AMD ATi Radeon HD 5870 X2 Spotted

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You’ll need a translator to read this site but this picture speaks a thousand words. Compare the picture of the HD 5870 X2 below with the Radeon HD 5870 in our evaluation and you’ll see just how big this card really is.
SFF need not apply, actually, most people who do not have a FULL tower need not apply.
wtf? Is it just me or is there no way that card is going to fit in most cases?
Holy... that thing is long as hell. Reminds me of those R600 cards that were supposed to be the uber super clocked versions that needed a retention mechanism in order to stay in place.
The flagship models and X2 models continue to get longer and longer each and every generation. Seems like there's gotta be an engineering evolution here sometime soon.
You could bludgeon a person to death with that card :eek:
i want that card just for the sheer size of it. people will be more impressed with the physical size of it inside my pc then the frame rates i get lol
The flagship models and X2 models continue to get longer and longer each and every generation. Seems like there's gotta be an engineering evolution here sometime soon.

You are witnessing it. See, it was the cooling evolving to suck air form in the case, and vent it outside the case. This one is long enough that is sucks cool air in from the front of the case, and then vents the hot air out the back of the case.

You are witnessing it. See, it was the cooling evolving to suck air form in the case, and vent it outside the case. This one is long enough that is sucks cool air in from the front of the case, and then vents the hot air out the back of the case.


You might want to patent that idea before someone steals it... ;) Idea sounds pretty nice though -- good cool air from *outside* of the case coming in to cool the card off.
they are going to have to start shipping them with mini jack stands to support the weight of the cards so they dont rip the pcie slot right off your mobo
You might want to patent that idea before someone steals it... ;) Idea sounds pretty nice though -- good cool air from *outside* of the case coming in to cool the card off.

And the fact that the card protrudes out the front of the case means that the front of the case supports the mass of the card.

I'm telling you, it is engineering brilliance.
Can i get mine supersized LOL oh dayum there HUGENESS...glad i still got my antec sx 830 that will hold anything thrown into or at it :D
they are going to have to start shipping them with mini jack stands to support the weight of the cards so they dont rip the pcie slot right off your mobo

They do. Its called the slot screw. When they stop designing them with the ability to hold their own weight across the front slot, then we can worry.
Uhh...Yeah, no way in heck that thing'll fit inside of my case. My GTX 260s barely fit. Well so much for me wanting to keep an eye on the X2, if its as big as the picture makes it seem then I'm not buying. Back to drooling over the 5870 CF benchies.
guess i will be sticking to the single card slot alough I might have to get a bigger case lol
Can't wait to see the benchies on one of those... mostly because I want to see how it compares to 2x 5870s in CF.

I would probably never get one.... my next toy will most likely be a 5870 though. Wifes computer needs a card (using a crappy PCI card that is almost too slow to surf) and it would give me an excuse to upgrade.

Looks like a beast though... If I ever did end up getting one I would most likely have to mod my case for it to fit. :D
I only see one CrossfireX tab, does that mean (like it does on Nvidia's SLI setup) that you can only pair it with one other 5870x2 for Quad CrossfireX?
Voodoo 5 6000 anyone?

Not that I don't think this card will make it to market, I'm sure it will. The picture reminded me instantly of the Voodoo 5 6000 card though.
Geez that card is huge! :eek: I hope it doesn't have the fan noise like my 4870x2 does.
Well, you can always use the ol' "You want to see how I can make all 12 inches fit?" at the bar now.
Seriously though, that has to be just some kind of pre-production prototype, right?


I cant wait to see someone mod their case to have that monster sticking out the front of it!
Seriously though, that has to be just some kind of pre-production prototype, right?



Yes. It is probably going to be an engineering sample of some type. For all I know it's a non-working sample.
Looks like graphics cards are nearly catching up in length to the Sound Blaster AWE32!
You can read the article using babelfish. its simplified Chinese to English translation. They are using the not yet released 5870x2 in order to run a demo of the cry engine 3 at 1920x1200 with no AA. And that the card is coming out sometime Quarter 4. The card looks huge. It uses 1 8 pin and 1 6 pin connector. This beast looks huge!