Childish Sapphire Tech Support Behaviour


Nov 21, 2007
My 3870 was overheating due to the fan not speeding up. So I went looking for the 3870 fan-fix bios, only to read this . They decided to be jerks and took down the fan-fix bios because of a forum troll. I ended up getting the bios from the VisionTek forums. I'm never buying anything from sapphire again...
Seems more than one person is mad at Sapphire for sub standard customer service.
still coming from the same heya guy greensh*tgecko. how impressive, i mean, he survived there after all he has done? what a forum.
There was a huge thread sometime ago about thier trash 'customer support' and Kyle himself ended up contancting Sapphire or related company...looks like things havn't changed at all.
There was a huge thread sometime ago about thier trash 'customer support' and Kyle himself ended up contancting Sapphire or related company...looks like things havn't changed at all.

Care to link? Searching turned up nothing:(
Good lord i've just orderd 2 Sapphire 4870's, after reading the first 10 pages of that long thread on a simple RMA matter, I'm kinda worried now :/
Good lord i've just orderd 2 Sapphire 4870's, after reading the first 10 pages of that long thread on a simple RMA matter, I'm kinda worried now :/

When it comes to ATI Products, I tend to Stick with Visiontek or Diamond.. Had bad luck with Sapphire.
I have Visiontek, Diamond, and Powercolor. I prefer Visiontek though.

EDIT: Wow that thread lasted over 4 months about a Sapphire RMA downgrade!
When it comes to ATI Products, I tend to Stick with Visiontek or Diamond.. Had bad luck with Sapphire.

I've been building PC's for over 10 years now and have been through countless thousands in hardware over more builds than I can remember, and all i recall ever having issues with is OCZ ram not compatible with an Asus motherboard, and a DOA hard drive which had a dented corner and was obviously smacked in transit, everythign else has worked, we're talking £10,000+ worth of kit, thats about $20,000.

Hopefuly that trend will continue and I wont need to return any of my new kit, including the Sapphires ;)
I've been building PC's for over 10 years now and have been through countless thousands in hardware over more builds than I can remember, and all i recall ever having issues with is OCZ ram not compatible with an Asus motherboard, and a DOA hard drive which had a dented corner and was obviously smacked in transit, everythign else has worked, we're talking £10,000+ worth of kit, thats about $20,000.

Hopefuly that trend will continue and I wont need to return any of my new kit, including the Sapphires ;)

Not to get in a pissing match; but..

$20K wont even touch my personal PC expendatures over the last 10 years, I dont even want to think about the last 20 years.. Apart from that, I have probably filted through $20M in computer hardware over the last 12 years working, from PCs, to Servers, to Midrange/Mainframe to routers.

The worst case of being burnt on hardware for me was the Dell Optiplex Motherboard Capacitor Poping Issues. I replaced over 200 of those in 3 months. I was livid and my hands were sore from swapping them out.

With Sapphire, I received a Video Card wtih a Poorly Designed Cooler. It allowed the screws to back out over time and stop the Fan, Disabling it and burning out the card. Support was Crap on it. After reading all of the experiences of people dealing with them, I have put them on the back-burner for buying hardware from.

I have had defectvie parts show up, it happens to eveyone, no big deal. I had an MSI P35 Motherboard go down in flames after 5 minutes of use.. Replaced it with another like it and have been happy.

Everyone gets a dud now and then. Its the support after the fact that matters most.
Sapphire offers a 2 year warranty on the product. The warranty runs through the reseller, not sapphire. I recently had a card fail after about 8 months of use, and returned it to newegg. Since the card was no longer available for replacement, I was offered a refund instead. And as you can imagine the depreciation on video cards.. the $280 back on a 2900 pro was quite nice. :)
Sapphire offers a 2 year warranty on the product. The warranty runs through the reseller, not sapphire. I recently had a card fail after about 8 months of use, and returned it to newegg. Since the card was no longer available for replacement, I was offered a refund instead. And as you can imagine the depreciation on video cards.. the $280 back on a 2900 pro was quite nice. :)

I didn't need to rma it, just wanted to flash the new bios myself, but the jerk took down the bios that was previously posted there. Changing fan speeds in rivatuner is a pain.
Their stickers and support sucks. I really dont understand how people can choose them over ATI's other AIBs. :confused:
yep.....Sapphire sucks period, i was a bit put off when i found out the Zotac 8800GTS i bought is actually made by the sister company to Sapphire.....but it was too far so good, hopefully their warranty and RMA dept runs as a separate entity if i ever have to RMA
You get what you dont pay for with Sapphire.
I've been following what they are up to for some time and I have to warn people not to use Sapphire.
Their service is ugly and GreenGecko (the site admin) is like a child who wont let anyone play with his toys.
visiontek ftw! i had a sapphire card once and when i tried to get the ram to run at the clocks posted on the box (they were running too slow for whatever reason) i got artifacts. never again.
i dont understand why they are able to continue doing shady business without one of the big tech sites doing a story into why this is the way it is.......i even suggested it as an article here at [H] and they dont seem to really care to take it on......i personally feel it is a disservice to people who will buy their products without knowing how the service after the sale is....i even emailed people at AMD/ATI and they didn't even have the time to would think they would care if one of their largest AIB's was out there telling customers to go fly a kite when they have legitimate issues.....not cool
Its not wise to cut off a potential future business partner but I do agree more coverage is needed somehow.
Once GreenGecko has been disposed of things may turn around.
I am very surprised he hasnt had his marching orders yet, they must be contractually obliged to keep him onboard, either that or he has something over his management to use as leverage.
Totally OT, but I love that .gif from the page. Attempting to give a damn.....

LOL, it's my new desktop background at work.
nösferatu;1032703438 said:
not just a mod, he was super mod way back before and now he's censtral scrutisomething, well i don't know what it means.

Central Scrutinizer is a reference to Frank Zappa's Joe's Garage. Keeping that in mind, I'd say that Zappa's Flakes (Sheik Yerbouti) would apply to him...:D
I am willing to pay a few extra bucks so that companies like Sapphire do NOT get my money. Would you skip the insurance when renting a car? Of course not. Do you ever use that insurance? Most people don't. So why skimp on the video card insurance?

Get one of the better brands (VisionTek, Asus, etc.), although none will be as good as EVGA, XFX or BFG on the NVIDIA side of things. :(
You'll notice when availability of a card is slow, such as the 4870, ESPECIALLY in Canada, that Sapphire are first on the scene with their cards. This is how they get people. An example would again be that the 4870's for HIS and Visiontek are only coming into stock now at NCIX, most sites including NCIX only had Sapphires (maybe some Powercolors) up until this point.

The funny thing is Visiontek is usually the same price or cheaper than some other brands, even though they are the most reliable ones with their HQ being in US, and a lifetime warranty.

Just don't buy Sapphire. Period. ANY other brand is better.
i havent had an ati card in years, but now i have 2x sapphire 4870. am i mistaken, or arent all these cards manufactures in the same places, somewhat like the ref nvidia cards? if so, customer service problems aside, how are these cards any worser or betterer than h.i.s. or visiontek or powercolor, etc? i am reading a lot of "saphire cards suck" type stuff.
Central Scrutinizer is a reference to Frank Zappa's Joe's Garage. Keeping that in mind, I'd say that Zappa's Flakes (Sheik Yerbouti) would apply to him...:D

so it's a custom pick-your-own that even super to super admin.
super super administrator? :D
GreenGecko reminds me of another "soup Nazi" way back when. Anyone remember Angry Games?
nösferatu;1032707298 said:
so it's a custom pick-your-own that even super to super admin.
super super administrator? :D

I suck the forum owner's cock for special titles, type title?
I suck the forum owner's cock for special titles, type title?

banning ladyhawk and any other who speak for him/her is not civil, he even considered that calling us [H] morons was a bonus.

i'm glad the first HD 48xx were HIS here in my country.
I never buy sapphire cards, the support has always seemed horrible from all the stories I have heard. ATi used to get my moolah directly but now visontek does.
Here's a lovely recent quote from our reptilian friend:

.. p.s. Sh1t, didn't we evolve into a living organism with a brain & 2 eyes or what ?? sheesh ... c'mon people, stop acting like complete prehistoric swamp creatures !!!!!!!!!!!!

How is that possibly an acceptable manner to speak to a customer?
Oh, please. That homo Brian S at the nvidia forums was banning people left and right (me included) when nvidia was releasing and not releasing their shitty vista drivers back in early '07 and we were all complaining about it. That guy was a turd about it and if you weren't nose deep in nvidia's jock then he was banning you for it. I don't recall anyone starting all these whine threads about those travesties of justice. Give me a break. This clown no doubt is just like that douchebag Brian S. and is some turd who manages the forums. He doesn't work for Sapphire. Let's keep that in mind when basing the support of an entire company on one jackass who mans the forums and who is probably not even an employee. In my experience nvidia and their distributors have much worse support and drivers than anything that ati has.