2006 Post Your Workstation

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Camera is outdated but here goes
2005 fpw is main screen, the CRT is a 19" Dell Flat that i use as a tv with my tv tuner.




Spares on Onkyo reciever are all FS (6600gt,7800gt stock fan,3 port firewire pci card)
I have that crt. I'm trying to steal my table back from my father since he took it one day for his station. Then I'll be able to hook it up. In the meantime, have you had any luck with VIVO on that card?
Nice setup man.

But one question: why do you have the CRT facing toward your bed?
yeah haha. i use it as a tv, but i watch 24 and stuff in my living room on my 42" HDTV :)
A table you can find at your local staples or office max. Not that there's anything wrong w/ that... b/c mine is very similar. But I've seen that at numerous office stores.
skeeder said:

Tad weak. But hey, I just bought a car and I'm a poor college student. :(

Tad weak? That's 10x better than the average person's setup.

Nice stuff! :)
havalon said:
How do you like that chair? It looks nice and comfortable.

I love it :) It was a gift from my father. My back thanks him.

And for the desk, It has been 3 years since I bought it. I can't tell where I took it. It's a standard ''L'' form desk that I modified with the years. I removed everything exept the desktable. I like it clear and clean :rolleyes:
Awesome setup Circuitbreaker!

I'd love to have room for a corner desk like that.
Where did you get those stands for your rear speakers? Also...are those speakers hooked up to your reciever?
aznpxdd said:
Where did you get those stands for your rear speakers? Also...are those speakers hooked up to your reciever?

I have no idea honestly lol I asked my dad if the company he dealt with has speaker stands, and they did, so I ordered them lol. And no, the Klipsch speakers aren't hooked up to the reciever, the two on the bottom are though, and I rarely use them.
konstantinos said:
nice workstation dude! what you studying? uni? college? its looks like my desk... books books books

judgeing by the size and thickness of hte books ill say either Math or a physical science? That is why im a Political Science-Pre Law major, our books are small! lol
hey, they're chem books, i have two general chem books for comparison, one is much more thorough though. i love the vx2025wm i got it a little while ago. it's a great screen i'm quite pleased with it. it's a mess but i plan on cleaning it next week, maybe i'll post another pic after
i got a vx715. its 17inch but same bezel as yours. im ordering a vx724 to add to it.

in the summer i plan to get your one and put it in the middle! its going to look sick!
quake_max said:
Here is mine:


I'm sorry, you're in the wrong thread. This is a "show your workstation" thread, not a "make my pants wet" thread.


apex32 said:
Camera is outdated but here goes
2005 fpw is main screen, the CRT is a 19" Dell Flat that i use as a tv with my tv tuner.

Spares on Onkyo reciever are all FS (6600gt,7800gt stock fan,3 port firewire pci card)

Hey, nice new video card. :D
u8myrice said:
I'm sorry, you're in the wrong thread. This is a "show your workstation" thread, not a "make my pants wet" thread.



agree lol
Finally got a few pictures for this thread:

From a distance.

A little closer...

Opposite view.

Closer shot of part of the system. Newly installed Alpine64 to replace an Aerocool GT-1000 that I grew to dislike.
Pkirk618 said:
a few of mine.




Sweet setup and organization skills. It's a room with alot of stuff, yet it lokos organized.

Here's mine. Just cleaned it up a tiny bit.

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