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  1. H

    Patent Troll Is Suing Hotels For Offering Wi-Fi

    Sounds really innovative. Laws should exist that specifically make this type of action a crime. Until then, I pray enough hotels fight the suits in principle rather than just paying off these douchebags.
  2. H

    Facebook to Remove Discussions Tab from Pages

    I didn't even know that tab existed.
  3. H

    Global Warming Spurs Swedish Indoor Ski Park

    Yep, yep, global warming is all a conspiracy put forth by the indoor ski resort companies.
  4. H

    Major Usenet Provider Ordered to Remove All Infringing Content

    No, that's just certain corporate interests who don't want to play fairly.
  5. H

    Shutdown Looms at Pioneering American Atom Smasher

    It's sad to see a monument of American engineering close down, but science does work better as an international effort. So while the patriot in me wants the big accelerators to stay in this country, the scientist in me realizes that if it's more practical in France and Switzerland, it should be...
  6. H

    GameStop: Consoles Continue To Be 'Gold Standard'

    It's funny how after years of console controllers designed specifically for gaming, no controller comes close to matching the natural feel of a keyboard and mouse - devices many decades old that were designed before video games existed.
  7. H

    Payment Provider Hands Over Name of Torrent Site Owner

    The site owner should sue the payment provider for handing over his information without legal orders.
  8. H

    Scientists Disarm AIDS Virus’ Attack on Immune System

    Oh IDK, maybe it takes more than a month for something to go from trials in mice to mass availability for humans. :rolleyes: And now we've got a gay hater in the thread too. You people are in a very sad state of consciousness. I will say it again, because it isn't being said enough: glad...
  9. H

    Scientists Disarm AIDS Virus’ Attack on Immune System

    What are you talking about? Last I checked the common cold does not kill you, and there is no treatment available for it. A flu vaccine costs $20 / year. The absolute disrespect shown toward medical science in this thread is astounding. "Curing AIDS is a bad idea as people will have more...
  10. H

    Development Boosts Lithium-Ion Battery Power by 8-Fold

    I'm interested in what this could do for electric car technology. Specs to consider are not just energy density but power density and maximum charging rate as well. If it holds eight times the charge of existing LiPo batteries, it will only take about sixty-four hours to charge from a standard...
  11. H

    Scientists Disarm AIDS Virus’ Attack on Immune System

    It's horrible how many posters in this thread don't agree.
  12. H

    Scottish Government Calls for .scot Internet Domain

    The state government have *.us domains
  13. H

    Comcast Installer Arrested For Exposing His Cable

    With 15,000,000 arrests made every year in the US on average, or one every two seconds, I am sure more than "several" instances occur in which the innocent until proven guilty standard is not followed. On such a large scale, the only justice system that never convicts an innocent never convicts...
  14. H

    Missouri Lawmakers Repeal Teacher Facebook Law

    It's always nice when a legislature admits they made a mistake and fixes it.
  15. H

    Comcast Installer Arrested For Exposing His Cable

    You guys are forgetting something. He's innocent until proven guilty. If both sides have nothing, he should be acquitted. Otherwise I could put you in jail just by telling a lie if I happen to look more trustworthy than you.
  16. H

    Vizio Tells Owners Their TVs Are Un-Repairable

    Yes they are a great company. My grandmother has a problem with her TV from them, and although I doubt she was able to give much more detail than "it won't turn on," they sent a tech over right away and he fixed the problem.
  17. H

    Turn a PC Off or Leave It On?

    Sleep. It uses virtually no power, and in Windows 7 the computer will still wake itself up at night to do maintenance and updates if you want. Though I'll be honest, I don't always remember to do this.
  18. H

    What Facebook Announced at F8 Today

    To clarify I am NOT making that up.
  19. H

    What Facebook Announced at F8 Today

    MSN summary headline today: Dow drops, Facebook changes, and more...
  20. H

    VIA Sues Apple for Patent Infringement

    The patent is on a specific instruction set for doing so, which I think is perfectly reasonable to patent. At the same time, I wish companies would just license their technologies to one another rather than playing this ridiculous game of patent, hold, steal, sue.
  21. H

    New Law Bans Warrantless Cell Phone Searches

    This is a good law.
  22. H

    Senate Judiciary Committee Grills Google

    The Republican senator is right, though. By manually altering its search algorithm Google can effectively control competition on the Internet. Someone needs to make clear that they cannot abuse that power.
  23. H

    Senate Judiciary Committee Grills Google

    Well, I can see how Google favoring itself in its search results is an antitrust concern. Especially if they imply that the search results are unbiased. I agree this particular issue isn't a big deal, though. Hopefully this doesn't go beyond a committee grilling.
  24. H

    PC Broken? Here's 7 More Broken PCs For Your Troubles

    Interesting question: if he called Sony and they refused to help him solve the problem, what is he legally obligated to do with the seven (now twelve) computers at that point? I know it is against the law in most states to send someone merchandise and say, "if you don't send this back we'll go...
  25. H

    Comcast Installer Arrested For Exposing His Cable

    Why do such evil people exist? If that happened to me I would sue the girl for framing me. I'd also report it to the police as soon as possible. Hopefully upon seeing two conflicting reports of sexual assault their immediate response would not be, "arrest the man; he's obviously the one lying."
  26. H

    PC Prices 15 Years Ago Today

    Lol @ the monitor for $400. That's more than an entire computer package today. And the monitor would be larger, and flat.
  27. H

    Appeals Court Reinstates $675,000 File Sharing Verdict

    They still have a chance. The district court now must decide what to do. It could follow the circuit court's recommendation and use remittitur, or it could simply enter the same constitutional ruling again.
  28. H

    In MasterCard’s Future, You Can Buy Things by Waving at Your TV

    Then another big company, such as Amazon, will point out the prior art known as a "shopping cart" and the patent will not be granted.
  29. H

    Microsoft Wants 30% Cut on Windows 8 Metro Apps

    It's quite interesting how MS is trying to merge the mobile and desktop models. I'm not really sure how it's going to work out.
  30. H

    FTC May Revamp Online Child Privacy Rules

    That doesn't sound bad.
  31. H

    The President Signs New Patent Law

    Please explain how it does this. No it's not. The standards for what constitutes a patent have not changed. In fact this bill opens up more avenues for challenging the validity of patents.
  32. H

    God Particle 'May Not Exist' Say Hadron Collider Scientists

    Do you know what would happen if our Sun were instantly replaced with a black hole of equivalent mass? Nothing. (Well, except we would lose our main source of light and heat.) Contrary to popular belief, a black hole's gravity is no stronger than that of any other object. They just have a...
  33. H

    The President Signs New Patent Law

    Little inventor invents something and files for a patent. Big corporation sues, claims "we already invented that." Little inventor cannot afford costly court battle to prove that he was the original inventor, and/or did not keep documentation proving this fact. Big corporation gets patent...
  34. H

    Google To Offer Location Opt-Out to Wi-Fi Owners

    If I drive on a public street, write down the list of SSIDs visible to my laptop, then write down my location, I have not violated anyone's privacy.
  35. H

    God Particle 'May Not Exist' Say Hadron Collider Scientists

    A discussion about the LHC becomes a debate about religion due to a whimsical term that scientists use to informally refer to an extension of the standard model. Wow.
  36. H

    Motorola's CEO to Get $66M Golden Parachute

    I don't know; the company chose to pay him this money. Obviously he deserved it in their opinion. Who are you to say otherwise? Now, if you think he should pay more taxes on the money than he will, I might agree with you there. But bitching about individual CEO pay is about as useful as...
  37. H

    Proposed Bill Could Fine Companies Millions for Poor Online Security

    That's not their agenda. Their agenda is to make money by stealing identities, breaking into bank accounts, sending spam, selling the data...etc. Script kiddies like Anonymous who hack big companies just because they can are harmless compared to truly malicious hackers, who steal data so they...