Your iPhone Blows

Yeah, it's just the small speaker cone vibrating so fast it pushes a decent bit of air out of the hole. Pretty useless for actual functionality, but cool to just show people and make a joke out of it, heh.
Yeah, it's just the small speaker cone vibrating so fast it pushes a decent bit of air out of the hole. Pretty useless for actual functionality, but cool to just show people and make a joke out of it, heh.

Makes sense, because I was wondering how it worked in the first place...even though I think it's completely useless. :confused:
You see how far that thing is blowing the smoke? I call shens. A speaker pushes AND pulls, so it doesn't blow air it just shifts it back and forth. Maybe if it had two speakers each with a port and it worked them just right to make a pump to blow out of one of the ports, but as far as I know it doesn't have a speaker setup like that.
You see how far that thing is blowing the smoke? I call shens. A speaker pushes AND pulls, so it doesn't blow air it just shifts it back and forth. Maybe if it had two speakers each with a port and it worked them just right to make a pump to blow out of one of the ports, but as far as I know it doesn't have a speaker setup like that.

The 'pull' isn't as directional as the 'push'... there's a bit of cycling involved.
sadly it shows that the app designer knows nothing about mechanics, THE BLADES ARE TURNING THE WRONG WAY!

This app should SUCK, Ironic eh?
Waste of effort in even designing an app like this. Who would pay for it? Use it to annoy coworkers with the noise maybe?
/me waits for first complaints that their iPhone caught on fire because you need to hold it so close to the flame to do so :D

That being said, I call shenanigans!
Need to blow out a birthday cake? There's an app for that.
I wonder if it would void the warranty, being available from the app store and all...

That's awesome! Why can't I ever think of cool funky shit like that?

Oh yea, I'm to old anymore.
Props to the guy for making this. I bet he sells a couple hundred apps from that video, probably took him all of an hour to code.
New app...leaf blower FTW? Just strap it to your back and go...