Yet Another Major Game Leaked

The Batman

Jul 20, 2004
NEWPORT BEACH, CA (October 22, 2004) - Interactive entertainment developer and publisher inXile entertainment today announced that it is considering some form of leak of The Bard's Tale, its eagerly anticipated action-role playing game (RPG), as a strategic plan to follow a growing trend among Triple A games.

"The Bard's Tale is a highly original game in the same category as a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 so we feel some sort of leak that sounds similar to what they have experienced may be the next logical step in our launch plans," said Brian Fargo, founder and CEO of inXile entertainment. "Of course we would immediately condemn the leak and make every effort to stop it if we proceed with it."

"In The Bard's Tale, our main character, The Bard, is an opportunist always interested in getting goods at a discounted rate so we feel he would applaud some sort of leak," said Matt Findley, president of inXile entertainment.

It's unclear how the leak will be handled, if implemented. Pirated or unauthorized playable game code would not actually be made available over the internet or otherwise but the full version of the game could be attained by game enthusiasts at major retail outlets as early as October 26th 2004.

For those wishing to help track down any potential thieves of The Bard's Tale, inXile is proactively offering the following advice: If anyone finds information on websites with links to unauthorized downloads, information, scans or videos, please contact us at [email protected].

Ah man these guys are brilliant. It sucks that I gotta wait for the PC version of Bard's Tale. I might just break down and buy it for PS2 though.
Wasn't The Bards Tale released 10+ years ago? Or is this a remake?
Never heard of this game.....Guess I will chech out the screenshots...
LOOOL i love the bard's tale-type sense of humor.

The Bard's Tales are super-oldskool rpg's. I can't wait for the updated game, grabbing it for xbox i think.
The first Bard's tale was release in 84 or 85.

It isn't a remake because they couldn't get the rights to it, but it is supposed to be a fresh and non-clichéd take on RPGs. With Cary Elwes(The Dread Pirate Roberts) as the lead whose only interest is the pursuit of coin and cleavage. You know, just like real life.
The point of the first post was that InXile was poking fun at Rockstar, Valve, and Bungie, since they're releasing some of the most high profile games this year and they've all suffered from some kind of code theft or leak. InXile (in jest) was saying, "Well, if all the popular games are getting leaked, maybe we should leak ours too." As if the leaks for GTA, Halo, and HL2 were all publicity stunts.
Acceptable_Risk said:
The point of the first post was that InXile was poking fun at Rockstar, Valve, and Bungie, since they're releasing some of the most high profile games this year and they've all suffered from some kind of code theft or leak. InXile (in jest) was saying, "Well, if all the popular games are getting leaked, maybe we should leak ours too." As if the leaks for GTA, Halo, and HL2 were all publicity stunts.

Woosh right over my head, but I guess thats expected when I dont read the post. =)
That's pretty much the point I made in the GTA-SA leak thread. I think it is a marketing gimmick. I think the developers do it on purpose because it becomes free advertising. If people get the game, they'll tell their friends about it, acting like salesmen. Theoretically, there isn't going to be more piracy, as the people that will get the game in advance are going to do it, be it before or after the release. Just because it's available early doesn't mean MORE people will steal it.
So, wheres the full hl2 leak?
Holy thread resurrection! And this wasnt even a thread worth resurrecting... :rolleyes:
saturnine2 said:
Holy thread resurrection! And this wasnt even a thread worth resurrecting... :rolleyes:

i was looking around the forum for some Bard's Tale threads and this is the only one i found...

BTW. Bard's Tale has some sort of problem with Geforce Cards and Particles. The game gets slow as hell...

Found a sort of fix. If anyone's interested...
When a thread is this old, just start a new thread. Way easier.

ok, you did.
Bard's Tale was THE RPG back in the day. But we are talking 9600 b modems not even 56k modems. And 2 meg of RAM was a lot. Man I am getting old when people here don't know what Bard's Tale is...:eek:
operaman said:
Bard's Tale was THE RPG back in the day. But we are talking 9600 b modems not even 56k modems. And 2 meg of RAM was a lot. Man I am getting old when people here don't know what Bard's Tale is...:eek:
same here