ASUS' New Video Card Box Thread & Poll

Which ASUS video card box design do you prefer?

  • old design

    Votes: 9 8.4%
  • new design

    Votes: 50 46.7%
  • the box design doesn't affect my buying of the card/ either one is fine

    Votes: 48 44.9%

  • Total voters
It doesn't influence me for purchasing but I will admin the Horse design is a bit dated when I do see them on the shelves at FRYs, which is rare for the high end cards but tons of the low ends are there.

I would also make the card type, RAM, etc... all more prominent than the claws... Red also gives it a bit of a confusing AMD color scheme FWIW.

good points and I agree that the color scheme might be confusing. thanks for your input.
The box doesn't influence my buying decision. That said, I tend to prefer the old box presentation with the exception of the awful fantasy graphic.

Here are my impressions about each design.
Old Box:
++ large product name GTX 580
+ highlighted feature with border stands out (DirectCUII)
- technical features (clock, mem etc) slightly small and "GeForce" is unnecessary and detracts from presenting them all in small boxes
--- horrible fantasy theme graphic

New Box:
+ graphic isn't quite bold enough but better theme
+ larger technical features but I disagree with placing memory first especially on NV units which typically have less vRam than competitors. I would probably place PCIe3.0 first since many will be upgrading in conjunction with new motherboards which will also be highlighting this feature. 3.0 should be listed on side panel instead of DX11.
- highlighted feature "GPU Tweak" needs a border to stand out similar to the border used on the old box. Also I find the description "real-time & intuitive graphics tuning" to be boring and lengthy. especially the "& intuitive" part. I would have gone with "Real-time adaptive tuning" but I am sure some marketing guru choose the description based on far more factors than I am considering.
-- small product name GTX 680

thanks for breaking it down and you definitely made some valid points that we can consider improvements from
Thanks to everyone who's voted so far. Looking at the numbers, it's about what I would expect which is good and gives us something to base some metrics on. Also, thanks for the feedback which we've been mulling over and will definitely help in the long run!
I agree that the new graphic which looks like wolverine took a swipe at the box isn't going to mean anything to anyone unless they were informed of it's meaning. Kind of obscure..
I agree that the new graphic which looks like wolverine took a swipe at the box isn't going to mean anything to anyone unless they were informed of it's meaning. Kind of obscure..

You're right, which is why I wanted to let you guys know so at least some of us can get a better understanding of it.
Aesthetics don't really hold too much weight for me (although brand recognition and continuity should be there) but...

Smaller boxes are better. (I keep boxes for moving and RMA purposes, and space is a concern.)

Pictures of the physical card are a must. A large full-card view with all accessories on the back with an inset picture of the IO shield/connectors would be ideal, and the full-card picture should take up the majority of the reverse: 1:1 scale would be awesome.

Model version, DX version, memory size, core clock, and max supported displays should all be displayed on the front and on the top (to a lesser extent). A full listing of all stats and changes from reference design(s) (if applicable) should be in a tabular format on the reverse as well.
Box doesn't effect my decision at all. Ideally it would be brown cardboard that said something like Asus *insert model number here* and the cost of savings on printing would be passed to me as the consumer, even if it only works out to be $1.

I'd like it even more if the card was sold without a heatsink and sold for $15 - $20 less (including the discount on brown box). I'm going to rip off the old heatsink anyway to put on a waterblock, so I'd rather not have to keep track of the old heatsink in case I need to RMA...
Definitely looks better. Looks like something targeted at a mature 20-40 year old would buy compared to the old one that looked like a anime nerd freak would like because of that horse
Learn from Apple.
Simple picture of the product in the front. Detailed specs in the back. You can maybe use a QR code in the back for full specs and details.
Keep it simple and clean-to the point info on the front on the back detailed info, maybe even have a flip card front that says what the three swipes mean, cause yes it is obscure. If its meant to mean something important to ASUS as a company in branding/marketing/appeal word it out on the front or back KISS method is most times the best way to capture attention.

I always like ASUS slogan it always had a strange ring to it, but was well known ASUS Rock solid - Heart touching. Maybe this 3 swipe thing can be about something similar?

Q-What do the three red swipes on the product represent?"
A-The Three red swipes you se eon our products represent---
(Customer support and service, best in class performance, setting the bar for our competition to noitice) or something like so.

I also have one more suggestion. Would it be to much to ask to have the serial number etc on the product box/card as usual, but to also have a special card on the inside that is meant for rebates and such, this way here we do not have to cut UPC off the box and instead send the card with unique number linked to the specific product instead. I do not know with ASUS specifically, I do know of other competitors that require the UPC sent away, but if sending the card in for warranty work they also require the box, all packaging including the UPC so they can directly identify it(wonky isnt it)
You're right, which is why I wanted to let you guys know so at least some of us can get a better understanding of it.

and the word has got to start somewhere :)

It's great to see a manufacturer coming directly to the enthusiast for their opinions. Very cool!