XP-90/120 owners


Jun 23, 2004
I just got my xp90 and noticed that where the heatpipes start at the base theres barely any contact between them and base and fins. Is it like that on everyone elses heatsink?


So anyway i was thinking of filling up those holes with solder, do you think thats a good idea?
i have a xp-120 havent installed it yet since im waiting for my fan. mine has that too.
heat pipes are really sensitive... you could damage it by filling it with solder.. other thing is heat pipe...plus heat... youd never get it hot enough to melt solder.. if you did get it in there it wouldnt be stuck to heat pipe the heat pipe is supposively welded on
I switched from a sp-94 to a xp-120 and definitely regret it. I wish it had a mounting solution like the sp-94 and more copper because it once again is lacking the mass of the sp-94. Bigger is NOT always better. I would also say no to the soldering.
I agree, soldering might not be a good idea.

What about filling it up with Arctic Silver Thermal Epoxy?
moep said:
What about filling it up with Arctic Silver Thermal Epoxy?
excelent idea! if it does nothing ohwell.. not like airs gonna do anything either
Mine is like that. I think the gap only occurs at the ends where they have pinched the heatpipes closed. They should have very good contact over the core, where it matters. As the ends are pinched down, they contain no "volatile fluid" and hence have minimal heat transmission value. I doubt adding thermal paste there would have any benefit, but if it makes you happy, then buy all means please do it!

I love this heatsink BTW. Sooo pretty.
I just got a response from thermalright(they work on sunday?) they said the performance gain will be very little, less then 0.2C if i fill it with solder.
My xp-120 is like that, I haven't even tried to fit it yet (waiting for my papst), but it looks like the actual core will not be in the centre of the sink, but probably over towards the other side, where the pipes actually come out (between the arms that hold the clips).
So there's a good few centimetres of pipe going over to the crimp side before you get to the gap.

I can't imagine that there's much more benefit to be had at that end.
i dont regret my xp-120.. my cpu was 53c idle and my load god i dont even wanna post.. having xp-120 my idle has dropped 8c.. loading dropped alot.. system drop its temp 5c.. i guess im one of the lucky ppl. :D
my XP90 rocks the house, i had an SLK948 and it was nothing compared to an XP90 with a 92MM fan