XFX 5850 - $239.99 AR

Sweet price... does anyone know if the PCB is the reference design that allows for overvolting the GPU?
Yea I was thinking about going CFX but non reference design kind of kills the OCability and with 6xxx right around the corner it seems best to wait. Will probably just CF whatever AMD releases first :)
Only took them 11 months to get back down to something close to what they were at release.
it's actually too late now, no...?

the GTX460, 465, and 470 deals out there lately probably necessitated this move if they wanted to sell anymore...

not really, the only pressure to 5850 was the 460GTX. the 465 and 470 were kinda lemons compared to the 460 or the 5850. this is likely an attempt to clear out inventory for the 6800s.
470 is a lemon now?
yeah ok

lets see, how much have they had to drop the price on it? and 460GTX when OCed isn't very far behind it while being much cooler and quieter. so yeah, it and the 465GTX (H called it a green turd) are pretty well lemons compared to 460GTX and 5850.
The GTX 470 isn't a "lemon". Faster than an HD 5850, often matches or beats an HD 5870 and cooler and quieter can be remedy by a third party HSF like the ones from MSI, Zotac, Gigabyte and Galaxy. Some of the heavily OC'd GTX 460 1GB models are getting dangerously close to stock GTX 470 power consumption levels.