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  1. B

    How to open a VPCF115FM for fan maintenance

    I hate sony. Succeeded in taking it apart and back together. Found my wireless not working. Took it apart again and what do I behold? The wireless switch held a metal thingy, I assume, because its gone. The best part is the design clearly begs it to fall out if you don't know it is barely...
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    How to open a VPCF115FM for fan maintenance Found this, gonna try it.
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    How to open a VPCF115FM for fan maintenance

    I've searched the web over and over, using every variation I can for how to access the internal of this laptop and have found zilch. I've also searched here and came up with nothing. I could start unscrewing screws, but I've seen that go badly before. I don't know the exact layout and I...
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    BCBF2: Hardcore vs. Normal

    I prefer hardcore. Medics are worth more to people. I can go around solo and kill entire squads from better positioning before needing to reload. Spotting(the orange triangle, not the tampon kind.) is less dangerous. It shafts Recon though, ironically, as it also makes them more deadly. In...
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    Can you only be REALLY good at a game with no life?

    This for me. I play FPS for the most part. I embarass myself if I pick up RTS. I'm an outstanding strategist, but in practice I'm a slow moving player making me inflexible(ie: rushes are my weakness). In an FPS game, I'm a smooth, ahead of my enemy five steps, bastard giggling as human beings...
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    What is it with games being released so glitchy?

    ...or badly, or being poorly QA'ed.
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    Half Life Black Mesa?

    I'm looking forward to this because I've never played the original.
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    Post your Bioware Bazaar unique referral URL!

    Elios, that is adequately geeky, but how do we use that?
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    New MW2 Map pack is out!

    In my opinion, probably. I didn't buy any mappacks for MW and my pals who had them noticed that when I was around we were waiting for, what they claimed, ten times as long to get into a match.
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    Did you ever get flashbacks from gaming while not playing?

    I don't get flashbacks, but I get...notions. Such as, I'll be walking along looking at the horizon not because it's interesting, but because I'm looking for sniper perches as if I'm in an BC2 or something.
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    Assassin's Creed 2 story and thoughts (possible spoilers)

    To personalize the character of course. You don't limit, you specialize. Truly, an assassins most powerful organ is the brain. Using that organ we play to our strengths, and thus in a game that influences our playstyle. And what the hell is with Ezio not picking up a bow? Who uses only knives...
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    Assassin's Creed 2 story and thoughts (possible spoilers)

    Fail, are you legally deaf? The end was a serious WTF on par with Indiana Jones.Why would something addressed so retro-directly, be burried in such a conviluted manner? I want to see Assassin's Creed with a Class or talent/perk system.
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    360: MW2 or BFBC2?

    Chineseman, let me paraphrase for you. BC2 negatives, you stretch out the same ones. ALL RECON OPINION TAKING FOUR BULLET POINTS for the same issue is a bit much. (- Egocentric Recon which is to say/ not spotting, not using motion mines to the teams benefit, sniping only, not defending...
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    Why do you need a microphone to join gaming clans?

    Appropriate name.
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    Why do you need a microphone to join gaming clans?

    Stand mics are not the problem, it's having it set to always on, or speak to activate on way to high a sensativity. I use Speak to talk myself, but have a high sensativity with a low output volume so that as I'm speaking loudly to activate(and not loudly to the team), my conversational voice...
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    PAX East

    You may want to work on your journalism/writing skills even now... That or your baiting.
  17. B

    Mass Effect 2 Weapon talents

    What sucks, is on a second play through of a character, you don't get to pick a new weapon nor do you get the option of changing the previous selected weapon out for a different one. Last night on Insanity as an Engineer, got to that point, and was eager to either get a sniper rifle to go...
  18. B

    What happened to all the hard games?

    TIckle torture!!!!! WOw... Tell him that he should sleep on it. It is proven that sleep will utilize what he's gained from the effort. He'll probably beat it shortly after starting up again. :_)
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    What happened to all the hard games?

    If the factors that compose the game play are "enemies, health, damage, etc" you have to judge the difficulty based on those components that are being modified when altering the "difficulty" of the game. So following your statement, how then to judge difficulty? "Extreme" is not harder, as...
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    Bad Company 2 Info

    Oh, yea, VSS. I mix them up. ^_^ The only downside to the VSS is seriously low ammo count that you rip through quickly! For potentially close quarters VSS, for medium to long moving targets VAS, for long, preference of one shot killers. My best point matches are vehicle maps to be honest. I'm...
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    Bad Company 2...I just dont get all the I the only one?

    PrincessFrosty: *fffffFFFFRRRRROOOOMMM* I look towards the oncoming quad,"Flip, chk, click...POOMP!" "BOOOM!" Screaming wreck burns and tumbles as it passes by harmlessly. Kill +50; Kill +50; Double Kill +50; Vehicle Destroyed! +100 ;Flag Defense! +60 *Grins*
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    Bad Company 2 Info

    BC2 is one of the first FPS's I've played in a while that I actually enjoy recon/sniping. Strangely I almost maxed points on Engineer then tried Recon and turned into a beast maxing it quickly. Once I got the SAV it was game after game at 3k points. The only thing holding me back was ammo. I...
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    alan wake xbox only ?

    What the fuck is that? Seriously? "too intimate"? What does that mean?
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    D&D on a Microsoft Surface demo

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    Wonder why all MMO forums turn into whinefest

    Every game people take it badly when something is changed that they liked, whether it was for the betterment of all or not. The problem is people can be selfcentered and think that their $15 a month entitles them to direct the game... What they don't realize is their only entitlement is to not...
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    Gaming Night!

    Damn. I fail at dates.
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    Gaming Night!

    The wife is going out on Saturday... Saturday that is Valentines? So who's the other man? (I'm serious.)
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    ME2 - Last Mission (SPOILERS)

    Ducts: Legion (Dead) 1st Squad: Jack 2 Squad: Jack Distraction: Assassin (Dead) Shields: Jack Escort: Jacob Team: Tali(Her babbling is just adorable!) Grunt Funny thing is they make a big deal out of Tali and infections with contact and I can't help but draw a connection to...
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    Alien Vs Predator who will you be?

    The queen had mobility issues. It was quite enjoyable to find a narrow corridor to shoot out her vagina from. ^_^
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    screw Gamestop

    Your phone number is tied to the preorder.
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    screw Gamestop

    Correction: The 5 dollar preorder deposit does not go up in smoke if you do not pick up the game. It queues and they will let you apply it to another preorder. Personal experience buying Mass Effect 2. They've been calling me for a month or so because I didn't pick up my Modern Warfare 2.
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    Alien Vs Predator who will you be?

    Same reason as the others for Marine to play the campaign. So that I'll be thrilled by the unknown. In the Multiplayer I play Marine with pulse rifle and grenade least in AVP2 I did. I'm not quite like the above with double pumped grenades. I'm a bullet you and clean you up with...
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    COD:MW2 - What do you consider your best MP moment?

    Standing on the sniper point overlooking the C-130 on the Afghan map with Thumper and Noobtube. Keep in mind that I've shot maybe only 20 noobtube rounds up to this point. From the sniper point I noobed both bunkers getting direct hits inside them getting two kills each. Pulled out the Thumper...
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    Your most epic gaming experience/memories

    Portals: The ending fight and subsequent song. Also, my friend being utterly confounded at how I intuitively passed the challenges with just about one try after glancing around momentarily at each puzzle without much thought. ^_^ Beating Legendary Wings with my brother, both of us alive at...
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    System loading at 8bits a minute...

    I haven't reset the BIOS. Was afraid to try with it virtually locking up. I've found that now I can actually get to desktop but at such slow speeds its rediculous. And half of Windows 7 is not functional like Task Manager. Errors when it tries to come up. No just had AVG and Adaware. The...
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    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 7

    This is cool. ^_^
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    System loading at 8bits a minute...

    The specs on my computer are in my signature. Recently while playing a newly installed Titan Quest over the last week my game was lagging badly where it would graphically freeze/stutter. This would happen in random periodically in large chunks where if I interacted with the game moving...
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    Whoever thinks that MW2 wasnt built for DLC, then read THIS

    Nah, you'd lose the lawsuit if you tried... You see we're paying for high quality demo discs... Really, they swear! Pay 9$ to unlock the whole game! Hehe
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    Diablo 3: "In The Next Few Years"

    So who here that is claiming it is unacceptable for Activision|Blizzard to have delays in production also own stocks in them?