Cliffy B and Epic claim they are done with the PC, consoles primary focus from here

Someone e-mail that dude the numbers for Starcraft2 sales after its released with the tag line 'PC Gaming is not dead, you just suck at it.'
[Edit - ok - you were referring to a specific PC. However, that's not representative of ALL PCs.]

I had planned on buying GoW for the PC, but heard how much of a broke POS it was, I decided to put my money into a game that was worthwhile. UT3 wasn't exactly a revolutionary leap either. I'll stick with UT2004.

If Epic is pitching fits about not pulling in enough profits off PC gamers, then maybe they should look at reducing the amount they spend for making shitty broken games instead of blaming PC owners.
Bullshit hes right, the fuckers are whining because everyone with brains had the common sense not to shell out for their shitty ports! Simple as that, Epic have become the biggest bunch of arrogant fucks around. The fact that their prick forum moderators ban anyone who voices any constructive criticism about their shitty games is a testament to this!

Your PC is ancient, not "oh 6 month uber rig is obsolete"....but completely and utterly redundant. The xbox 360 has more recent and advanced hardware than your 4 year old machine, of course GoW is going to run like shit on your machine (apart from the fact that it was a shitty ass port).


ok, how much do i have to spend to get my PC up to 360 standards, and better yet, why should i?

No one ever said gaming would be cheap :rolleyes: Most hobbys are not 'cheap' Also no one is forcing you to buy anything.When I think about the 3200+ I spent this week on Head-Fi related activities,PC gaming looks cheap in comparison.
The thing that will REALLY be the death of PC gaming is elitism. You can see examples in this very thread, but PC gaming has always seemed like it has more of the 20+ guys still living in their parents' basement thinking they're the shit because all they do is play Counterstrike all day, every day. Then you get a new player coming in and jumping into the game and said pimple-faced loser owns them. "That's how it's supposed to be!" the elitists cry, not realizing that that isn't the point...
The really really good Xbox Live players will own you even harder, the gap between noobs and pro's is just as bad if not worse on console. My friend is top 50 in the world in COD4 on Xbox Live and his KDR is 4.8. Becoming that proficient with dual analog is much much harder than with a mouse.
I remember playing against CliffyB. Good times back then.
I was into flight sims and RTS and didn't even play FPS'ers. Downloaded the UT demo. I was hooked and pre-ordered the game. Bought Unreal/Return to Na Pali/The Wheel of Time/UT2K3/4 and waited for UT2007...UT3.

UT3 was released with too many games, (IMO better choices) coming out at the same time. If it had been a PC gaming title drought at the time, it would have helped Epic. Thankfully for us gamers, it wasn't.

Same here,played against him years ago with a bunch of others,he seemed nice when we all got to chat.Like you I have bought with cold hard cash,every game EPIC has put out there with my hard earned cah.This seems to me like huge stab in the back to the people and community that made them what they are.Rein on the other hand is nothing more then a money grubbing piece of shit. :mad: I have fond memories of laying down 62.99 for Unreal back in the day,and playing in software mode and having a blast ! :eek:

Good post Kowan :)
This should come as no suprise to anyone. The bottom line is that piracy is simply a much bigger issue on PCs than it is on consoles. It significantly eats into the bottom line of the publishers/developers. Sure, it happens on console, but its much less infrequent. There is, however, no shortage of people who spend all sorts of money on video cards and aluminum cases only to download all of their games.

Someone in this thread said it best earlier - you want more/better PC development? Cut out the piracy, period. It might not be you, but I guarantee that there are several people you know who rarely pay for any of the titles they play. As a result, I have very little sympathy for the PC gamers [I was once one myself] as you are going to drive away the Epic's and Id Software's with your own behavior.

With the staggering costs to produce some of these titles, developers are going to look at every avenue to recover costs. Many of them prefer the PC as a platform, but simply cannot get past the fact that they'll put X amount of dollars into development only to see a large number of people use any crack in the book to NOT pay for the game. At least they know that, by porting to PS3/360, most people will gladly go out and spend $60 for their game as opposed to opening up their consoles and voiding their warranty.

It's funny - hardware companies like Nvidia are enjoying record sales, but [most, not all] game developers are hurting. The reason is simple: because people are not willing to pay for things they don't consider to be necessary. They'll gladly save up for that 20" Dell monitor, but they'll use every trick in the book to avoid paying for UT3 or Crysis [or the next game that comes along].
PC gaming is in it's twilight. If you do not see that, then you relatively short sited. You could also say that console gaming is also in it's twilight as well. The advantages of PC gaming are great, but so is the premium. Those advantages are not nearly as great as they were with the last generation of consoles. Consoles are now able to connect to the internet, utilize internal hard drives, browse the internet, support a mouse and keyboard, and display high resloutions.

The next generation of consoles will not really be consoles in my opinion. They will be highly specialized gaming PCs, more to the point media machines. Moreover, they only have to be able to run optimally at 1080p resolution. Most PC gamers, I would speculate, are running close to or below that. Of course, this is a comparison entirely based on the gaming merrits of a PC. Yes, the PC is a more versatile machine, but I imagine that laptops will be the primary type of PCs people use in the coming years. Especially once gaming fully migrates to consoles.

I read a nice article recently about how long it ould take for GPU technology to become obsolete. Where it would easily be able to render the maximum resolutions viewable to the human eye. As GPU technology increases, and our eyes stay the same, we approach a point where having the best PC on the planet is not going to make the graphic capabilties any better than a "console". Additionally, as consoles become more an more PC like, they decrease the advantages the PC in it's other aspects. Of course, the question is, if a console can do everything a PC can, what is the difference? Essentially nothing IMO. We are pushing towards convergence devices in every type of technology. The PS3 and the 360 are both trying to be more than consoles, the want to be media centers. The console is on it's death bed too. Most people will want more for $600 that the ability to play games. And, as expensive as it to console game, it's even more expensive to PC game.

Keep in mind, I would say that we are a good generation of consoles away from this, maybe two, but it will happen. Until consoles can support MMOs, RTS, and FPS games like a PC, there will be a place for PCs. The PC has been a great paltform for pushing the edge of graphics technology, but if there was one downfall, it rarely pushed the envelope of optimization. A $400 console that lasts 5-6 yeasr will be a better investment to most people than a $1500 machine that might need to be upgraded or replaced at least once in the same time period. No matter how rewarding the gaming experience.
i prefer the pc, except for some fighting and racing games. On consoles the controls are dumbed down on most of the FPS games, and the graphics get scaled back shortly after the machines are out. Other than one bug i saw on Gears , it ran fine on my PC. I cannot fault every problem with the game with EPIC on the PC version. The console has set specs and its known the limits of the machine. for the PC they have to try to cater to tons of configs new and old slow as pcs. Some things might cause the game to crash, some people have 8 hundred things installed on their pc and wonder why a game crashes cause their are no resources left. I think Epic should not neglect the PC, but business is business and most anyone will go first where the money is.
GOW ran great on my 360, and like shit on my P4 3.6/gf6800/2gb ram PC. expensive PC requirements are the problem.

your system is old, think of it like this, your comparing a xbox to a xbox 360, which will run a pretty game better? its not that drastic, but its example, the P4 was never a powerhouse cpu.

you update your pc, just like getting the newer console. expecting it to keep up is just silly. The console might have a longer lifespan for games to work and look acceptable, but i think the trade off is what you prefer, I like the PC over the console. since i can do everything i need just about with the pc, and not so with the console. I think maybe in the future though the limits of consoles may change, maybe upgrades and full feature functions like a pc in the next 10 years will happen.
PC gaming is in it's twilight. If you do not see that, then you relatively short sited. You could also say that console gaming is also in it's twilight as well. The advantages of PC gaming are great, but so is the premium. Those advantages are not nearly as great as they were with the last generation of consoles. Consoles are now able to connect to the internet, utilize internal hard drives, browse the internet, support a mouse and keyboard, and display high resloutions.

Console still use low res, most of the time can't manage full HD with decent looking games due to having fairly slow hardware, their settings are generally quite medium-low and they lack decent filtering or high levels of AA. Not to mention that some have unbearably low FPS.

As always you get what you pay for, and don't make the mistake of thinking that consoles are the only thing improving, they maybe tending towards PC's but PC's are improving at increasingly fast pace.

10 years ago we were using 640x480 with no filtering or any kind of image quality enhancemens, now we can run upto 2560x1600 with insenely good looking games.

The next generation of consoles will not really be consoles in my opinion. They will be highly specialized gaming PCs, more to the point media machines. Moreover, they only have to be able to run optimally at 1080p resolution. Most PC gamers, I would speculate, are running close to or below that. Of course, this is a comparison entirely based on the gaming merrits of a PC. Yes, the PC is a more versatile machine, but I imagine that laptops will be the primary type of PCs people use in the coming years. Especially once gaming fully migrates to consoles.

Console are changing, and will continue to change, I believe they will eventually reach the point where they are more or less PC's, but as they approach closer to being PC's they inheret some of the problems associated with PC gaming, that lowers the benefits of them being consoles to begin with.

Additionally, as consoles become more an more PC like, they decrease the advantages the PC in it's other aspects. Of course, the question is, if a console can do everything a PC can, what is the difference? Essentially nothing IMO. We are pushing towards convergence devices in every type of technology.

It should be noted however that consoles are converging towards being PC's not the other way around, I don't see PC's inhereting any of the traits specific to consoles.

In short PC gaming isn't dying, theres no proof of that nor has there ever been, it's an increasing market, just because console games out sell PC games does not mean that PC gaming is dying out. The fact is that consoles, their developers and users NEED PC's, games are developed on PC's, engines are developed on PC's, the tech that goes into consoles is tech thats lagging behind the PC, it's built by companies who make their primary revenue streams from PC hardware sales, hardware thats primarily used for gaming.

Without PC's, consoles 5-6 yearly updates would be far more expensive, and show less impressive growth, companies like Nvidia and AMD cannot rely alone on 6 yearly cycles from consoles to refresh their design and push out new tech.

So even if PC gaming dies out, which I personally believe will never happen (as long as theres people like me who are willing to pay more, for a better gaming experience) it would leave the console users more or less screwed anyhow.
1280x1024 is bigger than 720p... wtf are you smoking? You can build a pc for under $500 that runs the same games out on 360 at that resolution at 30 fps.

Let me restate myself. 1280x1024 looks like shit.

Did I confuse you?
Are you serious? I mean if you don't know what were PC exclusive games than you wouldn't care anyway about the news "Console priority first"

Who cares about the Steam over 12 million users? I have steam and havent touched it in months. But I'm a user just because I bought HL2.

I know exactly how many exclusive PC games there were...its a rhetorical question, the point is there were hardly any PC exclusives.

Who cares? Well I guess not the same way I dont give a shit that console fanboys spout off on live having over 10 million members, but I'm also a user because I was stupid enough to give MS money for basic functions which should be free.
I know exactly how many exclusive PC games there were...its a rhetorical question, the point is there were hardly any PC exclusives.

Company of Heroes
Battlefield 2 (the shitty console ports come nowhere close)
Battlefield 2142
The real Sims 2
Galactic Civilizations series
Sins of a Solar Empire
Quake Wars
Titan Quest
Age of Empires series
Neverwinter Nights 2 + expansions
Dawn of War series

That's just off the top of my head looking at my game collection. That list is "hardly" any... almost all of these games are still relevent to today's generation of PC gaming as well, hell, if I went back in time I could name a lot more games.
I have not a problem with Gears or UT3 on PC, good gameplay in UT3, like the movement and the graphics are also ok.
You need a strong system for UT3 it think.
Nice list, you forgot to mention:

Medieval 2: Total War and Expansion
World in Conflict
Guild Wars


The list goes on. Not to mention all the MMORPGs that are being released and multitudes of games coming in this year and next. Starcraft 2 anyone? Blizzard's attempt to create an Xbox exclusive title failed because they realized how much it would suck not being on a PC.
If anything this might help the quality makers get back to origional content and quality. I am all for high graphics but pretty is only fun till you've seen it. If a good story is behind it you will keep at it for a long time.

I dont see either consoles or PC's dieing out anytime soon. The problem with the current high end consoles is they try to do too much and dont quite make it work as easily as a pc. Convergence is only good to a point. My last computer which is now my HTPC lasted from 2003 to 2007 until I replaced it. A little bit of upgrading here and there nothing that expensive kept it alive and able to play anything I could throw at it, and my current rig will be the same.

Besides, not everyone wants convergence and all that fancy stuff from their consoles. Look at how well the Wii is doing, it may offer some web browsing and other things which work but are not exactly the most fun to use but at its heart its a game center and it works very well at it. Most of the A games for the Wii could have had better graphics but since they play well people buy them up.

I see this period that others call a slump more as a chance to evolve the arena and realize that while things can be pretty you need to make them good for the long run and people WILL buy them. I still play almost every game I ever bought, there's a few that were not so good that I put down, but the good ones keep you playing them.

Someone posted above how consoles can do everything, yeah they can, but I like my mapable keyboard and easy to use mouse or full joystick for some games. Cant beat it for ease of online use and other things. My laptop is good enough to play some games but its just not comfortable or fun to do them on it unless my main system is down. I dont forsee the two merging if they ever do for a LONG time.

I liked the UT serries up to 2k4 and its an unfortunate move for them but I am sure they will eventually come back. For a while they will get by with bad ports that wont sell, but I am sure someone there will get it in their heads to make it right.
people don't want to bother wiith pc gaming anymore. The mass market is not there. People think a ps3 which costs $500 will be better than a $1000 pc for gaming... because its a ps3....
Company of Heroes (expansion)
Battlefield 2 (the shitty console ports come nowhere close)
Battlefield 2142
The real Sims 2
Galactic Civilizations series
Sins of a Solar Empire
Titan Quest (expansion)
Age of Empires series (expansion)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (expansion)
Dawn of War series (expansions)

All these games were either not released in 2007 or are expansions. Expansions as a rule of thumb generally never sell as well as the original game. I would hardly count them as being indicative of poor sales of PC exclusives.
I don't care if it goes back to the days of people making games in their bedrooms and selling them in (the digital equivalent of) plastic bags, PC gaming isn't going anywhere. It's just an industry that has matured and been refined to cater almost exclusively to the truly hardcore (with rare exceptions like WOW).

- Professional gaming exists primarily on the PC
- PC hardware and games drive the technology that powers consoles, which can't hope to keep up
- Console games are made on PCs, oh snap!
- Can't beat playing games on a machine you designed and built :cool:
- Some genres (RTS, FPS, MMORPG, etc.) simply do not work on consoles, yeah I said FPS!

Hardcore geeks game on PC and hardcore geeks will keep PC gaming alive one way or another. I'm not too worried.
I don't care if it goes back to the days of people making games in their bedrooms and selling them in (the digital equivalent of) plastic bags, PC gaming isn't going anywhere. It's just an industry that has matured and been refined to cater almost exclusively to the truly hardcore (with rare exceptions like WOW).

- Professional gaming exists primarily on the PC
- PC hardware and games drive the technology that powers consoles, which can't hope to keep up
- Console games are made on PCs, oh snap!
- Can't beat playing games on a machine you designed and built :cool:
- Some genres (RTS, FPS, MMORPG, etc.) simply do not work on consoles, yeah I said FPS!

Hardcore geeks game on PC and hardcore geeks will keep PC gaming alive one way or another. I'm not too worried.

well said
I truly don't believe this trend at all, its just the big giants dieing out because they churn out waves of unoptimized crap, and expect us to felate their bank accounts like all the lobotomized console gamers, waiting for the next Halo episode.

I'd like to see somebody pull off a decent Civ 4 on a console. Gal civ 2 on console. WoW on a console. An RPG that requires at least a 5th grade literacy level.

Doubt these things will ever make it to the console, the console is for the people who don't want an "experience" they want to "blow some shit up."

stereo type.

I would LOVE to play WOW on the 360...Blizzard won't release it for whatever reason --- I'm not sure at all why....probably because they'd have to give a percentage of their subscription fees to MS and they don't like that.
hah. epics saying what i've been saying like a broken record here in these forums for the past few months.

RTSes, MMORPGS, and quirky games like the sims and spore, these are the future of PC gaming. It just makes sense.

1. none of these games are popular because of the graphics, it's because their gameplay is strong.
2. a mouse and keyboard setup is essential to playing them effectively.

(mouse and keyboard aren't essential to enjoying FPS games, we as pc gamers are just so used to the quickness of the mouse that we regard the gamepad as inferior. When In fact if you started playing FPS games with a gamepad without first trying mouse, you'd actually have fun)

its a perfect fit though from a business sense the way the gaming market is settling. not saying I agree 100% with that outcome, but it's the future.
The thing that will REALLY be the death of PC gaming is elitism. You can see examples in this very thread, but PC gaming has always seemed like it has more of the 20+ guys still living in their parents' basement thinking they're the shit because all they do is play Counterstrike all day, every day. Then you get a new player coming in and jumping into the game and said pimple-faced loser owns them. "That's how it's supposed to be!" the elitists cry, not realizing that that isn't the point...

Trying to pigeon hole all pc gamers with a single stereotype? How amusing. Im sure there are plenty of negative stereotypes you could assign to the typical console player (especially the ones who reside on xbox live) . Simple fact of the matter is that none of this has anything to do with the so called death of pc gaming.

By applying similar logic (broad sweeping generalisations and stereotyping), I could attribute the success of console gaming to the limited intellectual capacity of your average marijuana smoking drop kick xbox player who is more than satisfied with simplified dumbed down gaming.

Unfortunately this current predicament is not simply black and white and throwing out broad sweeping generalisations about one particular group just highlights how uninformed you are.

Drop the console fan-boyism and get some perspective. :)
All these games were either not released in 2007 or are expansions. Expansions as a rule of thumb generally never sell as well as the original game. I would hardly count them as being indicative of poor sales of PC exclusives.

Unless I mistook your post wrong, I had assumed you were saying there were barely any exclusives on the PC at all, in that most games are console ports or developed in tandem in consoles.

Unless you just meant exclusive games that sell a ton, but even then most PC exclusives are designed for niche audiences to begin with.

Witcher is one that has had excellent sales on the PC and is also a exclusive, however.
Unless I mistook your post wrong, I had assumed you were saying there were barely any exclusives on the PC at all, in that most games are console ports or developed in tandem in consoles.

Unless you just meant exclusive games that sell a ton, but even then most PC exclusives are designed for niche audiences to begin with.

Witcher is one that has had excellent sales on the PC and is also a exclusive, however.

You will need to back track to netrats original posts to understand how the argument erupted. He was arguing that despite all the PC exclusives released "last year" none of them sold very well. My argument, there were hardly any PC exclusives last year and you cannot expect people to be enthusiastic about shelling out money for shoddy ports.
NPD tracks a lot of different consumer sales figures, including PC and consoles.

"U.S. sales of video games, which includes portable and console hardware, software and accessories, generated revenues of almost $18 billion, a 43 percent increase over the $12.5 billion generated in 2006.

Retail sales in the PC game software industry reached $911 million in 2007, bringing the total console, portable and PC game industry to $18.8 billion, a 40 percent increase over the $13.5 billion generated in 2006."

The top 10 PC sales for 2007...

# 1. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade – Blizzard – 2.25 million
# 2. World of Warcraft- Blizzard – 914,000
# 3. The Sims 2 – Electronic Arts – 534,000
# 4. The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack – Electronic Arts – 433,000
# 5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – Activision – 383,000
# 6. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars – Electronic Arts – 350,000
# 7. Age of Empires III – Microsoft – 313,000
# 8. Sim City 4 - Electronic Arts – 294,000
# 9. MS Flight Simulator X - Microsoft - 280,000
# 10. The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Expansion Pack – Electronic Arts – 272,000

If these figures are accurate, some fuzzy math puts WoW+WOW:BC at around 160mil of the 911mil for PC sales last year, in box sales (~$50/box). That also puts PC gaming at about 5% of the 18 bil console gaming sales figures. Its a deceptive number. It takes into account console hardware sales. It doesnt take into account PC hardware sales, have to look into INTC, AMD, NVDA numbers for that but its hard since PCs are multipurpose. Also doesnt account for MMO subscriptions, which would vastly inflate PC sales numbers given WoW's high sales.

Does that include online sales from online stores and places that offer direct downloads?
The thing that will REALLY be the death of PC gaming is elitism. You can see examples in this very thread, but PC gaming has always seemed like it has more of the 20+ guys still living in their parents' basement thinking they're the shit because all they do is play Counterstrike all day, every day. Then you get a new player coming in and jumping into the game and said pimple-faced loser owns them. "That's how it's supposed to be!" the elitists cry, not realizing that that isn't the point...

There are a variety of people playing both PC games and console games.
I'm one of the people that shelled out $50 for GoW and immediately regretted it. Even after a couple patches its still borked. If I could, I'd get my money back. I can't.

UT3? Yawn. If I want MP FPS, I'll play TF2.

If this is what Epic wants to put out, then they can put it out for consoles. I won't be buying any of it. Just keep making those badass engines. :p
News flash: FPS games have evolved. There aren't any more UT/Quake-style shooters, on PC or on console. Some are faster or slower than others, but they've all progressed beyond the mindless twitch gameplay of Quake3 and UT.

you are an idiot.... the gameplay styles of Quake 3 and UT required far more skill than most of the slower FPSs of today, and THAT is a big reason why these types of games dont sell well. Many (more than 3/4s) of people that play games simply cannot master the kind of aiming and movement skill needed to excel in these games and get owned *easily* by those that can....

simply, the fast paced, skill based aiming games with fast movement really separate those who are very good from those that arent. the slower, random shot, "realistic" games are so much easier to play and that is a big reason why they are all thats made these days.

as has been said, usually the best Quake/UT players can own in the slower, less skill based games.
I don't care if it goes back to the days of people making games in their bedrooms and selling them in (the digital equivalent of) plastic bags, PC gaming isn't going anywhere. It's just an industry that has matured and been refined to cater almost exclusively to the truly hardcore (with rare exceptions like WOW).

- Professional gaming exists primarily on the PC
- PC hardware and games drive the technology that powers consoles, which can't hope to keep up
- Console games are made on PCs, oh snap!
- Can't beat playing games on a machine you designed and built :cool:
- Some genres (RTS, FPS, MMORPG, etc.) simply do not work on consoles, yeah I said FPS!

Hardcore geeks game on PC and hardcore geeks will keep PC gaming alive one way or another. I'm not too worried.

Very well put as Frosteh said. I agree on all points.
I love PC gaming first and foremost, I always want to play RTS games on a PC, I remember trying to play C&C 3 on Xbox 360 and it was pretty laughable. Starcraft 2 is going to be the greatest RTS ever. But while I was playing Sim City 2000 on my macintosh performa and my power PC, oh and don't forget Warcraft II on Kali. I was also playing Zelda, metriod, sonic, battle toads, earthworm jim, super mario bros, duck hunt, Mike Tysons Punchout(yeah thats right I don't just have Punchout, i have the ear biting version[take that buffalo bill]).

Well the idea is that each platform has it's genre's, not everything has been played on just a console or PC. Fuck Epic, UT3 sucks, big deal, the market is so damn saturated with shooters right now if I fell on a pile of games at least half of them would have rounds in them. Not that there's anything wrong with that I enjoyed most of them(bioshock, cod4, crysis, stalker, gow, call of the mexican, halo 3, every other game ever made).You're always going to play Mario on a Nintendo, and you're always going to play Starcraft on a PC. You'll still get to play everything, I think it's okay to have to sacrifice a mouse and a keyboard every once and while... the world will still turn around. Shit if you spend over two grand on building a high end rig, pick up a damn console for four hundred bucks. What's stopping you? Base stereotypes? The inability to accept games are on more then just one platform? Pull your heads out of your asses and take a deep breath, each platform has their genre's and markets change, it doesn't mean it's going to be worse, it's just different.
I think PC gamers get huffy because Console gamers make console games out to be the BE-ALL and END-ALL of gaming. Then when a studio jumps ship after pumping out regurgitated console drivel and nobody buying it, the console people all point and go SEE PCs are DUMB, SUCK, Have no good games and make no money. Oh, and its all because you pirate.

Naturally the PC gamers will lash back. Not to mention we were calling Epic morons considering nobody bought their games because they were broken beyond belief (and windows live, a form of being broken).

At the end of the day, consoles have FPS games with helpers for the poorness of gamepads, racing games and adventure games (and some RPGs, a few are even decent/good).

PCs have all of the above, sadly in recent years, half of these are console ports. Why? because 75% of the human gaming population, is your average joe, and Joe is quite happy just to kill shit, blow up shit, race shit, and isn't looking for an "experience."

Your average GAMER (not person who just plays some games) is different. He reads reviews, researches things, and when his kind of games are console games, he goes there, and when his kind of games come out on PC, he doesn't mind a PC.

Anyone who says one industry or the other is dieing is a moron. Market = Supply. The market for PC games may be shrinking, only because the availability of consoles exists for Average Joe.
I say good ridence , after that turd of a release with UT3 I really could care less.
Shit if you spend over two grand on building a high end rig, pick up a damn console for four hundred bucks. What's stopping you? Base stereotypes? The inability to accept games are on more then just one platform? Pull your heads out of your asses and take a deep breath, each platform has their genre's and markets change, it doesn't mean it's going to be worse, it's just different.

as hard as it may be for you to believe, there are actually many, many of us that simply have no desire to play console games. We *prefer* PC games, and fine little real value in what consoles have to offer....

there are *no* fast paced/aiming skill based FPSs on any console, while there is one (UT3) currently on the PC, and many from the past (Quake series, UT series, serious sam, etc), and there are *no* excellent RTSs on any console (certainly nothing like SupCom and the Total War series). Cover skill based FPSs and good RTSs and you have a big majority of PC gamers' needs covered, and even if you consider the fact that maybe not *all* of their gaming tastes are satisfied, only the vast majority, buying a console just simply can't be justified to cover the rest.

The ppl on the [H] forum fail to realize that the majority of PC games simply do not buy/game like they do. Even myself is a good example. I've had my current setup for about since 2002 i think..... and haven't upgraded since. Thats really just like the vast majority of PC gamers and users. On top of that, the best games i've ever played are old ones. Tie Fighter, Quake 3, UT 2004, Warcraft/Starcraft, Halflife 1/2. It just so happens that the great games I played have *amazing* replay value, either through deep gameplay, or mods. In many cases its both..... I simply dont need to spend money on newer games.... and many, many other PC players are the same way....It also doesnt help that the newest game I enjoy, team fortress 2, has very low hardware requirements, and can be purchased all by itself for very cheaply....

But yea, my point is that many older, established PC gamers (well I'm 22 if that counts as "older"), simply do not need to go out and buy every new derivative game that comes out when the greats have already come out, AND STILL have huge player bases and ongoing support in the form of mods. UT3 is soundly beaten by UT2004. Quake 4 is owned by Quake 3, COD4 is useless in the face of COD1 and the MOH series, Crysis-Far Cry, etc etc.

And dont get me started on the mods...... its really just unlimited value for the money...

ALL that being said.... I would upgrade my system tomorrow and buy the game if a new Mechwarrior that was GOOD and took full use of modern technology came out. Why? because the giant robot genre can be expanded upon and refined much further than the classics have done.... this is one genre whose "definitive" game just hasn't come yet, despite the general excellence of Mechwarrior 3.

The truly excellent PC games will sell, however few that may be. To curtail piracy, PC game makers just need to do constant CD key, heartbeat checks, and activation for multiplayer AND singleplayer gaming, and there goes 90% of pirates right there. A single player game should need to check with an online server every so often in order to keep a level loaded/stay in-game/etc.
I love PC gaming first and foremost, I always want to play RTS games on a PC, I remember trying to play C&C 3 on Xbox 360 and it was pretty laughable. Starcraft 2 is going to be the greatest RTS ever. But while I was playing Sim City 2000 on my macintosh performa and my power PC, oh and don't forget Warcraft II on Kali. I was also playing Zelda, metriod, sonic, battle toads, earthworm jim, super mario bros, duck hunt, Mike Tysons Punchout(yeah thats right I don't just have Punchout, i have the ear biting version[take that buffalo bill]).

Well the idea is that each platform has it's genre's, not everything has been played on just a console or PC. Fuck Epic, UT3 sucks, big deal, the market is so damn saturated with shooters right now if I fell on a pile of games at least half of them would have rounds in them. Not that there's anything wrong with that I enjoyed most of them(bioshock, cod4, crysis, stalker, gow, call of the mexican, halo 3, every other game ever made).You're always going to play Mario on a Nintendo, and you're always going to play Starcraft on a PC. You'll still get to play everything, I think it's okay to have to sacrifice a mouse and a keyboard every once and while... the world will still turn around. Shit if you spend over two grand on building a high end rig, pick up a damn console for four hundred bucks. What's stopping you? Base stereotypes? The inability to accept games are on more then just one platform? Pull your heads out of your asses and take a deep breath, each platform has their genre's and markets change, it doesn't mean it's going to be worse, it's just different.


I use consoles for sports, racing, and action/3rd person games while I play everything else on a PC (FPS, RTS, MMO/RPG, etc). If you truly enjoy playing games, why limit yourself to just PC or to just a console.

UT3 is an average shooter. If they made a better game it would have sold better. The UT3 sales should show that just because you put "UT" in title doesn't mean it's going to sell well rather than "omg PC gaming is dying no one is buying my game."
I use consoles for sports, racing, and action/3rd person games while I play everything else on a PC (FPS, RTS, MMO/RPG, etc). If you truly enjoy playing games, why limit yourself to just PC or to just a console.

Because I have no interest in sports , racing , or action/3rd person games. :p:D