Zune or Ipod?


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2005
I have waited year after year watching new generations of Ipods and other mp3 players be released. Finally I find two that have all the features I like. My birthday is the beginning of march and I want either an Ipod or a Zune. I am leaning towards the Zune for many reasons.

What should I go with? (30gb)
You'll probably get ipod owners saying "get an ipod!" and vice versa.

I LOVE my ipod, but don't like iTunes so much. I think the larger screen of the Zune is mostly useless, in that I don't really watch movies or look at pictures on my iPod at all.

I mostly listen to music and podcasts, and I love how easy it is to control the iPod with one hand. The interface is perfect, and battery life is good. Sound quality is also superb.

I've gotten used to iTunes quirks, and it doesn't bother me that much, but it's a negative for sure.
You'll probably get ipod owners saying "get an ipod!" and vice versa.

I LOVE my ipod, but don't like iTunes so much. I think the larger screen of the Zune is mostly useless, in that I don't really watch movies or look at pictures on my iPod at all.

I mostly listen to music and podcasts, and I love how easy it is to control the iPod with one hand. The interface is perfect, and battery life is good. Sound quality is also superb.

I've gotten used to iTunes quirks, and it doesn't bother me that much, but it's a negative for sure.
Cool thing about the Zune is now you can put podcast on them too now.Like NpR. I'm still going to hold off on zune though to see if the next gen ipod can do.
Where do you buy from? If you go with iPod, you're locked into iTunes. If you go with Zune, you're locked into the MS side of things (I think any plays for sure reseller). I'm not sure if Zune is compatible with all .wma's or just the plays for sure stuff. I personally stay away from Apple products simply because I want a broader range of choices, but it depends on your situation... ;)
Well I've decided to go with the Zune. I already own all MS OS's and an Xbox 360. However, as much as I like Apple and their products I am inclined to go with something that will work with what I already have.

I guess I'll be getting the black Zune in the beginning of March.
I would say go with the Ipod. I just recently purchased and then sold a Zune about a month ago..I've owned Ipod's for years and loved to have control over itunes where it seems that the Zune program has control over you. Just the way it loads songs or movies takes too long and is irritating. Also, if you wanted to do the monthly thing its a load of crap. Sure, you can get all these albums, but in my experience there was always like 1 or 2 songs that I HAD to pay for even while having the monthly pass!! I didn't quite understand that. Also, there library is no where near what Itunes is, of course it will be someday..Itunes has movies and tv episodes whereas the zune does not. They've talked abuot using the video market place that you use on your 360 for it but they should have had that from the beginning. Its your personal preference but with my experience the ipod is the way to go.
Where do you buy from? If you go with iPod, you're locked into iTunes. If you go with Zune, you're locked into the MS side of things (I think any plays for sure reseller). I'm not sure if Zune is compatible with all .wma's or just the plays for sure stuff. I personally stay away from Apple products simply because I want a broader range of choices, but it depends on your situation... ;)

I would bet that the microsoft side is more of a "lock in" than apple. You don't have to use iTunes with an ipod. I absolutely hate iTunes, so i use winamp to transfer my music.

I would probably go with the ipod if for no other reason but accessories.
People have said that the iPod has bad sound quality, but I never noticed it, but I haven't listened to any other players either. :D

If i were to get an MP3 player right now, I would choose a white Zune. But I'm waiting it out until I can find a sure winner. The Zen's are getting good reviews but seem bulky to me, and I have never really seen any.
iPods are gapless (5G, 5.5G, and 2G nano) and unicode. Those are really important for me personally, and till today, I don't see any other DAPs offering those 2 features (other than rockbox). Zune is not gapless, so it's out.

I think Zune is not compatible with play-for-sure. It uses its own DRM, different from play-for-sure one.
Apple Customer Service is great. Haven't used the Zune though, so can't comment on that. I'd get an Ipod mostly because I already have a couple (5g 60g vid, 1st gen Nano).
I have an Zune player, and its not true that you have to only use MS market to get music. I've use limewire just like ipod users have. The movies are great, their crisp and its far more bigger screen than the ipod. ipod video 30gb (small screen) vs. zune 30gb (bigger screen)
i think that speaks for itself. both sound quality is equal in my opinion, i cant tell the difference. The plus side about Zune is that if you are tired of listening to your songs, you can simply turn on the radio, and it covers major regions, north america, europe, asia. so where ever you go you can pick up the radio frequency.

This is my first Zune, i had few ipods in past and i must say i like my zune a lot.
The Zune doesn't have an external HD feature. (AFAIK there is a registry hack that allows you to transfer non-music files, but only works on the hacked computer)

Just letting you know if you ever considered this feature. I know I use this feature with my iPod a lot.
I actually just recently bought a Zune....I personally dont think its that bad outside of no drag and drop feature, which isnt that big of a deal. The syncing doesnt take that long *maybe 30 Seconds for a 75MB album...atleast on my computer* & it has a humongous screen.
I personally have never had an Ipod, My friend has one and I have used it before...not that much of a difference anything wise outside of the screen size.

Meh, I moved to a Zune from an iPod (i have had a few).

So far I like the Zune better. The Zune app is really not that bad at all (at least for me) and all my music is in mp3 so I can use whatever I like as far as software goes and not have any DRM or whatnot issues.

The interface on the Zune is more advanced IMO and I like it better. I was getting sick of the same ole same ole simple iPod interface. It is good for some and many, but not for me :cool:

Who knows, i may go back to an iPod next generation though (or a few gens down the line). I am open to where I put my music ;)
go creative. i love my zen. i dont like my sisters ipod video since she made me encode oc season 2 for her. it took forever to encode . while creative players can use almost any video format.not sure about the zune but im sure the zune is better off than the ipod. be different.
Man, talk about the opinions you'll get here...

I have two iPods. That probably tells you what I prefer.

I also think iTunes is the best front-end in the business.

Also consider sometime this month Apple is supposed to start offering the entire EMI portfolio, in UNPROTECTED format, at $1.29 per song. It will be double the bitrate of the standard DRM music (256k ACC) and that is a very big deal.

The Zune does not impress me at all. Absolutely nothing about it trips my trigger, and MS didn't even have enough faith in their PlaysForSure(Maybe) system to incorporate it, making it another proprietary player.

If you're going to go proprietary, might as well go with the one that has a majorly proven track record, unprotected music on the way, etc...
I would absolutely disagree with anyone that says the iPod has bad audio quality.

It IS best to stay away from the built-in equalizer. This is an issue with all players. Most of them degrade in quality if the internal equalizers are used.

People have said that the iPod has bad sound quality, but I never noticed it, but I haven't listened to any other players either. :D

If i were to get an MP3 player right now, I would choose a white Zune. But I'm waiting it out until I can find a sure winner. The Zen's are getting good reviews but seem bulky to me, and I have never really seen any.
I have waited year after year watching new generations of Ipods and other mp3 players be released. Finally I find two that have all the features I like. My birthday is the beginning of march and I want either an Ipod or a Zune. I am leaning towards the Zune for many reasons.

What should I go with? (30gb)

I personally love my Zune, I had a 30gig Black Video for about 6 months. I sold it later on to just get a cheap shuffle til I found something that was more to my Visual and usability tastes. Along came my black Zune and I've never been happier ^_^

And this is also coming from a guy who also owns a Mac mini, I'm not really biased. I just enjoy the way the Zune works, menu system etc. Either way, you're going to get a great player