XP help.


Limp Gawd
May 29, 2007
I just did a fresh reinstall of XP, and for some reason the automatic updater wont update itself to SP2. Ive been looking all over the Microsuck download center and i cant find what im looking for. Can somebody give me some help...its kind of frustrating, ive never had this happen to me before.
To be honest, you really don't want to go through the trouble of an SP1 to SP2 upgrade, and then do an SP2 to SP3 upgrade on top of that, if that's what your aim is: to end up with XP SP3 installed nice and clean.


That's the Microsoft direct download link for XP SP3's "network" installer, 316MB. Download that, install it from your hard drive, and you should be good to go.

The absolute best course of action is creating yourself a new installation CD that has XP SP3 on it when - an integrated XP SP3 installation disc so you never ever have to do all this updating crap again (as I don't think we'll be seeing an SP4 for XP ever). There are guides on how to use a tool called nLite that will do a simple 3 step procedure to make the integrated SP3 disc:

1) Integrate SP3 into your old XP SP1 installation files on the hard drive
2) Create a CD ISO for burning
3) Burn the disc


This all depends on what precisely you want to accomplish, however...