CPU burn in.


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
What is the current info for burning in your CPU before you OC it? I have a 3800+ venice still running at stock, running F@H 24/7, prime95 once in a while, stessing this chip before I push it.

I've had 3 A64 chips that haven't been great OC'ers, (not the best OC'ers anyway 2 newcastles(2 3400's @ 2.6 and 1 winnie (3500+ @ 2.45) that I pushed right out of the box. So I am wondering what the current thought on burning in the CPU before you OC it is.

I waited until the recommended 200 hours for the Arctic Silver 5 to reach max efficiency, then I started increasing the CPU speed 100MHz a day. I'm at 600MHz over with absolutely no problems. It can probably take the oc right from the get go; I was just being cautious.
dr_dirtnap said:
I've had 3 A64 chips that haven't been great OC'ers, (not the best OC'ers anyway 2 newcastles(2 3400's @ 2.6 and 1 winnie (3500+ @ 2.45) that I pushed right out of the box. So I am wondering what the current thought on burning in the CPU before you OC it is.
i hit 3.1ghz on my newark within 12 hours of getting it in my hands. i say screw burn-in

just keep an eye on temps, and keep em down :D
wow, 3.1 with a newark? What kind of vcore you running? I'm up to 2.8 ~1.68 with prime95. Looked like 2.7 was pretty decent at 1.62 (all insulated except for my tubing, so still no chiller, just ambient water). Doesn't that chip have a mb of cache as well? I never burn in, and the whole Arctic Silver burn in 5C drop deal always seemed really lame to me, it's just thermal paste, maybe 5c if you had a TIM pad before. I know that a few years ago the discussion was that perhaps "burn in" helped cement the electrons better (best way to describe it I can think of, perhaps the opposite of electron migration) and there was a variety of opinions as to running it at stock speeds with high voltages for a while, running it at stock with low voltages, etc. I think as long as you don't throw too much juice at it all at once (like go straight to 1.75+ for 24/7 operation), you aren't hurting anything.
heh, that 3.1ghz shot was not stable in the least. i doubt i could use it for more than 30 seconds without windows crashing
dr_dirtnap said:
What is the current info for burning in your CPU before you OC it? I have a 3800+ venice still running at stock, running F@H 24/7, prime95 once in a while, stessing this chip before I push it.

I've had 3 A64 chips that haven't been great OC'ers, (not the best OC'ers anyway 2 newcastles(2 3400's @ 2.6 and 1 winnie (3500+ @ 2.45) that I pushed right out of the box. So I am wondering what the current thought on burning in the CPU before you OC it is.


heres what you can do thats kinda a burn in, it can help lower vcore. good for CPUburn, its like prime95, but doesnt stop when it hits an error, it keeps going. so say you oc to 3800+ running at like 2.8 with 1.4v, but it only does 4-10 minutes in p95. you use cpu burn in for like 4 hours, thn re-prime. you should be even more stable now, and repeat that until your 100% stable. it will help lower your vcore, or get more outta your chip if you dont wanna use lots of vcore. ive seen it done on nearly every chip.
heres what you can do thats kinda a burn in, it can help lower vcore. good for CPUburn, its like prime95, but doesnt stop when it hits an error, it keeps going. so say you oc to 3800+ running at like 2.8 with 1.4v, but it only does 4-10 minutes in p95. you use cpu burn in for like 4 hours, thn re-prime. you should be even more stable now, and repeat that until your 100% stable. it will help lower your vcore, or get more outta your chip if you dont wanna use lots of vcore. ive seen it done on nearly every chip.

I started a thread on it over at xtremesystems a week or so ago and got quite a few replies and most said they never gained any more Mhz from doing it. Some said they shaved off a little vCore but alot of times that could just be attributed to the fact they didn't really try and find the lowest possible stable vCore to begin with.
how is the Arctic 5 I am still using the Radio shack stuff
the key is to get a vcore that only passes p95 for only like 5-10 minutes, which as you said, they probably didnt do. ive seen big vcore drops when doing this.
Glow said:
how is the Arctic 5 I am still using the Radio shack stuff

arctic 5 will be like gold compared to that radio shack stuff, it will drop your temps a really decent chunk, maybe 5-8ºC