Your PS3 game of the year 2008

What is your game of the year?

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Ironic thing, that, given all of the loling over the idea of disc switching on a certain other console...yet the MGS experience on the ps3 is exactly the same as any other multi disc game.

I don't have MGS4, but I don't understand, what is the problem exactly? Just curious
Fallout 3 and GTAIV are not PS3 exclusives.

Uncharted is from 2007.

This was a really strong year for PS3 exclusives. Amongst all of the quality, I'd say Valkyria Chronicles stands out as the overall best game. It may not have the mass appeal that others on the list have. It may not share the high high budget hollywood/blockbuster production like MGS4 and Resistance 2. But Valkyria Chronicles stands out as the best videogame.
Fallout 3 and GTA 4 are not PS3 exclusives but that doesn't stop the games to be a good game. I guess that people enjoy MGS 4 more than they enjoy GTA 4 and Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 and GTA 4 are not PS3 exclusives but that doesn't stop the games to be a good game. I guess that people enjoy MGS 4 more than they enjoy GTA 4 and Fallout 3.

right, but this is labeled as a PS3 game list. If GTA4 and Fallout 3 can be on there, well there were some other multiplatform games this year that deserve a nod.
I don't have MGS4, but I don't understand, what is the problem exactly? Just curious

The problem is you can only have one level or act installed at once. So everytime you start a new act it takes 3-5 mins to install to the harddrive. Not annoying on the first play through, but if your like me and wanted to load up an old save for a different level you have to wait 3-5 mins to install that level again. They should have just let you install the entire game at once as long as you had the harddrive space. Technoob makes a good point it ends up being similar to disc swapping except slower and no need to get up.
right, but this is labeled as a PS3 game list. If GTA4 and Fallout 3 can be on there, well there were some other multiplatform games this year that deserve a nod.

I can only list 10 options and I did put two multi platform games that I think would be the best candidate for this, I also put an "other" option in the poll. Instead of just saying that, why didn't you vote "other" and list the other multi platform games that you think derserve the title.
Dead Space
The game was pure win. Not a PS3 exclusive, but I absolutely loved it.

After that, MGS4, LBP
One does not play MGS4, you experience it.
LBP was fun in a refreshing way.
I'll go with Resistance 2, though I wish the single player campaign was a little longer.

Sadly looking at that list reminds me how long my back log of games really is :(.

What would 2009 bring?

Can't wait for Killzone 2. The trailers for that game are :).
Fallout 3 and GTA 4 are not PS3 exclusives but that doesn't stop the games to be a good game. I guess that people enjoy MGS 4 more than they enjoy GTA 4 and Fallout 3.

Lol I didn't know I PS3 game had to be an exclusive to be any good!! :rolleyes:
The problem is you can only have one level or act installed at once. So everytime you start a new act it takes 3-5 mins to install to the harddrive. Not annoying on the first play through, but if your like me and wanted to load up an old save for a different level you have to wait 3-5 mins to install that level again. They should have just let you install the entire game at once as long as you had the harddrive space. Technoob makes a good point it ends up being similar to disc swapping except slower and no need to get up.
I agree with this; it would be nice if some sort of patch were released that allowed the entire installation.
I can't believe you put GT5:prologue on the list, it barely qualifies as a game...then again the same could be said for MGS4.:p Anyway, voted for Valkyria Chronicles as that is what I'm playing and loving right now....I played Fallout 3 and GTA4 on my 360 btw.
Even though I have the 360 one, I went with GTA4. Best game of the year in my eyes, and the PS3 version is supposedly the better version too.
I just got around to playing MSG4, and I absolutely love it! It deserves the title of best PS3 game in 2008.
fyi.... you were missing Socom on that list, which is why I voted other!
I actually went out to buy MGS4 full priced the day it came out at retail (previously I bought every PS3 game used for like $20) and while the beginning cut scenes were impressive, I get too discouraged with the sneaking around since I'm not good at it. My MGS experiance was about half way in the first one so I'm debating to sell it since I know if I do manage to sneak on further the story won't make any sense.

While that nothing to do with PS3 GOTY (I'm stuck at work today so I just wanted to ramble I guess) I voted for Other, mainly for Wipeout :)
While I didn't vote for MGS4, the one thing that game has is polish if nothing else. Everything in that game just feels professional and well designed.
it was a toss up between Uncharted and MGS4 for me, but of course MGS4 takes the gold.