Chemical Warfare

What's happened?? I was loving this mod. No updates in quite a while. Kodiac, we're behind you and anxiously waiting updates.
Mm. Ive been living with my boss a few hours away and hopefully moving into
a new apartment, sans female... but i have the dog..

Back to the single life. so once i get my feet under me.. updates you shall
Hmm. I know I know..
The pains of moving into a new place,
and meeting new people ;)

I am working on it though, trying to figure out which boxes all
my tools are in, and figure out where i left off and whats next.

Oh i will get some stuff done this week.
Now I live 10 minutes from work (walking)
rather then the 2 hour commute (walking, train, car)
soo i have more time to mod at night
nice, im just glad im still at school, coz i get home a 3pm and get to do HOMEWORK, then some modding. year 12 lots of homework
I am getting there. still dont have quite everything i need yet..
the whole test tube thing is down the drain.. have to try something
else it got kinda nasty... so once that is set then i can move
on with that portion... the other problem is trying to get my life
back together has been sucking away my time.. as well as
doing the F@H project (gathering 10-20 new computers in
the morning).. I just havent had the artistic inspiration or
motivation quite yet.. but im not finished yet!