Dead Space Is Incredible!

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i got this game.....not free......didn't download it.....

but i hate the controls there just horrible. Game looks great tho.

Personally i would not buy this game.
Ok ok.. lets not get in the pc vs. console debate. My 360 has been neglected lately, that's the only reason I bought it on the 360 and not the PC.

After playing more (Chapter 7), there is no reason you shouldn't spend the money on this game. Very much worth every penny.

So... you basically sacrificed graphics AND paid $20 more just because you were neglecting your 360? You do realize that your 360 doesn't have feelings. If you sleep with it, you don't have to call it the next day. :p

By the looks of your rig though $20 probably isn't that big of a deal to you. :D

I played through the game using a 360 controller for my PC. Good solid game overall.
I don't understand. (not you, the guy you're replying to) Who doesn't know you can change control schemes on most PC games. (at least to the point where if you didn't like them, you might at least check to see if you could) Options menu? :confused:

Wow really?
Not what i.m talking about. Controls suck but that can change. What can't be changed is the input lag (maybe it can ima read that thread that was linked). The mouse feel is also very shitty imo (sensitivity wont change the overall feel).
Donno maybe it's just me
Wow really?
Not what i.m talking about. Controls suck but that can change. What can't be changed is the input lag (maybe it can ima read that thread that was linked). The mouse feel is also very shitty imo (sensitivity wont change the overall feel).
Donno maybe it's just me

I see, I thought you were talking about the control scheme in general. Of course that can be changed. If you use some of the tips floating around, you can get rid of the lag. The mouse+kb actually works just as well as it does in most games with a few tweaks. The first, and best thing to do is disable VSync in the game, and force it through your driver control panel. This fixes the frame rate, and nearly kills the mouse lag. A little in-game tweaking, and it should feel pretty good. It's a really good game. It's a shame that some people pop it in, say it sucks, but don't take a few seconds to make it work correctly. EA should have fixed a couple of things themselves, but then... They're EA. :rolleyes: Still a great game once a tiny bit of effort is put in to make it work properly.
Is there a demo available? Either 360 or pc? I looked around a little bit but couldn't find one.
I really want to try DS.. I have heard so many good things about it... I was worried it would feel too much like a console port, but apparrently it's well ported.. I'll try and pick it up this weekend... but the comments on the controls don't have me thrilled... maybe I'll wait for it to be $20 on steam. lol
I thought it was a good start for EA to branch out their game division, not perfect but good gameplay and enjoyable. I hope there is a sequel.

Someone tell this kids mom he is spending to much time online.

I.e., you have no real response.

As far as being a kid is concerned...I just got back from a military deployment a month and a half ago. I'm pretty sure that rules that out. :rolleyes:
Personally, I found it fairly badly ported. Controls were terribly laid out and even after reassigning them, and doing the usual vsync off, performance optimizations the mouse lag almost went away but still felt rather clunky sort of like a bad analog stick to mouse adjustment. Other gripes about the camera location itself being absolutely horrendous was identical on a console I'm sure. Essentially you have a camera five feet to the right of your character and a couple feet back just to infuriate you when you're trying to check corners instead of blindly wandering into a hallway. Zero gravity maneuvering would also tend to be terrible, scrambling your camera direction crazily upon landing.

As to the game itself, it's pretty lackluster in my opinion. There are rectangles on wall surfaces which enemies will spawn from through the entire game, with only minor cosmetic changes. The story itself is pretty interesting to follow, but hacking through the gameplay gets old fast. About 2/3rds of the way through the game I could only bring myself to play in one hour spurts before being fed up with it. The enemy spawn pacing is predictable along with the composition of said enemies, as different combinations of the same creatures doesn't really provide much of a varied experience as the tactics required to take out the majority of the enemies in the game are the same. Essentially enemy spawns are as follows: enter new room, if there weren't enemies in the previous room you're most likely going to be "ambushed" here. Creep forward until you see the enemies come out and move back to a corner to kill them all. If there is an objective in the room, be prepared to defend yourself as soon as you hit the button because nothing attracts space zombies quite like buttons being pressed. Without spoiling anything, you'll quickly see the ambushes from miles away.
What I'm into mainly is the setting. I just love taking in all the design. The Ishimura is more fully realized than any other fictional spaceship I can think of, unless you count sci-fi novels hundreds of pages long.
its not scary anymore wtf, after the first time when u enter the ship and the lights went out it just stopped being spooky...the enemies spawning is totally expected (the music changes to let you know) and I dunno, I usually get scared pretty easily but i just end up charging at the dudes and taking arms and legs off lol but then again I have only played for abt 2 hrs
its not scary anymore wtf, after the first time when u enter the ship and the lights went out it just stopped being spooky...the enemies spawning is totally expected (the music changes to let you know) and I dunno, I usually get scared pretty easily but i just end up charging at the dudes and taking arms and legs off lol but then again I have only played for abt 2 hrs

It has its moments, but yeah, it does get a lot less scary as you go on. It doesn't get any less hectic or atmospheric though, which is nice. Makes sense though I guess. If you're dropped into a situation like that, you'd be scared, then you'd either curl up in a corner and wait to be killed, or you'd get used to it, and take care of business...
I.e., you have no real response.

As far as being a kid is concerned...I just got back from a military deployment a month and a half ago. I'm pretty sure that rules that out. :rolleyes:

Listen, I could care less what you do. Your job doesnt give you automatic street credit...This is the internet if you havent noticed.
I made my point, you went off like a child. Hence I called you a kid. Because you acted like one.

You can go and run to the mods all you want. But the reality is that no one is condoning piracy. Here at [H], we often discuss these issues including the discussion of weather or not a gamers has the right to modify a game that they have purchased. Considering this is very much a performance enthusiast forum, using a no-cd crack to decrease loading times in games is often discussed...this is basically the same argument for securom.
I think its safe to say that the fair mods at [H] would agree that its generally accepted to use such measures so long as you have purchased the program.

So go and run to the mods. Tell them that the evil Droc is forcing you to pirate games and break the law. But before you do, go back and read some of the countless threads and thousands of posts from when we discussed the securom issue when Bioshock was released.

BTW, if you run out of activations, you simply call up EA and they will give you more.

When you grow a pair and can tell the difference between advocating breaking the law and discussing the law, then feel free to whip in and remind us that we are all selling everyone else out by actually buying an playing these games.

Ill just remind you that you claim that anyone who bought bioshock, mass effect, spore, Deadspace has sold you and everyone else out. Basically your saying that the tens of millions of us have sold out, who? ourselves? lol

Go, enjoy not playing these games. But dont come in here telling us that we are bad because we bought and supported great games instead of supporting your protest against it. Hate securom, dont hate the games.

It has its moments, but yeah, it does get a lot less scary as you go on. It doesn't get any less hectic or atmospheric though, which is nice. Makes sense though I guess. If you're dropped into a situation like that, you'd be scared, then you'd either curl up in a corner and wait to be killed, or you'd get used to it, and take care of business...

Yah, its like that for survival horror games in general though. There is very little wiggle room when it comes to fallowing a set game style and trying to re-scare the player over and over for hours.
I think Dead Space does quite well through its hours of gameplay though. The gore at the start was shocking, but you get used to it, flickering lights give way to necromorphs, necromorphs give way to bigger and badder ones, those give way to boss fights.

It keeps trying though. I was getting all high and mighty killing necros through the 1st big of the game, learned the enemy formula good and quick...So Im walking down the hall, turn a coroner, and bam, no warning, and a tenticle grabs you and drags you into the wall. Its rare, but it tries to shake things up.
Same with fighting enemies, and then fighting enemies in zero G. Or the outside asteroid run mission.
Also the fact that you can not really fully clear an area, as enemies come through vents or tear down walls and such. Its an uneasy feeling to know that you rarely ever have a "safe" area.

Its true the game can loose its scare, but in general i think Dead Space tries to take steps to mix things up.
Let me sum it up for you, Droc, since you don't seem to get it.

You posted a couple of things.

First was a huge list of a bunch of games that use SecuROM. Oh, that's nice. Except the vast majority of those games use an older version of SecuROM that doesn't implement the over-reaching, ridiculously restrictive measures that the SecuROM found in games like BioShock, Dead Space, Mass Effect, and Crysis use...making the entire list irrelevant.

You then advocated breaking the law. Since you don't mind the DRM being in these games, violating our fair use rights, it seems hypocritical to me to suggest taking illegal measures to remove that DRM. Asking you about reporting your post was a rhetorical question. But that apparently flew right over your head. Pointing out the fact that you are advocating breaking the law is not childish in any way.

But instead of responding to these points, you resorted to an ad hominem...because you have nothing better to say. Good job.

And yes, those of you who are going out and buying these games ARE selling the rest of us out. The more you guys buy these games, the more you're telling the douchebags at EA (for example) that we're fine with having our fair use rights infringed on.
Thread is going downhill fast. Going to lock it up and tell you folks to play nice.
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