Yet another, Help! I'm torn between two cameras


Aug 23, 2005
It's time to upgrade from my way old Nikon 3100 and I'd like to start taking some wildlife/outdoor photos as well as some basic macro stuff for digital artwork and textures. I absolutely can't do a proper SLR due to weight/space issues when I hike/backpack so I have been looking at two cameras:

Fujifilm FinePix S8000fd (I had also been looking at the older s700)

Kodak EasyShare Z8612-IS

I really like the Kodak due to the size and look but I just don't know as I'm normally a Canon or Nikon guy. The Canon S5 IS is just not doing it for me for some reason, and the G9 is too expensive and not enough zoom. Nikon is a bit too pricey and limited. I had high hopes for the new Olympus 570UZ but it seems like a loser now that it's out. Any help is appreciated.

I've had lousy experience with kodak cameras.....went on a trip half way around the world with a little Kodak Easyshare P&S and the thing crapped out on me on the second day and had to send it back for repair when I got back.....I switched to DSLR (nikon d40) and couldn't be happier.

I know you said you had to stay away from DSLR.....but check out the olympus e420....its pretty damn small and not a bad camera to boot.
I have had bad luck with Kodak and Nikon P&S cameras, I would rather stick with Canon, Fujifilm, Olympus in the P&S market personally.
I think that Kodak cameras are made to be sort of idiot friendly and so the build quality on them is not as great. I like the canons, but i have also had a fuji that was awesome before i bought my 40D
Canon 870IS or save up for the G9. Fuji f50fd is pretty good and cheap.