XFX 7900GS 550M?


Jun 7, 2006
I think I know the reason why the XFX 7900GS is such an overclocking beast. I ordered the XFX 7900GS the day after it came out from newegg. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150183
When it arrived I immediatley installed it and overclocked it to 580/1520 and it was totally 100% stable. While benchmarking I was looking at the box, and looking at the numbers "480M", I saw there were stickers there. After taking off the stickers I saw what it actually said:

XFX Geforce 7900GS 550M EXTREME

I assume that means that this card originally was going to be overclocked to 550MHz, making it by far the fastest 7900GS on the market. Maybe they changed it because they were worried about the yields with that kind of overclock, but apparantly I got one of the good ones. I'll get pictures once I find my digital camera. :(

EDIT: if you look close enough at the box from the review @ [H], you can see the two stickers on the 4 and the 8.
Well maybe XFX is just trying to avoid having super clocked cards that will sooner or later go bad at those insane speeds.
I'm awaiting my own box this week so when i get it, i'll check this...
I must admit after reading the reviews I am very impressed with the overclocking ability of this video card. I need to get my hands on one so I can crank it up...(wouldnt tell XFX about the overclocking as that can void the warranty).

As promised, I checked the package when I got my hands on it today and indeed, there is a sicker "48" hiding "55" so I guess XFX realized the yields isn't good or the market isn't going over 500 MHz and avoid a too big price premium.
Xilikon said:
As promised, I checked the package when I got my hands on it today and indeed, there is a sicker "48" hiding "55" so I guess XFX realized the yields isn't good or the market isn't going over 500 MHz and avoid a too big price premium.

is it the same PCB as a 7900GT?