Bad Case Of Déjà vu?

I am just loving the artwork, especially these guys who are obviously the mascots of the various systems:

This web-site had to have been designed specifically to troll [H]. There's no other explanation.
I never noticed... but what exactly the hell kind of signature is that? Jeff Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy? lol.

Dunno. Never felt up to giving the federal judge shit about how he signed the order that we won. ;)
This web-site had to have been designed specifically to troll [H]. There's no other explanation.

Actually, this isn't a bad explanation. This whole thing is over the top smelling like vaporware.
How powerful are the consoles?

Being capable to play all games released to all their competing consoles & every console predecessor, it goes without saying they don't even play in the same league as their competitors. When it comes to functions, it is fair to say we skipped a generation or two & jump-started a revolution! For hardware specifications & more information:

Übercron (The monster flagship that plays any game to any console)

Netcron (Our revolutionary & groundbreaking handheld game console)

Secron (Our value console, owning PS3/WII/360, aimed at 3rd world)

Controller (A controller, unlike any before it)

Awwwwwwww.....I would have been interested if they had VOLTRON!!!!;)