XFX Gets Boot from NVIDIA

nVidia's demise means one thing for us, the consumer. The end of valid competition. AMD will be the sole provider for graphics, and that scares me. I love AMD don't get me wrong, but no competition means we purely play by their rules (and pricing schema).
You have a real good point......they really don't have a good relationship with anyone right now. Interesting to see what happens down the road- would Intelvidia anyone? LOL

heheh, you would think at least they would work with Intel in order to gang up against AMD in some way. I guess warring against your enemies AND you're enemies' enemies is more desirable.
Ugh, is this how people are going to remember BFG? BFG sunk BFG. Not NVIDIA.

I don't get this. Kyle said the same thing, but didn't BFG state they were unable to procure parts from Nvidia? That Nvidia cut them out of the loop?
Oy, time to sell my nvidia stock this looks bad, real bad. I heard nvidia even gives a whole 3 years compared to the lifetime warranty or double lifetime warranty most cards give... not to mention best buy, yeah this has fail written all over it.
Oy, time to sell my nvidia stock this looks bad, real bad. I heard nvidia even gives a whole 3 years compared to the lifetime warranty or double lifetime warranty most cards give... not to mention best buy, yeah this has fail written all over it.

Economy man, it's all manufacturers considering where they can make cut backs. As far as I know none of the Evga Fermi series have lifetime warranties.
I don't get this. Kyle said the same thing, but didn't BFG state they were unable to procure parts from Nvidia? That Nvidia cut them out of the loop?

yes they said it but that doesn't make it so. even johnny said it was BFG fault. bad management all round.
I don't get this. Kyle said the same thing, but didn't BFG state they were unable to procure parts from Nvidia? That Nvidia cut them out of the loop?

When BFG cannot pay for a few thousand GT200b or G92 parts they ordered from NVIDIA and had to send the shipment back, why would NVIDIA risk highly allocated Fermi parts when the time came?
I think he meant out of the big 3 name brands. BFG, EVGA, and XFX were considered the "elite" brands offering step up programs, lifetime warranties, and real customer service.

Zotac has a lifetime warranty and they don't have a problem with you installing aftermarket cooling as long as you don't physically damage the card in the process.

Did XFX ever even make any Geforce 400 series cards? I thought XFX left Nvidia months ago and this is just a formality on Nvidia's part.
When BFG cannot pay for a few thousand GT200b or G92 parts they ordered from NVIDIA and had to send the shipment back, why would NVIDIA risk highly allocated Fermi parts when the time came?

Ah, wasn't aware of that.
Same. Interesting how these go full cycle.
3dfx was pretty strong when they went this route, and if I recall this decision was part of the demise in combination with having a product line that was delayed.

Yep. As I recall, integrating STB into their business took resources away from developing the Napalm generation (Voodoo 4/5) cards, and delayed them to the point that they were no longer competitive when launched.

nVidia's demise means one thing for us, the consumer. The end of valid competition. AMD will be the sole provider for graphics, and that scares me. I love AMD don't get me wrong, but no competition means we purely play by their rules (and pricing schema).

There are some small similarities here, but I think it is too early to say that Nvidias fate is the same as that of 3DFX.

Fermi - while delayed a bit - is a very good product and very competitive with the radeon 5xxx series cards. I think it is still possible for them to catch up and get some parity with ATI/AMD with the plans we hear about a Fermi+

Yields are reportedly up on TSMC's 40nm process, so it may be possible that we'll see higher clocks as well as boards with the full 512 stream processors in the near future.

I certainly hopoe this is the case, as having real competition in the GPU market benefits everyone...
After reading the article about nvida going retail at bestbuy, I'm less concerned with XFX at this point than I am with EVGA. EVGA without GPU's doesn't sound like a good combination.

If rumours about a" purchase of nV" are even remotely true, this could be a move to increase the value of the company, making such a purchase more difficult for the buyer, and more profitable for nV.

In that regard this makes ALOT of business sense, IMHO.
I think BFG was just poorly managed towards the end. They did something to piss of NVidia and ended up losing their chip allocation which pretty much ended them.

XFX has been doing moderately OK from my understanding. But they started double dealing with AMD which NV probably didn't like much (since XFX was a flagship NV vendor). Moving into the arena themselves probably saw it as a valuable opportunity to "make an example" of XFX and push them out.

NV has made a rather gross series of missteps the past few months. I ended up jumping ship to an XFX 5850 (which i'm enjoying thus far).
Huh? Gigabyte, Asus, Palit, Galaxy, Inno3D, MSI, Sparkle, Zotac...
Quite the opposite, actually.

Exactly... I mean who doesn't let go of their prized stallion(s) first. What are we (the consumers) thinking? :rolleyes:

And who the hell is Zotac? First time I ever heard the name...
Does nVidia just like to be at odds with everyone? They mess with AMD (of course), Intel, gamers (ex. Batman AA and no PhysX with AMD card), and now their partners? It's like the Germans who like to fight on all fronts.

Who's next? Game devs? lol

They've also publicly called out TSMC and called for zero via defects or something like that. Seems they're intent to be at odds with companies both higher up and lower down in the supply chain.

I wouldn't mind seeing them drop to 40% market share or something like that. Hopefully that would stop Nvidia from being arrogant and expecting everyone to cater to them and instead get their ass in gear.

I don't want Nvidia dead, I want Nvidia competing with products rather than trying to muscle everyone around.
Exactly... I mean who doesn't let go of their prized stallion(s) first. What are we (the consumers) thinking? :rolleyes:

And who the hell is Zotac? First time I ever heard the name...



ZOTAC International Limited (Zotac) is a computer hardware company based in Hong Kong producing consumer electronics in the form of motherboards (primarly in Mini-ITX and Mini-DTX form factors), Mini PCs, Nettops, and Nvidia based graphics cards. The company is part of the PC Partner Ltd group and employs over 6,000 people worldwide with its headquarters situated in Hong Kong and 40 surface mount technology (SMT) manufacturing facilities in mainland China
nVidia's demise means one thing for us, the consumer. The end of valid competition. AMD will be the sole provider for graphics, and that scares me. I love AMD don't get me wrong, but no competition means we purely play by their rules (and pricing schema).

Yeah, I remember when Fermi was going to 'come out soon' and the 5870 launched at $379, while the 5850 launched at $259. Then boom, Fermi delayed, and in a rare event for computer videocards the 5870/5850 actually had their MSRP raised. Soon we had 5870s selling for well over $400, and 5850s selling for nearly as much as the 5870 had before. Not only that, but prices didn't really budge one inch downward until Fermi finally came out.
You know, usually I'm in favor of cutting out the middle man, but I have this nagging feeling that this will not result in lower prices. Instead, I'm afraid that everything will be hard set at MSRP with little to know add in bonuses, and a poor warranty.
Exactly... I mean who doesn't let go of their prized stallion(s) first. What are we (the consumers) thinking? :rolleyes:

And who the hell is Zotac? First time I ever heard the name...

Zotac's quite popular among the HTPC and small form factor crowd with their ION platforms for Atoms and Core processors. Their motherboards' footprints are small, they're generally very reliable and well built, and they're very well configured and priced.

I think it's a combination of factors. Nvidia's execs look down the road and don't like what they see. So they feel they need to get more presence out there. This could be due to market share, potential lack of income, or needing to make better friends on a first name basis with large retailers.

Whatever nvidia sees, it obviously isn't to concerned about its friends. What does that mean for it's partners? If you're not selling ATi, you better hurry. If you're an ally of nvidia this isnt a good sign.

I think it's likely that nvidia sees a lot of money to be made, a way to increase their market share, and a way to sweeten the pot should a buyer come looking (intel).
Nvidia selling straight from retail. Didn't 3dfx do something similar? It's been so long. I can't remember.
I think it's likely that nvidia sees a lot of money to be made, a way to increase their market share, and a way to sweeten the pot should a buyer come looking (intel).

That makes sense to me Wix... the question is when will Intel scoop up Nvidia... after a huge market correction this month perhaps?...
EVGA isn't going anywhere, look at their corporately sponsered folding team, that's a feather in nVidias hat.
Not going anywhere if Nvidia decides not to expand it's retail base, or decides to limit supply for other reasons.
I thinking this action is beacause xfx is double agent a favor to ATI, go for EVGA is the company of grafics card, absolute support to you...
PNY has a lifetime warranty if you register your card with them.

You might want to read what exactly PNY means by "lifetime" because it is not what you think it is.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
My first card was a 6600GT, made by XFX.

I have since bought 4 more cards, including my 260 GTX, and have directed at least 6 friends to buy from XFX.

My loyalty and my recommendations won't change... so, it looks like my cards in teh future will be radeons.
god nvidia do some dumb shit. they're probably just all butthurt that XFX has been selling ati cards too. and probably making more of a profit at it.
PNY has a lifetime warranty if you register your card with them.

Kyle mentioned you might want to take a look. I'll speak from experience first hand so you hopefully never recommend or buy the junk they sell, lifetime my @SS!!

So I purchased a card for my mom's pc a few years back, got a good deal on one via newegg I think it was if I remember right. Registered the card in my name, since I'm tech support for most everyone I know. The fan dies on the card 6months after she has the card, hmmm no problem just phone in for an RMA I tell her, or so I thought.

I give them a call, after 25-30mins of them searching for where I registered the card they find it. Then they proceed to tell me that the "Lifetime warranty" that I supposedly had is only good for the "products life cycle". I bought the card right before the 7600 series came out, it was a 6600GT, since the new cards were out, the warranty was no longer good.

Not even a years warranty on a card that I had a receipt for etc. I spoke to two other people supposedly higher level management and they gave me the same spill. So I informed them that I would never purchase another product from them again and would discourage everyone I come in contact with to do the same.

I've posted a few times here on [H] about them when people have complained about them. I wouldn't buy a PNY product if it was the only thing available, honestly I'd do without and quit the hobby I love.

Sorry, /rant off, hate PNY!!!!!! :mad: