you want this

Don't get your panties wet just yet folks, I highly doubt that keyboard is real. You all are looking at marketing pictures. At best, from what we've seen, these people are graphic artists and nothing more.

I'd wait until we see some real life pictures, not this rendered crap.
this is only a concept at the point...lots of potential problems.. I still prefer the regular keyboard...
XOR != OR said:
Don't get your panties wet just yet folks, I highly doubt that keyboard is real. You all are looking at marketing pictures. At best, from what we've seen, these people are graphic artists and nothing more.

I'd wait until we see some real life pictures, not this rendered crap.
actually, they do industrial design.
ryanrule said:
actually, they do industrial design.

And after going through most of their site, they look to be good at it, too.
If they ever get anyone to make this, I hope they'll design the software for it themselves.
(Just look at their SPM analysis program. Nice and orderly.)

I'll be holding onto my 105-key AT keyboard for a while longer, though.
Then when the keys begin to short out one by one you'll be wishing you had the reliance of a $10 dollar keyboard. I definitly see potential as a thing in the future, but not for quite a few years.
You would probably only be able to get it with an iMac or something anyway :)

Wow! A <REAL> programmable keyboard! :eek:

Any chance i can get one for 10 bucks? :D
I'd definitley be all over this keyboard if it had a decent price and was reliable. Definitely a good concept.
i would love to see those go into production just for the fact that it would be an instance of a company taking a risk to advance technology

but i cant see it being in a sub $2000 price range
I want that right now. Then when i play a game like americas army that has so many damn commands, i will know where and what all the keys do :)
That would be cool to have, but i can forsee some reliability issues that would really suck if you dropped $200 on one.
kick@ss said:
I'd get one if it was like $100-$120.

Absolutely. I mean, some regular keyboards are upwards of $50 already and aren't nearly as customizable.

The only way, though, that I could see myself getting one is if they had premade setups for the keyboard. The last thing I'd want to do would be to go through and do everything myself. Or, at the very least, have a repository of setups contributed by users, like Logitech does for their gamepads.
i had an idea for this type of keyboard last year but if they can get that to the consumer market i'd be all over it like white on rice :D shit is hot
indeed, if they can make the key configs into some kind of map file so user can config them through a GUI interface and then save it..or the manufacture can supply different setups and provide for download. I can certainly see this might be the next gen of keyboard.

I like the OLED display, looks cool but they really need to come up with a efficient powering source or else just the rechargeable battery alone might cost you $100-$200 range.
silvscorp said:
indeed, if they can make the key configs into some kind of map file so user can config them through a GUI interface and then save it..or the manufacture can supply different setups and provide for download. I can certainly see this might be the next gen of keyboard.

I like the OLED display, looks cool but they really need to come up with a efficient powering source or else just the rechargeable battery alone might cost you $100-$200 range.
this would deff have to be wired until we figure out a nuclear battery. or a way to power it off cursing during games.
I would love that...and think of the moddability of it. During games, or even during a screensaver, moving images on your keyboard, just like a segmented screen. Or even timekilling games duing lunch hour. Tap-the-mole, anyone?
galdoes16 said:
Why do you say that?

I say that ( my penis size notwithstanding, thanx ) because it seems like the kind of pretty fluff that Apple likes to use in the iMac line. It seems gimmicky and pretty and would (whatever it's actual usefulness) appeal to those who buy a computer based on how it will look in their living room rather than on it's capabilities.
