Asus P5B-VM Memory Recs?

woo I got it up to 288.. I'm scared to go any higher this is a record haha

EDIT: booting fine at 299 awesome. Any way to tell what PCI-E setting I need to go higher? :confused:
lol, I got it to go to 325mhz at 120 PCI-E . Be careful though I guess SATA might not get recognised after 120. I'ma keep going...
LanPirate1 said:
can we use a program to see what our actual pci-e bus speed is in windows?
I assume the speed you set it to in the bios is the speed it is running at.
Sometimes windows sees it differently or something, I couldn't find anywhere in Windows where to find it though, on Everest or Sisoft sandra.

Well looks like mine caps out at 327mhz. I tried raising the voltage, changing the timings, etc but thats as high as mine will go. Dammit I wanted to get 3 ghz out of this lol.

I left the RAM at DDR2-667 setting..and I tested going to 125 PCI-E but it won't recognise the SATA .
I would give it up, this MB won't OC much past 310, 320 if you're lucky. It's simply incapable - it's a limitation in the 965G chipset. I have a full ATX 965G MB with decent OC'ing options and it won't go over 310-320 if I'm lucky without sata disappearing. I don't even think it's the PCI-e lock or speed per se, setting to 100 manually does nothing.
I have mine at 325 right now w/ the PCI-E at 120 . It DOES make a difference on this board.

I know this ain't much but its a lot better than before
mATX result
Aqua said:
I have mine at 325 right now w/ the PCI-E at 120 . It DOES make a difference on this board.

I know this ain't much but its a lot better than before
mATX result

Cool - let us know if you get it any higher and if it's stable there (no HDD issues, etc...). I may go back to mine, update BIOS, and try to go a little higher.
Is PCIe at 120 a 0307 BIOS thing? I haven't looked at that portion since I upgraded, but the stock BIOS was limited to like 109 PCIe.
My Mishkin RAM came today.. that has fixed the issue with the timings and the mem speed.

The board now runs fine with the right RAM timings and speed. Mushkin EM ram is rated for 1.9v . :)
If you guys keep pushing your PCi-E freq's past 120 and are using a video card, you're going to fry it.

Just watch yourselves
lol.. I just went to 120 to test.. I didnt leave it there.

I havent got to oc'ing it yet but I will later tonight.
Aqua said:
My Mishkin RAM came today.. that has fixed the issue with the timings and the mem speed.

The board now runs fine with the right RAM timings and speed. Mushkin EM ram is rated for 1.9v . :)
Good to hear, is that the 4-4-4-3-12 or whatever? I saw they had some 1.9v stuff...

What speeds did you get it all to run at now?
This PCI-E frequency business makes quite a bit of difference: I'm rinning 335 FSB with 125 PCI-E with my E6300 and Corsair 6400C5 at 667 settings. Memory seems to be the most problematic bit here - I can't overclock it too much.

*edit* forgot to add that I don't have any SATA or PCI-E devices in there
Hi, well I have a"probably" memory problem with this board. gues I should have figured and posted here but I wasnt sure at the time.

post: this is the link

But well I was wondering. my memory.

team extreem micron 4-4-4-10 800mhz was on the site I bought it rated as 2.0V and I figured It would runn.. my fault to start with yea.. and further.

when I got th ememory the box stated "2.0V-2.2V" ... sooo now thats not good. you can read all about it in the post above. first post is a little bit confusing Im sure but I was pretty irritated at the time.

My question is this: If I manage to runn memtest for hours without any errors or faults. shouldnt the memory be fine then? since Im having VERY strange problems here..
just wanna let you guys know that there's a new bios version available for the p5b-vm: version 0405.

according to the scant info over at asus' support page, it adds recognition for new processors (probably the quad-cores). dunno if it improves overclocking, tho', since i sold my board yesterday, hehe.
Anyone using a 7950gx2 with this board that is experiencing good performance? There is another fellow in another thread that says his is borked. I just want to make sure this board works with an single SLI card solution and you get the total benefit of the SLI card.

I don't see any new processors out there that this new bios would support. Maybe quad core, lol!
I'll try the new bios out tonight and report back with my findings. Thanks for news Hexagon, I had'nt been to for a couple of weeks.
Ok, bios 0407 is in. I could not up fsb 286 without raising the PCI-E to 110, as before. The only thing is, at 110 PCI-E, I am now easily at 300FSB, and my max before was 296. I will try and push it more, I want to run some tests first at this speed. Is it normal for these boards to completely shut off when exiting bios, then power-=up all by themselves? Its freaky isnt it?
But don't you love that little false start when you make any changes in the bios. When it reboots the cpu fan starts then stops ,then restarts..It is very freaky...Has anyone noticed any changes in bios 405.It mentions cpu support but when you look on the cpu support page nothing new is mentioned...
reason for edit whooo who I'm a noobie :)
I think I may have screwed up. I bought this gskill memory, I swear when I bought it the site said 1.8-1.9 but I had a ton of tabs open. Should I just return it before I open it and get some 667 instead?
LanPirate1, you mean 0405, right? I didn't see a 0407 available. One thing I noticed when I flashed to 0405 is that my CPU temp in Asus Probe and SpeedFan is now closer to what I expected: for previous versions, it would report something like 56 C for a E6300 (non-overclocked) at idle. With 0405, now it reports in the mid 40's, which is what I expected with the stock HSF.

On a different note, has anyone tried updating the G965 graphics drivers to 14.25 from Intel's site? I've tried a number of times, but Windows keeps claiming the graphics drivers are still at Is there any way to be sure what version it really is at? Not that it matters too much right now, since hardware T&L is still not enabled, but eventually it will be...
I forgot: the weird false restart thing also was a problem with the regular P5B, and it was eventually fixed in a BIOS update according to some forum postings I saw somewhere. Hopefully Asus will apply the same fix to the VM.
specular said:
LanPirate1, you mean 0405, right? I didn't see a 0407 available. QUOTE]

Sorry, thats right, 0405 bios. Also, my reported temps have gone down a bunch too. I'm sitting at 39C now typing this, but I have the NT06 cooler. Thats down from around 50C before. I knew the cpu wasnt getting that hot.
I also noticed a temperature increase with bios 307.Seems lke I will switch to 405 tonight.On the thought of temps has anyone tried TAT for measuring the temps.It is suppose to measure the core temps.Its funny TAT gives a lower temp then Pc Probe..
PC probe 44c...TAT 36c,34c both at idle on stock fan.
The temps definitely changed with the latest BIOS. My Conroe E6700 is reading 53c in the BIOS, yet using Coretemp in Windows says its running 48c for core1, and 46c for core2.

Well with bios 405 it seems like the temps are back to normal and a little more realistic
coretemp reports core1 35c,core2 32c TAT reports core0 36c core1 33c and asus probe 34c..
So it seems like they fixed some sensor reading issues.Another strange thing I noticed(in bios 405) was that when I disabled q-fan my cpu fan speed stayed around 800rpm,but in performance mode it jumps up to 1250rpm.Very odd since disabled should make the cpu fan spin at max rpm...
Note all temps at idle
I hope everyone is inundating Asus w/ requests for some BIOS tweaks. They can't just ignore us, while this board doesn't live up to its marketing.

I have a E6300 that's waiting for a home, and this board fits the bill, if it only had as previously stated, higher mem voltages and a PCI lock.
So is it safe to run the PCI @120 24/7/365? I'm looking at this mobo for a project in mind. Any updates? :confused:
bernz said:
I think he meant 365 as in 24/7 a year.

Exactly. Just curious what, if any, long term effects were for setting the pci at 110-120 like I read about in this thread. Sorry for any confusion.
Skott said:
Exactly. Just curious what, if any, long term effects were for setting the pci at 110-120 like I read about in this thread. Sorry for any confusion.
It should be fine if you're able to run it stably. And who knows what the actual pcie freq is with settings like that. We all know in the older 945's that a pci-e bump was necessary since it was actually not able to set it properly and was actually underclocking. Long terms risks could possibly be data corruption eventually.

I don't think running a higher freq could "break" permanently anything. Although, I did have an old pos board back in the slot 1 days and I ran fsb at 112 (pci/agp of 37/75) and eventually my onboard agp up and died for good. Probably not related though since that board was an absolute pos (pc chips anyone??)
nice result but not as impressive as the p5ld2 VM serie (SE or DH) with older chipset (945g) which can handle higher fsb with lower PCIE bump: fsb @350 & pcie@120