754 highest clock contest!

Jan 30, 2005
alright, ive decided to make a highest clock contest, (cf), your not invited :D , your newark would put us all to shame. it doesnt hafta be stable, it just hasta have a verified cpu-z screen.
include your mobo, volts, and anything else you want. ill get it started here with:

my 2800+ at 2.7ghz with 1.7vcore
patriot pc4000
rosewill 500w psu

http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=16195 the rest is there. its the rig in my sig :D
let the game begin!
that's not fair! :eek:

just know that i would own you all anyway with this, though it doesn't count. make it a goal to hit ;)

if you want my advice on getting high screens, boot with a bunch of voltage at a config that you know is stable, but can scale well.
then open clockgen and cpu-z. increase the htt 1mhz, go to cpu-z and hit F5 after the screen updates. repeat until your computer locks/bsods :D
Looks like I'm gonna have to show you guys up with my Sempr0n 2800+ when I get it...
Time for baron to clean house with his 2750MHz verified already ;) I can't touch that if I wanted...and when I read this thread I was like "cmon now, eclipse will clean house.". :p

But I may crank up the voltage and put the air conditioner on my case, see what I can come up with but that'd be tomorrow if at all.
I think I can beat you all, just let me finish reinstalling my 3400NC gaming rig. I run it at 2.7 daily, and I think I can screen it around or over 2.8. :D
N H O said:
are mobiles allowed?? :p
looks like it, excluding mine ;)

mavalpha, if 2.7ghz is 24/7 stable, you should be able to get at least 2.9ghz screen. my clawhammer topped out at 2.35ghz, but i could tweak almost 2.7ghz :eek: :D
haha even the 754ers dont want you eclipse :D you should start a whole new class of people and call them..."mobilers"
Hey, can we use bandwidth in this test? Like the interweb's variety?


No? Damn. :)
My 3000+ does 2.7ghz 24/7 @1.65v. If I can peel myself off WOW for a few minutes I'll see what I can do with 1.8v.
CPU-Z is in sig. My memory speed and timings are more impressive than my CPU speed, though.

How do I verify this? I can have it verified if you guys want.

For some reason it's overvolting a LOT; BIOS is set for somewhere between 1.75 and 1.8, IIRC. Computer shuts down immediately in Prime, doesn't even try to read the HD to boot Windows after 237x12 (2844). This one is actually pretty stable, as long as I don't run any stressful programs.

ClockGen is really funny on this rig. I'm using the latest TicTac BIOS on the DFI, and CG picks up some weird freq's. AGP and PCI are right, but everything else is 1/3 of real- RAM is 75MHz, HTT is 75MHz, and CPU is 900MHz. If I try to make any adjustments it freezes; that screen was set through BIOS.
/drool :D

Nice o/c guys! Cant wait till I get my new mobo and a venice. I have the wife talked into it, now to make it happen! Damn again all the forums I visit just keep showing these awesome o/c and on air no less!! ;)
I can probably take a shot at 235 just for the glory (in fact, I will! :p Check back later today; I'm Prime'ing right now), but are we really going to argue over, literally, the difference between motherboards? The difference is less than 1MHz HTT, which is the variance from one clock generator to the next. Let's just admit that yours is more impressive because of the 1MB cache.
mavalpha said:
I can probably take a shot at 235 just for the glory (in fact, I will! :p Check back later today; I'm Prime'ing right now), but are we really going to argue over, literally, the difference between motherboards? The difference is less than 1MHz HTT, which is the variance from one clock generator to the next. Let's just admit that yours is more impressive because of the 1MB cache.

Haha, i bet your OC is a lot more stable than mine though. I cant post with higher than 1.75v, so I'm at a voltage disadvantage :(.
mavalpha said:
This one is actually pretty stable, as long as I don't run any stressful programs.
Let's just admit that yours is more impressive because of the 1MB cache.
I don't think I'll get to 2900 or anywhere near it, which means that yours would do better in benchmarks because of the extra L2. Still an impressive match, sir! I look forward to the rematch once I get a Newark. :p

Oh, and how DO you verify a CPU-Z screenshot?
mavalpha said:

I don't think I'll get to 2900 or anywhere near it, which means that yours would do better in benchmarks because of the extra L2. Still an impressive match, sir! I look forward to the rematch once I get a Newark. :p

Oh, and how DO you verify a CPU-Z screenshot?

Hit F7, then go to the About tab. Then follow the instructions. F7 saves a .cvf or whatever file in whatever folder CPU-Z is in. Then you just go to the webpage and yeah.

As for Newark... yeah.... I just might get a Newark of my own to see how it does, heh.
tsuehpsyde said:
LMFAO! Oh man, laughed out loud for real on that one....I love your taste in humor Baron. :D

Haha, well, it IS just humor. I don't discriminate against any race of Socket 754 chips, not even Paris or Palermo!

Though I am thinking about getting a 3100+ palermo and running 9:10 on it to see what I can do... I bet i'd beat this clockspeed if I got a revE one.
I'm not sold on the Sempron, personally. I realize the cache doesn't make a difference, but I really do like the idea of having 64-bit readiness for when it DOES become an everyday thing.
(...not that today's processors will be modern anymore when that happens...)
I'm especially dubious of Sempron's overclocking potential when you look at its foundation; if it's based on Winchester, what happens if you get a CBBID-turned-Semp?

I'm selling my NC3400 to subsidize a Newark 3400. I don't expect the clock speeds to get any/much higher, but I'm fairly sure my memory controller begins to crap out around 266MHz- DDR533. That doesn't give me a whole lot of headroom, considering I get to choose between a whole bunch of BH-5 and a matched pair of OCZ's 3700EB RAM. Both of these love voltage, and both should be capable of almost DDR550 with impressive results- better than VX, IMO.
Also, my XP90 will love the lower voltages- the longer I can put off investing in a watercooler, the richer I'll be (not necessarily happier, but at least richer).
mavalpha said:
I'm not sold on the Sempron, personally. I realize the cache doesn't make a difference
why sacrifice one for the other if you can get both? (cheap newark.. when they finally show up)

i really dislike being exempt from this contest, i could be having so much fun with your guys right now, posting screens like 5mhz above yours :p :rolleyes: :cool:
If Turions count some guy got 3.1ghz on air on 1.6x volts @ xtremesystems. Check the main page for a link.
zeebs said:
If Turions count some guy got 3.1ghz on air on 1.6x volts @ xtremesystems. Check the main page for a link.

Gee I wonder who that is. Couldnt be the guy that posted right above you ;)

Also, newark != Turion. The Turion uses the Lancaster core. Newark is a true A64 mobile.

Turions, as it stands now, probbaly wont get much past 2600-2700mhz.
You are all a bad influence, I hate you all.


The top went black, but every screen before that printed perfectly....yeah, that's all she has with 1.85v and an AC unit in her face. :D This makes me wonder how high I can actually bench with cold in the case like that...19C idle CPU temp from 1.55v 2.35GHz...12C drop in idle temp! :eek:
wow, everyone really stepped up, and kicked my ass :D. i knew (cf) would cause trouble in here, and make everyone feel inferior so i couldnt let him in, he however is still accepted by all 754's, just not in highest clock speed contests. i did 2.7ghz with1.7vcore in bios, but 1.75vcore in windows. i might be able to pick up a dfi mobo soon, and when water arrives, soon hopefully, i might be showing up some of these 3000+ DTR claws everyones all gaga about. :D
If you're going to go DTR, you might as well just get a Newark. :p I'm debating one.
yea i know, im liking my 2800+ right now, so i might just sell my vnf3-250 to a buddy, and just pick up a dfi mobo. i dont know. i wanna kick that puppy up to 2.7ghz :D, but i doubt itll be stable with only 1.7v's. newark seems tempting, 3.1ghz on air, ohh man, but the price, it will kill me.
yeah, i could only justify getting it cause the claw is going in my parent's rig :p

i should have some updates for the newark thread though, stay tuned (sadly i'll be doing something this evening.. maybe i'll see if i can pull 2.9ghz stable)
Are us 754 users really that rare? Damn..was hoping to see a few more people toss their results in.
tsuehpsyde said:
Are us 754 users really that rare? Damn..was hoping to see a few more people toss their results in.
Lots of uneducated people...
eg. My friend Adam, he thinks Dual Channel "Doubles your computer speed" and he also knows nothing about RAM, he is buying 2x1gb sticks this summer, I told him, with what he does, he won't ever need that....

So I made him a deal, If he can get better performance from his 3200+ than I can get from my 2800+ Sempron, I'll give him $50. Note: I'll be using the Elixir RAM in my sig, 2.5-3-3-7, it runs 195mhz at 2.6v pretty well, this board can't do any looser timings than 2.5-3-3-6 though... so I can't outclock his RAM which is Crucial 3-4-4-8 or something DDR400.
Either way, my system for around $900 will out do his $1200 system.
we are a rare bunch us 754r's. lets see some more results. and i guess i can let (cf)eclipse be in the contest. we need all the help we can get now.
Pretty sad that as it stands, I'm the only non revE that got above 2.8ghz, unless I missed something.
We're not getting into that again, my Booster came in today and I'm too busy pushing my RAM to silence you with a 234/235 screenie. We both got 2.8.
yea, but you have a 3700+, and i only have a lowely 2800+, so for me to hit 2.8ghz, id hafta throw up the htt to like 312, which is not gonna happen. i might try a suicide shot at 2.8ghz soon, but right now, im not feeling it. that 11x multi sure helps, where as the 9x multi just hurts :(
If my CPU would allow over 1.55 volts, then I'd join in... but whenver I go over 1.55, it drops down to 1.45.