Xonar Essence STX problem


Apr 16, 2002
Hey guys,

Just built a new system and put a Xonar Essence in it. The problem I'm having is that everything sounds "3D" when using headphones....I can't stand it.

I've turned off all effects that I can find, and don't have Dolby headphone enabled at all. I've also selected "plain" under effects, and I have no DSP enabled.

This is really annoying me. I just want a flat, stereo sound, and right now, I'm considering returning this card....I still favor the flat audio I could get with my old Audigy 2ZS.

Any idea how to stop this "3D" sound?

Card: Asus Xonar Essence STX
Headphones: Sennheiser HD555
Connection: Rear headphone-amp jack.
3D sound? I think most of us would call it good audio. You're ears have been ruined by bad sound. Let them adjust! :p

(are you sure everything is default?)
You need to enable HF (Hi-Fi) mode in the control panel to bypass all DSPs, EQs, and effects and get completely neutral sound.
Thanks m3ta, I'll try that. It seems a little counter intuitive to turn something on to get rid of effects so I hadn't tried that...
Uncheck the more button next to the effect drop down menu. You turned the room size effect on...
Thanks for the suggestion, Silverghost. I had already done that, but thanks for pointing it out. The software interface for this thing is terrible....I wish they skipped the 90's style window dressing and just made it a normal control panel or windows app.
I'm not aware of the C-media panel...are you talking about using it with this card? or are you talking about using it with built in mobo sound, or another sound card entirely?
I don't find the c-media panel any better. The default Xonar Audio Center panel works just fine IMO. You just have to understand what all the different options mean. Nor does the c-media panel add hotkeys or anything to change DSP effects without having to open the panel anyways.

The only time you should have any DSP's activated is when you want surround. Otherwise just hit the hi-fi button and everything will be shut off for when you just want untouched stereo.