"You WANT Peggle? Go screw yourself!"

lol I really wish I had something to funny but that was just perfect. Halo = Desk to the face!
This also just took any lingering doubts about the game out of my mind, what few I may have had.
I've been on the fence about this game for a while now. Part of me likes what I've seen over the months part of me thinks this will get repetitive and boring. Any demo planned?
I've been on the fence about this game for a while now. Part of me likes what I've seen over the months part of me thinks this will get repetitive and boring. Any demo planned?

from what i've heard any demo wont be out till after the game is released :(

im like you, i think the game could be a blast but im afraid Ill gte sick of it to quickly. One thing that really bugs me is the loot system, I dont want to lose out on awsome weapons cause someone else runs to the chest while im busy.
i wish i liked fps games... its bad enough i dont play on consoles, even worse i dont play 80% of pc games made either.
God DAMN that was hilarious! And I even like Peggle, lol! I like his version of motion control.
I couldn't get over the fake mustache. Looked more like a piece of fake poo.
ah, I love the "MAINSTREAM'D" overlay that flashes on the sceen. They have come up with some damn funny stuff regarding this game, rivaling the TF2 intro's (IMO)
I thought it was hilarious, though I do wonder if it was something IGN did in-house (which wouldn't surprise me, I guess) or that Gearbox signed off on.
Am I really the only person that cringed the whole way through?

Hardly surprising, I guess. I am a cut above.
Am I really the only person that cringed the whole way through?

Hardly surprising, I guess. I am a cut above.

I felt that way, too... Until he slapped that girl...

I admire any man who knows how to handle a woman...
The desk slam and the wired(lol wired) 360 controller takedown were the best to me.
Is it strange that this advertising/parody actually makes me want to look into this game now as opposed to those lame Halo commericals on TV? I really do want to check it out, now.
is cut above the new code word for douche? I gotta start going to those meetings.

No, it's an existing and well-established code for "not a simpering mongoloid".

And yeah, you should definitely join up, the more the better.
i bought the 4pack for myself and 3 friends. co-op RPG = awesome. almost unlimited guns = awesome. art style = awesome.

only thing i didnt like about the vid was the console...shoulda been on a PC and had those ppl trying to figure out how to use a mouse and keyboard and then "MAINSTREAM'D" em
Ahhh... so you're a mongoloid that DOESN'T simper...

Let's not derail the nice man's thread now, yeslad?

One thing I'll give this video is that it reminded me of this game when all I remembered of it was some vague pre-release footage I saw months and months ago. At least I know what it's called now, even if the video almost turned me off anything these people ever produce.
Kind of OT but still deals with Borderlands, don't know if people has seen this or not but OXM has reviewed it.

Borderlands is great but not for everyone. It's narrowly aimed at a certain type of player, and
if you love fierce combat and the kind of group level grind that Blizzard's PC games specialize in, you'll feel right at home. [Dec 2009, p.66]
I seem to remember the FEAR2 development team making all kinds of cocky and funny videos during it's development also, and we all know how that that game turned out.

It was a pretty funny vid, but I'm not really interested in a fps/rpg hybrid. I'm interested in an fps that doesn't suck.