XtracPads Ripper XXL desk mat?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2008
Just thought I'd post a few general questions before I get this thing. First off, I'm going to be using a SteelSeries 6Gv2 keyboard and a new mouse (not determined :p) with it. I basically want something to keep the keyboard stationary. I then found this thing that'll keep the keyboard in its place and at the same time offer plenty of room for the mouse all while possibly being relatively comfortable (I don't like palm rests, so maybe it's a decent compromise between those and the bare desk).


a) Do you own it? Something like it? Recommend it? Hate it?

b) For mouse work, how do you like cloth next to hard surfaces? I already have a RatPadz XT, but it's become uncomfortable and I find myself 'straightening' it out over my knee occasionally. I'm happy with vacuuming/washing but any surface involving oil just sounds like a hassle to me. Is it as bad as I imagine?

c) Having an all-in-one desk mat for the keyboard, mouse, and extra room seems like a great idea so I'm left only having to adjust one surface, as opposed to separate keyboard mats and mouse pads that move around much more easily. On the other hand, do you find it getting in your way?

Thanks a bunch! :)
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I use the 11x14 Xtrac Ripper and love it for the mouse. It doesn't move unless I move it too.
Mine is about 3 years old I think and I bought a second one recently to replace this one which still has some life in it.
I use my computer about 8-10 hours/day