Comcast Defends Internet Practices

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to a recent filing with the Federal Trade Commission, Comcast said that it purposely slows down some traffic on its network, including music and movie files. Comcast defends the practice as “necessary.”

In a filing with the Federal Communications Commission, Comcast said such measures -- which can slow the transfer of music or video between subscribers sharing files, for example -- are necessary to ensure better flow of traffic over its network. Comcast argues that it should be able to direct traffic so networks don't get clogged; consumer groups and some Internet companies argue that the networks should not be permitted to block or slow users' access to the Web.
there not just slowing there forging packets which breaks the whole mess
if it was just QoS and slowing BT and what not thats one thing but the resetting of connections is not cool
I was a Comcast user up until a little while ago, now its Crapcast, they've been making torrent transfers painfully slow for a while now. :mad:During torrent transfers my ping times, out to the net, increase to an un-godly slow rate. Stop the transfers and alas, all is good again. It has forced me to resort to uTorrent's scheduler and only run torrents during off hours or when we're at work.

Anyone else experience the same thing?
i dont care really cause i dont illegally download movies or music, as long as this business of slowing down certain things doesn't get out of hand.. like 'hey lets slow down these gamers cause they eat too much bandwidth' .. that i won't be havin, ya hear? :)
BS. They aren't "directing traffic," they are intentionally sabotaging certain kinds of traffic that hurt their bottom line. :rolleyes:
Yep.. I've noticed the torrent slowing down thing.

I've also noticed huge slowdowns of other things as well.

In any case, I've been a Comcast customer for about 6 years now, and if they keep doing what they are doing I am going to switch service providers.

If they keep heading the direction they are heading, pretty soon they won't have any customers.
I was a Comcast user up until a little while ago, now its Crapcast, they've been making torrent transfers painfully slow for a while now. :mad:During torrent transfers my ping times, out to the net, increase to an un-godly slow rate. Stop the transfers and alas, all is good again. It has forced me to resort to uTorrent's scheduler and only run torrents during off hours or when we're at work.

Anyone else experience the same thing?

fuck them im going verizon DSL my next place.

i dont care really cause i dont illegally download movies or music, as long as this business of slowing down certain things doesn't get out of hand.. like 'hey lets slow down these gamers cause they eat too much bandwidth' .. that i won't be havin, ya hear?

:rolleyes: oldie in General Mayhem just posted a thread where he downloads linux torrents and comcast cut him off. i have comcast and what i do since i live accross the street from campus is go there and download my linux ISOs there ;)
It's fine by me honestly. I dont have to worry about all the pirating assholes killing latency at peak times when i want to game online or whatever. If it affects people who legitmately stream movies, then im sorry at least for that, but we all know 99% of this traffic isnt legit.

And i dont buy the 450GB of traffic i did this month was all legit bittorrent linux ISOS, I SWEAR!
Yep.. I've noticed the torrent slowing down thing.

I've also noticed huge slowdowns of other things as well.

In any case, I've been a Comcast customer for about 6 years now, and if they keep doing what they are doing I am going to switch service providers.

If they keep heading the direction they are heading, pretty soon they won't have any customers.

They'll always have customers. The general public has no idea what is going on. Even if news of this were to be on, say, the front page of, at the end of the day it might have a 1000 views.

As long as the knowledgeable are the minority we're screwed.
This isn't just illegal torrents they are stopping, it's all torrents. And they're not taking the stance that it's fighting illegal downloadings. Look carefully and you see they just want to stop people from actually using that unlimited bandwidth they sold people. Personally, I'd love to see a class action lawsuit come out of this claiming "I download legal torrents and you've implemented measures to directly keep me from obtaining the speeds you sold me"
Also, if one of you guys was adminstering a network and there was some geek on it running shitloads of his torrents, when everybody else just wanted to game and check emails, you would be inclined to kill his shit too.
I was a Comcast user up until a little while ago, now its Crapcast, they've been making torrent transfers painfully slow for a while now. :mad:During torrent transfers my ping times, out to the net, increase to an un-godly slow rate. Stop the transfers and alas, all is good again. It has forced me to resort to uTorrent's scheduler and only run torrents during off hours or when we're at work.

Anyone else experience the same thing?

It happens to me on my AT&T U-verse. It has to do with maxing out the upload bandwidth. I can't play a game with reasonable ping times unless I turn my max upload on the torrent client down. Also remember that downloading also takes a portion of your upload to return "success" packets to the originator.

I was a Comcrust customer for 4 years because there was no other provider except DSL. I did not have a land line, and I wasn't about to get shafted to pay for a phone line I don't use. I had a very reliable connection through Comcrust, but the reason I hated them so much was because of their billing - every 3 months I would have to call in to have it adjusted. Of course this was all before I hear of this torret filtering. Why do they brag about their bandwidth being faster than everybody else's (which it isn't!!!) and are not letting their customers use it? This sounds like an excuse for giving (charging) customers more bandwidth than they can supply.
Also, if one of you guys was adminstering a network and there was some geek on it running shitloads of his torrents, when everybody else just wanted to game and check emails, you would be inclined to kill his shit too.

Umm, no. It's the administrator's fault for not administering his network to handle the loads. If you can't supply the bandwidth then don't sell it (or brag) as having that much. Plain and simple. The network cops where I work brag about how it's only at 5% usage and scream when it hits 15-20%. I'm like DUDE WTF it's nowhere near capacity. I can hear them cry every time Patch Tuesday comes around. Crybabies!
Hey Comcast. Here's a tip: upgrade your fucking bandwidth and it wouldn't get so clogged.
Its one thing to limit transfer speeds, its another to hide this fact from your customers. I don't know how open comcast has been about the whole ordeal but I think Rogers is STILL denying throttling torrents. It isn't a big deal since I rarely use them, but it would still be nice if they let people know that there are limits on their connection.
It's fine by me honestly. I dont have to worry about all the pirating assholes killing latency at peak times when i want to game online or whatever. If it affects people who legitmately stream movies, then im sorry at least for that, but we all know 99% of this traffic isnt legit.

And i dont buy the 450GB of traffic i did this month was all legit bittorrent linux ISOS, I SWEAR!

get into genmay and u can read the thread.
No, Comcast, it is NOT "necessary". What is necessary is you upgrading your damn network to fit capacity. Or GTFO.
I just love the fact that the comcast users continue to send in the subscription check. Its like confirming on a monthly basis that what they are doing is just fine.

Vote with your dollars, and comcast will no longer be an issue.

And then they won't have to restrict the network at all.
I just love the fact that the comcast users continue to send in the subscription check. Its like confirming on a monthly basis that what they are doing is just fine.

Vote with your dollars, and comcast will no longer be an issue.

And then they won't have to restrict the network at all.

I know around here Comcast is the only option for cable. They there are one or two business DSL providers. I don't pay the bill right now, so I am not concerned. I did bear witness to the throttling though, when downloading the WoW:TBC client. For the first 10 or so minutes the d/l was going to take all of 25 minutes at the speeds it was going. Then I watched it climb to over four hours. Ugh.
Yet another Verizon FiOS ad! :p

FIOS FTW!!! ITs by far the best thing available! I cant wait till its nationwide and whops comcraps ass!! Then atleast they will have real competition and couldnt actually pull this kind of crap.

I hate comcrap and will spread the word to everyone i know always to ditch their service! They just rape people and thats just not right!
everyone that doesnt like comcast doing this should vote with their wallets, or in most cases involving complaining about comcasts p2p handling, your parents wallets and leave for some other isp that will allow you to pirate movies and music. the sooner all you gtfo the better. arent opinions wonderful?
everyone that doesnt like comcast doing this should vote with their wallets, or in most cases involving complaining about comcasts p2p handling, your parents wallets and leave for some other isp that will allow you to pirate movies and music. the sooner all you gtfo the better. arent opinions wonderful?

Unfortunately most of us don't have that luxury. Most towns have one broadband provider, like mine. Comcast is it.
If you think this is bad, could you imagine what would happen if every user on the network decided to actually use all the bandwidth they were promised/oversold by Comcast? You think torrents are slow now, imagine what would happen with everyone pegging out their internet connects at once!

Just use the money your Government gave you in the 90's to upgrade your services and stop destroying the internet experience of your users.
fiber optic ftw?

Yes FIOS For the WIN! It will bring faster, more reliable internet and a direct competition for Comcrap cable internet and cable service. You can deliver a million times more data via fiber vs cable so it will truly be a great day when comcast has a real competitor since DSL isnt really any competition.
I just love the fact that the comcast users continue to send in the subscription check. Its like confirming on a monthly basis that what they are doing is just fine.

Vote with your dollars, and comcast will no longer be an issue.

And then they won't have to restrict the network at all.

Yeah but the problem with that is then i'd have to switch back to Yahoo DSL or SBC or whatever the hell it's called now. Their busted services charged me 40 bucks for 300kbps. The service was worse. I don't have any problems running torrents on my connection yet. It's like voting for president, you don't like either of the two candidates running, but you have to vote for at least one person that you think will do the least amount of damage.
Why bother advertising 6 Mbps when they can't even handle 10%(random number) of their users consistently at that speed? People didn't pay $40 a month to be told they're not allowed to reach the max capacity 24 hrs a day, or even 4 hrs a day for that matter.

:rolleyes: oldie in General Mayhem just posted a thread where he downloads linux torrents and comcast cut him off. i have comcast and what i do since i live accross the street from campus is go there and download my linux ISOs there ;)

I can confirm that. Saturday morning I downloaded the Fedora 8 DVD torrent from Fedora's website. Every few minutes the entire torrent connection would cut off for about an hour. It wasn't until I throttled the bandwidth down to under 150KB/s did it stay online. Then again, why isn't Comcast doing this? If they see that my network segment is saturated, why can't they just shape my traffic slower to keep pace? Instead, they kill it outright. And I WAS using a lot of bandwidth, it was over 900KB/s when it ran. But, the common user has no idea how to throttle their own traffic, and they're the ones getting screwed in the end.

I've been a Comcast user since 2003, and I will be switching to Verizon as soon as service is available here.
so, comcast has waived their safe harbor protection, and admitted it. time to stack some lawsuits on them over transfer of copywritten movies, music, software, ect. plus child pron, and all the rest.
Total BS answer to cover up the fact that they got paid off to do this crap.
Soon Fios will do this too.
Which leads me to believe the 1st BT client to run completely over SSH is the day these ISP / MPAA / RIAA jerkoffs lose. Is this what they really want? All if not most of our traffic running in anonymity? They push us we push back harder.
It's plain and simple (And YES I am a Comcast customer ... for now!). Comcast has over-subscribed their bandwidth. They should tell people that they can only have 4Mb download speeds, and/or limit our monthly bandwidth usage. At the same time they should lower their rates, and stop bundling their Internet service in such a way that you have to get their TV service. (As it stands it costs substantially more to just get Internet Access!)

Instead they want to continue to Lie to people, and pull stupid stuff like this behind our backs. At least they aren't still saying that "bit-torrent = copyright infringement". But I'm certain that they've been doing this for a "while" now. :mad:
Well Comcast shut my brother down telling him he went over there imaginary number of 100 gigs of month, when you call Comcast customer service they have never heard of such limits, Furthermore my wifes mother who barely knows how to check her Email got a email from Comcast saying that she illegally downloaded the Simpons movie, when she called them to prove that she did they said they cant, WTF Comcast sucks in every way, i hope there is a Class Action Lawsuit against them soon.
Total BS answer to cover up the fact that they got paid off to do this crap.

They didn't get paid off to do anything. As others said, they oversell their bandwidth, and kick the heavy users to compensate. It's like an Airplane selling more tickets than there are seats in the plane, and then kicking all the fat people off the plane, but using the excuse that fat people take up more than a single seat instead of just admitting they sold too many tickets.
I just love the fact that the comcast users continue to send in the subscription check. Its like confirming on a monthly basis that what they are doing is just fine.

Vote with your dollars, and comcast will no longer be an issue.

And then they won't have to restrict the network at all.

Some people have no other option... Hello monopoly!
everyone that doesnt like comcast doing this should vote with their wallets, or in most cases involving complaining about comcasts p2p handling, your parents wallets and leave for some other isp that will allow you to pirate movies and music. the sooner all you gtfo the better. arent opinions wonderful?

Ok this is the deal! I have two options, and only two options, if I want broadband: Comcast, and 1.5Mbps Adsl from the phone company. I Tried the 1.5Mbps Adsl, and because my neighborhood still has "Lead" phone lines from the 1950s, the connection is very slightly better than a Dial-Up connection.

Now they are in the process of installing fibre optic lines. But those haven't been connected just yet. I absolutely intend to tell Comcast to kiss my money goodbye, just as soon as another alternative is available. In fact I've been using that "6Mbps" connection, that performs like a "2-3Mbps" connection for so long. I expect to be delighted with no more than 5Mbps! (Though I'll admit I'm secretly hoping I can get something like 7Mbps)
I used to be a Crapcast customer up to like 3 months ago. Finaly got sick and tired of them and switched to Verizon DSL (will have FIOS in like 6 months :-D ).
Right before I canceled their cable internet service I was getting around 400-500Kbps speed instead of the 3Mbps they advertise for basic service. Thou there are like 3-4 PCs connected at all times and used by family members for checking eBay, YouTube, MySpace, playing online games, reading up on news, or just mom looking up recepies for her latest cake, no one is downloading music and movies or using Bittorent. Considering getting such slow speeds and being charged $45 a month after all the available discounts it was just a total ripoff. Every time I've contacted them they denied throtling of any type, sent out a tech who always never found anything wrong, and then was offered and "upgrade" to their SpeedBoost package of $69 a month. This really made me miss the days of RoadRunner cable internet we used to have way back, before AT&T buyout and Crapcast takeover. RoadRunner always provided 6+Mbps speeds for only $29.99 and no issues of any type. My current DSL feels ways faster then Crapcast cable ever was, current tests show 3+Mbps speeds and considering its only $24.95/mo for me its a bargain.....At least till FIOS comes calling.