ZALMAN 7700 or the ZALMAN 9500... best for the buck


Oct 22, 2006
The Zalman 7700 or the 9500 best for the buck? what you guys think about these two fans
The 9500 is far better, but something like a Scythe Ninja would perform better than both for a lower price.
response99 said:
The Zalman 7700 or the 9500 best for the buck? what you guys think about these two fans

out of the two, the 9500 by a good margin.

As mentioned there are some other options for a little cheaper such as the scythe ninja and the SI-128
Zero82z said:
The 9500 is far better, but something like a Scythe Ninja would perform better than both for a lower price.

The ninja isn't really any cheaper now. Maybe even more expensive, the New ninja revB is 49.99. Best performance per buck is probably the AC freezer series
Depends on your case design. The 9500 has better heat conduction (lower delta T) than 7700, but it sucks air from the front to the back so the CPU cooling effect will depend on the case air temperature. The 7700 sucks air down towards the motherboard, and if your case has an opening in the opposite side panel (like mine) you can make/buy a duct and lead outside air directly onto the CPU heatsink, before it is mixed with the warmer air inside the case. This way you may be able to get lower CPU temps with a 7700 than with a 9500.
jon67 said:
Depends on your case design. The 9500 has better heat conduction (lower delta T) than 7700, but it sucks air from the front to the back so the CPU cooling effect will depend on the case air temperature. The 7700 sucks air down towards the motherboard, and if your case has an opening in the opposite side panel (like mine) you can make/buy a duct and lead outside air directly onto the CPU heatsink, before it is mixed with the warmer air inside the case. This way you may be able to get lower CPU temps with a 7700 than with a 9500.

Plus it provides airflow over motherboard components (e.g. power regulators, heatpipe coolers) which 9500 and most of the other high-efficiency coolers (like Scythe Mine and alike) don't.
The 9500 is the best Zalman cooler hands down, however not the best cooler out there. Personally, I would prefer to spend about the same and get something that cools a lot better such as the ninja revB or SI-128. Both of which are in the same price range (give or take a few dollars) and they cool far better.