Asus P5AD2-Deluxe BIOS Bad?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - May 2006
Jun 26, 2004
I have an Asus P5AD2-Deluxe which arrived with the 1005 BIOS. I upgraded it to the 1007 BIOS a few days ago, and it immediately became unstable.

The symptom was that it would shut itself down (as if it suddenly lost power; it didn't shut down Windows, just went dark) a few seconds after Windows boot.

I got it to boot and stay on, and it worked fine ... until a few minutes ago, when I rebooted it and the problem manifested itself again. I ditched the 1007 BIOS and went down to the 1006 BIOS, and I'm fine.

Has anyone else had a bad experience with this BIOS?

.B ekiM
I had something similar with mine (P5AD2E Premium) and the 1004 BIOS.

I did a flash from the BIOS included on the CD-ROM 1002 and reflashed to the 1003. A week later I downloaded the 1004 again and flashed for testing. This time NP. So while mileage may vary, try reflashing. I havent the slightest why this helped me, but it may help you too.

The [H]orde needs You!
I ended up going back to 1005 and I don't have any problems.

There are many differences between the 1005 build and the 1006 build. I'm worried that there's something wrong with my system that's made evident by a new feature of the BIOS.

.B ekiM
mikeblas said:
I'm worried that there's something wrong with my system that's made evident by a new feature of the BIOS.
Unlikely. Both the P5AD2 Premum and Deluxe have had stability issues since they were released last fall. I wrestled with one for nearly a month before I sent it back and went to a different board. Some people don't have problems, but there continue to be enough that do so that it's definitely not anything you are doing.

GamePC told me that they burn in every P5AD2 Deluxe and Premium they get and have a significant return rate, and one that I tried didn't even post, while another had all manner of weird issues and spontaneaous reboots.

Wish I could tell you something good or simple.

Turns out my problem was a badly mounted CPU heatsink. The newest BIOS lets me turn of thermal throttling, and it's off by default. The machine would shut down when the part became too hot because it couldn't throttle.

Fixing the HSF made the problem go away, and I upgraded to the newest BIOS without a problem.

From your symptoms, I don't think you're having the same problem.