Bill Gates Is Donating $12 Million to Help Develop a Universal Flu Vaccine


Aug 20, 2006
Bill Gates’ biggest fear is a pandemic akin to the 1918 Spanish flu: simulations show that a new, highly contagious airborne pathogen could kill as many as 33 million people in just six months. The philanthropist is, therefore, doubling down on his efforts to prevent catastrophe by donating toward the creation of a universal vaccine.

Since the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, global health has progressed significantly; we’ve eradicated small pox, Gates noted, and we’re on the verge of eliminating polio. But we need to be better equipped if we want to be able to handle the next major infectious disease when it arrives. “The world,” Gates said, “needs to prepare for pandemics the way the military prepares for war.”
Yeah... how is that gonna work? Every year the virus has mutated so much that the previous year's solution no longer works effectively.
All virus strains have a root code that gets mutated, wonder if they are spending the cash trying to treat the root code.
he needs to hurry up with an HIV vaccine so we can fuck recklessly without condoms.

Man, the gates foundation had better pump the brakes on that before they break their wallets.

Here's to hoping they don't end up creating a pandemic in the process :D
Stuff that was eradicated is now coming back across our open boarders. Hepatitis A is all the way up to Orange County now. TB is back on a big roll, Mumps, Polio, Measles, all kinds of Influenza. And then there are the new strains of sexually transmitted diseases. Get a flu shot, yep that will fix it.
Yeah... how is that gonna work? Every year the virus has mutated so much that the previous year's solution no longer works effectively.
There are new methods with plant-based vaccines which allow us to target those parts that don't change. They've already progressed to clinical trials against some viruses, like Dengue and Zika. HPV vaccines were also shown to be more effective in lab tests than current vaccines, and they're improving it to cover as many of the 100+ strains as they can. I'm sure there are some labs working on vaccines for influenza and the various types of the common cold.
He can throw all the money he wants at it, it will still happen eventually given the dense world population. And honestly, isn't it time a little culling happened? The population is spiraling out of control.
He can throw all the money he wants at it, it will still happen eventually given the dense world population. And honestly, isn't it time a little culling happened? The population is spiraling out of control.

Exactly, start fucking with nature and we'll have a lot more than the Flu to worry about. She'll wipe the slate clean pretty fast on us.
Stuff that was eradicated is now coming back across our open boarders. Hepatitis A is all the way up to Orange County now. TB is back on a big roll, Mumps, Polio, Measles, all kinds of Influenza. And then there are the new strains of sexually transmitted diseases. Get a flu shot, yep that will fix it.
Not just across open borders, but due to the dumb fucks here that don't vaccinate their kids to promote herd immunity because they think it might hurt their little snowflakes.

Hepatitis, cholera, and all that stuff happening in California is due to homeless shitting anywhere.
Just like how Gates developed Windows to lock down viruses and keep computers safe everywhere, now he will do the same for vaccinations!
It's very nice of Bill to spend OUR money on flu vaccines. Thanks, Bill.
FIFY. He got that rich by soaking the rest of the population by manipulating the marketplace to establish a near monopoly, while keeping his product essentially self distructing over a short period necessitating purchasing another version of the same thing. That's YOUR money he's donating.
he needs to hurry up with an HIV vaccine so we can fuck recklessly without condoms.
There will always be another STD popping up. Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis are all eagerly waiting for you as you gobble down your retrovirus pills to avoid HIV.

The population is spiraling out of control.
I think you'll find this man's math interesting:
Just like how Gates developed Windows to lock down viruses and keep computers safe everywhere, now he will do the same for vaccinations!
Yeah, but people love headlines that portray rich guys doing good things, while ignoring the dispicible things they did to get so rich in the first place.
I think you'll find this man's math interesting:

I studied population statistics in undergrad when I took ecology and yes 2 kids per family would limit growth but as this speaker pointed out, that only applies to industrialized or rapidly industrializing nations. Meanwhile Africa has unabated growth and we have guys like Bill Gates and his wife Melinda encouraging growth and sustainability in Africa and other third world population hot spots. This speaker didn’t mention carrying capacity of the earth which was previously around 8 billion when I was in college but I think it’s been revised to 10 billion now. Anything near or above carrying capacity increases misery and introduces rapid degradation of the environment.

So I stand by what I said, we could use a population culling.
When anti-vaxxers die from the flu it works for everyone
I'm all for that at this point. I can't take the vaccine makes me very ill, all the more reason to want everyone else to take it. I hate flu season, I'm afraid to touch anything (ok almost anything).
Not just across open borders, but due to the dumb fucks here that don't vaccinate their kids to promote herd immunity because they think it might hurt their little snowflakes. .
Show me the science please. The complete lack of double blind studies across the board leaves a lot of guess work in spite of decades of these practices. Herd mentality for herd immunity is equally suspicious for providing a complete disruption of ones immunity leading to a rise in disease's.
Antibiotics and modern hygiene have been the catalysts of health of the last century. Not vaccinations. Now we are hitting a wall of antibiotic effectiveness, and escalating population growth in unhygienic urban clusters.
It is deja vu all over again.
Show me the science please. The complete lack of double blind studies across the board leaves a lot of guess work in spite of decades of these practices. Herd mentality for herd immunity is equally suspicious for providing a complete disruption of ones immunity leading to a rise in disease's.
Antibiotics and modern hygiene have been the catalysts of health of the last century. Not vaccinations. Now we are hitting a wall of antibiotic effectiveness, and escalating population growth in unhygienic urban clusters.
It is deja vu all over again.
Herd immunity protects vulnerable people in the community who have weak or compromised immune systems (children, elderly, cancer patients, autoimmune, transplant patients, ill) who cannot get a vaccine. While herd immunity might not severely affect a healthy adult with an uncompromised immune system, it does apply to someone you know. Some diseases like Polio, or diseases in younger children, can leave lifelong damage if you try to survive it without a vaccine.

After passing the National Research Act of 1974, you can't perform a clinical trial on this because it would be highly unethical to restrict someone to not vaccinate for research purposes. While one observational study alone isn't enough to prove 100% causality, all observational studies that I've read with inferences from sample populations where the independent variable was not under the researchers' control, have shown positive effects of herd immunity. This supports what we would expect from microbiology, immunology, pathology, epidemiology, and statistics. Which is the foundation of why healthcare workers wear protective equipment and have sterilization-sanitization procedures, why we wash our hands, do water treatment, and cooking. So there are a lot of other ways to think about the spread of infectious disease that may remove some of the mystery of immunity.
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