
Also rumor has it Mystwalker (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyseey .. Microsoft Game Studios published games), bought the Chrono series licenses from SquareEnix and are going to be developing a new Chrono game for the 360.

My jaw literally just dropped, and I don't drop my jaw for just anything.
I never heard that rumor, but I HIGHLY doubt that it's true. If it happens then great! Another RPG for the Xbox 360, which it needs. It it doesn't happen, well I'm not the least bit surprised ;)
Square/Enix has to be smoking a lot of crack to sell Chrono* series license.

In other news, I hope Konami/Capcom bring the Tales of _____ series and the Breath of Fire series to X360. Those games have suffered too long on the limited PS2 hardware.
I very much doubt that square has sold the chrono license. It would be a huge item going around the net if it were true.
Also rumor has it Mystwalker (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyseey .. Microsoft Game Studios published games), bought the Chrono series licenses from SquareEnix and are going to be developing a new Chrono game for the 360.

If this happened, I would have to personally go out and buy all my friends Xbox 360s just so I could get them all to play Chrono Trigger 3 or whatever it'd be called. And then maybe I'll buy myself a second 360. And another copy of the game. You know. So I can play it twice at the same time. I'd probably not sleep until I beat it, and then I would curse at myself for having beaten it so quickly. And then I'd play it again and again and again.

Dude, I would do ANYTHING for this to happen...
As far as in the near-ish future, it looks like Blue Dragon is going to rock. I plan on purchasing an xbox360 just for this game when it comes closer to release (that and the 360 has the best racing games).
Well, Mistwalker has already had Akira Toriyama on board, and it's not like SquareEnix could do another true installment without him anyway.
Also rumor has it Mystwalker (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyseey .. Microsoft Game Studios published games), bought the Chrono series licenses from SquareEnix and are going to be developing a new Chrono game for the 360.

Mistwalker doesn't have the capital to purchase such a large and strong franchise... If anything, they would be developing it with SquareEnix publishing the title.

Well, Mistwalker has already had Akira Toriyama on board, and it's not like SquareEnix could do another true installment without him anyway.

Toriyama often does freelance work, he has done art for some recent Square titles aswell. He's no exclusive to Mistwalker...