Average CPU temperature?


there must be some mistake with either the program or your sensors. With most modern cpu's, 60C is about the max temperature before the system will either freeze up or shut off
for whatever cpu you own, thanks for specifying btw, that temp is not normal. its too high. more specifics are needed for any real help to be applied here. was your computer store bought? built by you? what cpu? what hs/fan combo? what case? how many fans?
That sounds really high for a AMD. For example, my 3800+ idles around 38c and full loads around 48-50c. But always remember that the temp probes on motherboards can be faulty as well.

Is it stable?
I have Athlon 2600+

It seems stable... I did had a few BSOD but I that was after I installed Vista. At that same time I tried another heat-sink and fan but the fan didn't work so put my old one back in.
I just rebooted and..... nothing! The PC kicks on for about half a second then dies. I hear a strange sound like a very quiet alarm but that's it...

I'm posting this at a friends house down the street.
Make sure you removed the plastic sheet that might be on the base of the heatsink and that you've properly applied thermal grease. Reset the CMOS for now to make sure the processor isn't getting too many volts.

Did (does) the heatsink feel cool,warm, or hot to the touch when the matchine was on?
if the system is just cutting on for half a second and then nothing, i would look at the PSU
well you guys running hot like that make me feel special :p , i idle at 28 c with a 300 mhz overclock on air. max ive ever hit is 38. =p
sounds to me like the heatsink is clipped on the socket backwards.. which would raise the heatsink off of the cpu core.

And yeah.. if it really is idling at 70C.. your CPU will be toast pretty quick like