Another 2500K Overclocking Question...


Dec 23, 2006
Thanx for even looking at this post guys....I am just wondering if it is possible or even advisable to run the now SB chips at full overclock. As in not idle at 1600mhz and ramping up to 4.5Ghz when needing it...what are the setting to change to enforce this.

Also the setting on the Asus P8P67 Deluxe on board like the TDU switch so I need that on or off....

I currently have my 2500k @ 4.5Ghz and I am happy at that for 24/7 use but I am not sure if I have the volts etc set right. The few overclocking guides I have read are somewhat conflicting especially the VRM freq of 350. Am I pretty safe with most setting on AUTO even if my ram is underclocked (Set to 1600) and I have DDR3 2000Mhz.

I have the CPU cooled with a corsair H50 and idle temps are very good, but need to be monitored as I have just clocked this now.
Any input would be great or links to other very good guides.
At 4.5 you can just leave the voltages on Auto, it'll probably be a little higher than needed, but it should give you good stability and it maintains the ability of the board to reduce the voltage at idle. I've heard conflicting reports on whether it is possible to actually turn off Speedstep with SB CPUs (most say it doesn't work, some say it works but just doesn't report properly). In any case, I would recommend just leaving it turned on - no sense running at 4.5 when the CPU isn't doing anything.
For the most part allowing the cpu to downclock is fine. With auto voltage my vcore reduces when load is reduced. At 4.4GHz this can cause some instabilty at light loads. My solution is to either run at 4.3 (auto votage) or keep the voltage constant at ~1.3v @ 4.4GHz.

For power saving I'd allow the cpu to speedstep. If you have instability you can manually adjust the voltage or turn off speedstep.

What's your vcore at full load?
Well its not stable yet....tried to run Prime95 and it locks up after about 3 mins. I just used that to get the vcore under load. It boots into windows fine, idle temps are fine. I just dont know what the best way is to clock this....when you select "ALL CORES" do you leave them auto or select the multi for each core. My Vcore is listed at 1.32v in CPUz.....

Just gonna have to tweak and get lots of help on here.
Easiest is to use the setting for All Cores, so you only need to set one multiplier. You can try 1.35 volts manually - that should be enough to give you 4.5, and you can then try fooling with offset voltages if you want (after you determine a good stable Vcore to shoot for). What do you have set in PLL Overvoltage - Disabled is probably okay at 4.5. Setting the VRM to 350 is recommended. What are you using for Loadline Calibration?

I was able to get mine 100% stable at 4.6 using Auto for Vcore, Auto for LLC, Disabled for PLL Overvoltage, 350 for VRM control, and maunally setting the RAM speed and voltage (but Auto timings).
As far as I know its not possible to keep the overclocked frequency all the time, I have the pro board and haven't been able to do it. Its not really necessary though, the ramp up is very intelligent and instant as soon as load appears.

You're fine with the frequency at 350khz, set your DIGI+VRM to extreme, both the phase control and duty control. Then set your LLC to high or ultra high, to get prime stable with my overclock I needed to set ultra high.

You should be able to use your memory's XMP option, no real reason to underclock it. I wouldn't bother with PLL overvoltage if you are able to boot into windows, it typically will not improve load stability.
Voltage offset should let you increase the voltage without making it a fixed amount. I haven't done this, I just set it at 4.3 and forget it, and Ron Popeil would say.
Thanx a million guys, its the individual options here I was looking for and you lot are coming up trumps ;) I ran Prime95 for 1 hour just to see tmeps and never went above 60 degrees at all, and idle is late 20s.

I am rock stable now at 4.5Ghz but my ram is running at 1066mhz (533 in cpuz) I was weary of running the VRM @ 350 as was advised only needed for overclocks of x48 multi but set it at 350 and now its fine. I am using 1.8v on the CPU PLL AFAIK that is default. Phase control is set to EXTREME.

I have not set any other volts only for DRAM and CPU..I have the loadline cal. set to high.

Gonna doulbe check the setting now and do exactly what you "PROS" are doing...

What if any is the best way of getting my RAM up to defualt speed....surely it can go higher then 1066mhz....its Corsair XMS DDR3 2000Mhz 2x4GB sticks.

Many Thanx. :)
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Just check the SPD info for the XMP memory profile, it should be available in the EFI and in CPU-Z
Phase control is set to EXTREME.

I have not set any other volts only for DRAM and CPU..I have the loadline cal. set to high.

Gonna doulbe check the setting now and do exactly what you "PROS" are doing...

What if any is the best way of getting my RAM up to defualt speed....surely it can go higher then 1066mhz....its Corsair XMS DDR3 2000Mhz 2x4GB sticks.

Many Thanx. :)

You can probably get away with leaving phase control on optimized as well, extreme is only needed when you get up towards 4.8. Can you not set a higher DDR speed? Does it not stick, or cause issues? You should at least be able to set DDR3-1600 in the RAM speed, and then either set the timings manually or use Auto. You can run into trouble using XMP profiles with some RAM.
Having some very niggly problems guys. Stability is just not there no matter what I try, I find I am getting more joy setting nearly everything to auto...when I set the volts even generously I cant get the thing past 4.2Ghz stable with default memory @ 2000mhz

Maybe I have a bad batch for overclocking....I dont know. Also getting cold boots after changing the TDU switch to on from the mobo now.....coincidence I dont know.

I am running the latest 1204 Bios also.
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Having some very niggly problems guys. Stability is just not there no matter what I try, I find I am getting more joy setting nearly everything to auto...when I set the volts even generously I cant get the thing past 4.2Ghz stable with default memory @ 2000mhz

Maybe I have a bad batch for overclocking....I dont know. Also getting cold boots after changing the TDU switch to on from the mobo now.....coincidence I dont know.

I am running the latest 1204 Bios also.

Try getting good setting with the memory at 1333, or possibly 1600. High speed memory seems to be more hit or miss with these boards right now, so take that out of the equation. Recommend leaving TPU and EPU to off on the motherboard.
Not to mention, tech report just did an article and shows how the difference in real world benching between 1333 and even 2133 is about a frame if that. Sandy Bridge does not NEED high memory speed to show it's stuff.
Okay, I just read an article in CUSTOM PC (Europe) and here is what they specifically say to set for a stable 4.5Ghz overclock. Mostly left to auto but other setting seem a little high on the volts.

Extreme Load Line

Cpu Volts - 1.39v
CPU PLL - 1.9V ?
VCCSA - 1.1v
VCCIO - 1.10625v ?

I also set my DRAM to 1600mhz and turned off TDU on far boots to windows. Will test while gaming. :rolleyes:
Okay, I just read an article in CUSTOM PC (Europe) and here is what they specifically say to set for a stable 4.5Ghz overclock. Mostly left to auto but other setting seem a little high on the volts.

Extreme Load Line

Cpu Volts - 1.39v
CPU PLL - 1.9V ?
VCCSA - 1.1v
VCCIO - 1.10625v ?

I also set my DRAM to 1600mhz and turned off TDU on far boots to windows. Will test while gaming. :rolleyes:

CPU: 1.39V is way too high for only 4.5GHz. Those settings seem more appropriate for 4.8GHz or above. It should be <1.35V, or if you have a good chip, <1.30V. Try lowering CPU PLL to 1.71 for better temp, and maybe, leading to better overclock. As for VCC, I would just leave them on auto.
Yeah I was thinking that myself that the volts were was for a 2600K the guide but should be the same.

I tell you my main matter what I do to the settings anything if I set my ram higher then 1000mhz the PC just turns off DEAD. No BSOD straight to power off!!! WIERD!

Thats what is worrying me.....not stable at all only with a RAM setting of 1000Mhz.
Believe, on sandy bridge, there are no 2000mhz option. The closest are 1866mhz or 2133mhz. And, if it's a ram issue, most of the time people are trying to use 1.65V rams on the board. Hardly, anyone have issues using 1.5V ones. Thus, I suggest you try manually setting the ram timings, at lower speeds and less voltage.
When I said 200mhz I am just telling you guys what my ram speed is at default so you know. I am well aware that the P67 chipset and CPU sees the RAM timings in my Corsair XMS DDR3 2000mhz will show up as 1866 in the bios.

I have tried to set the ram timing to default and NOT OVERCLOCK the system and its fine...until I restart and I get cold boots.....:mad:

So you are saying under volt the RAM and not give it the default volts of 1.65v....what will that fix in the grand scheme of things....I am not sure.:confused:
If you are still getting cold boot issues, did you update the bios, 1204?

As to ram issue, YES, try running the them at lower voltage, ie 1.5V, 1.55V, 1.58V, 1.6V or etc., since some people are having problems running them at 1.65V on sandy bridge MBs. The ram's 1.65V spec is for 2000mhz, but if run at lower speeds, 1333mhz or 1666mhz, it should also allow you to run at lower voltage.
The mobo actually shipped with the very 1st Bios....I was having no troubles, but then again I did not have the board very long. When I read the fixes with the 1204 Bios I decided to update as it seemed pretty major fixes. I have had nothing but trouble since I updated, I have now reverted back down a bios to the 1053 (i think) and it is alot more stable.....well it lasted the full day playing intense games and restarted without cold boots.

My only concern now is that I have it mostly auto clocked and auto settings....I am running it at 4.5Ghz nearly all is auto managed....only difference is I choose XMP profile for the RAM and it is now running HIGHER then spec. and the BLCK is marginally faster then should be...its at 103.0 and the RAM is running at 980 (I think, in work now cant check but deffinatley faster then 933 for 1866) in CPUz.

Still it is stable so that is what matters for the minute.