Yahoo + News Corp. = Lame Ploy to Get Higher Bid

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Wired isn’t buying into all the hype around the supposed – Yahoo talks. Matter o’ fact, they just so happen to think that it is a ploy to get a higher bid out of Microsoft. Kind of hard to argue with their reasoning. What do you think?

Although News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch (right) has shown a keen interest in the internet -- as evidenced by his $580 million acquisition of MySpace -- we remain highly skeptical of the reports. Buying a stake in Yahoo is a pretty pricey way for News Corp. to grow its online presence.
Yea I've been figuring for awhile now. For the offer Microsoft was throwing down and to reject it, they seem pretty high on themselves. Granted, nobody probably likes folding to Microsoft but Yahoo doesn't look to be in that great of shape, figuratively speaking. I seriously hope something happens and Yahoo tanks.
Yahoo pretty much spit on MS with them not taking so long to back off from the bid. This just seems to be Yahoo trying to get MS attracted again when they realised no one else out there wanted to buy them.
Yep, MS should just say ok, piss off then and retract the bid and tell em good luck. Then, when Yahoo is down even further and they come crawling, put in an even lower bid.
MSFT should just walk away. Yahoo is a mishmash of poorly branded, confused online offerings with no direction. To walk away from such a premium offer is sheer idiocy. MSFT can wait.