Dell Censors Panel lottery info. Share info here.

The anti-reflective coating is great for office use or in a room with direct sunglight. Seems most people prefer it over glossy screens even if it does make the the picture a little grainy. I was the same way at first, thinking there was no way I would like glossy after using a CRT for so long. I was wrong. After using the 2007wfp for a few months I regret not going glossy. I really don't like the matte finish. Besides flicker, the AR coating is my second (small) annoyance. I would suggest trying both before you buy. Neither is perfect, unless they can somehow make a glossy coating that reduces glare as well. The best compromise would be to have two monitors, one with matte finsh and the other glossy :D
A little backlight bleed in my refurb. Not bad though. Definetly going to keep it.

And to the other poster, I don't notice any of that due to the coating. text is crisp and no grain.
I don't know what that guy is talking about regarding blurry text. :confused: It's super clear to me.
I just got my third Exchange. It is an RT803 IPS. It was shipped from Austin and made in Mexico. Here is the funny part, it is a revision A04. Im going to test it at home but so far so good (im at work)
I just got my third Exchange. It is an RT803 IPS. It was shipped from Austin and made in Mexico. Here is the funny part, it is a revision A04. Im going to test it at home but so far so good (im at work)

Tell us your experience with it, please.Any differences from the ones with REV A03?

I've got a complaint though, guys.This monitor is causing me eye-strain i believe.:(
This could be due to several reasons:
1)This is my first lcd, and i'm not used to it yet.
2)The resolution i was working with on my previous 17'' crt monitor was 1024x768, to make text easier to read.Now i have to work with the native 1650x1080 resolution.Huge difference.
3)It's too bright, but i tried tweaking the brigthness.

Do you have any settings to recommend?I can't notice any flicker whatsoever though.What could be the problem:confused:

I like this monitor damn it, but i need to find a way to make it easier for my eyes when reading text:mad:
I like this monitor damn it, but i need to find a way to make it easier for my eyes when reading text:mad:

I too have a hard time with LCD and eyestrain. My first was the worse: 24" PVA with 500 nits, next was 20" PVA with about 300 nits slightly better. Finally a cheap 17" TN, much better.

For me there were two enemies. Brightness and false 3d/glare.

First: brightness I had my 24" monsters at zero brightness and it still hurt. Especially with things like white fonts on dark backgrounds, it was like razors on my eyes. Now using my TN I have brightness down to 12% and that is finally a comfortable brightness. Comfortable and calibrated values are near 100nits. Some LCD's like the 24" 500 Nits monsters might not even go this low. I suspect I like it under 100nits.

Second: False 3d/glare. Due to the poor horizontal viewing angles, both my PVA panels made this weird phony 3d edge effect or kind of like glare on the edges. Hard to explain, but it caused extra eyestrain. My cheap TN screen does not cause this effect as it has more stable horizontal viewing angles.

So finally with my TN screen I get about the same eye comfort I had with CRT. Excess brightness and viewing angle anomalies seem to be the culprits.
I too have a hard time with LCD and eyestrain. My first was the worse: 24" PVA with 500 nits, next was 20" PVA with about 300 nits slightly better. Finally a cheap 17" TN, much better.

For me there were two enemies. Brightness and false 3d/glare.

First: brightness I had my 24" monsters at zero brightness and it still hurt. Especially with things like white fonts on dark backgrounds, it was like razors on my eyes. Now using my TN I have brightness down to 12% and that is finally a comfortable brightness. Comfortable and calibrated values are near 100nits. Some LCD's like the 24" 500 Nits monsters might not even go this low. I suspect I like it under 100nits.

Second: False 3d/glare. Due to the poor horizontal viewing angles, both my PVA panels made this weird phony 3d edge effect or kind of like glare on the edges. Hard to explain, but it caused extra eyestrain. My cheap TN screen does not cause this effect as it has more stable horizontal viewing angles.

So finally with my TN screen I get about the same eye comfort I had with CRT. Excess brightness and viewing angle anomalies seem to be the culprits.
My 2007WFP came with S-IPS, so i'm not having any issues with poor viewing angles.But i know just what you mean about brightness.The sad news is this monitor looks best when the the brightness is not below 40.:( Setting the brightness at 40-50, wow, the colours are beautiful, the text becomes more clear, but after a while it drives me nuts.It's like looking at a lamp for me:(

I believe it's a personal issue as well.Most people do not have a problem with the default brightness of the 2007WFP, but some of us really can't stand it.I'm really pissed off right now, because it's a great monitor apart from that.Nice colours, crisp text(if you can stand the brightness), great ergonomics.But it's a big issue for me.:mad:

I really hope i'll get used to it, but i can't see that happening:( Why damn it:(

If someone with similar issues found a workaround that makes this monitor easier on the eyes i would really appreciate it:)
I know what you mean about the brightness and color quality. The 2405 with it's ultra powerful backlight looked absolutely hideous on zero. Even then it was still too bright but it looked awful. The TN is lot less bright to start and doesn't seem to suffer as bad from turning it down.

I keep hoping for some new tech like OLED sooner rather than later. Because if you don't like bright, LCD is not so great at turning down. OLED on the other hand should be great for people who like a less bright screen, it will last much longer when turned down.

You will have to find the happy medium of turning it down sitting a bit further back, living with less color fidelity.
The funny thing is i've read on a review, maybe cnet not sure though, that the maximum brightness reaches 250cd/m2 and not 300cd/m2 DELL claims.

Are you kidding me?Who would want an even brighter monitor than this one:eek:

Maybe professional calibration software/hardware would help, but it's, obviously, not available to everyone and i don't know what could be done with regards to brightness.

Tell us your experience with it, please.Any differences from the ones with REV A03?

I've got a complaint though, guys.This monitor is causing me eye-strain i believe.:(
This could be due to several reasons:
1)This is my first lcd, and i'm not used to it yet.
2)The resolution i was working with on my previous 17'' crt monitor was 1024x768, to make text easier to read.Now i have to work with the native 1650x1080 resolution.Huge difference.
3)It's too bright, but i tried tweaking the brigthness.

Do you have any settings to recommend?I can't notice any flicker whatsoever though.What could be the problem:confused:

I like this monitor damn it, but i need to find a way to make it easier for my eyes when reading text:mad:

"sigh" 2 stuck pixels. Maybe one dead one. One is stuck almost red, its tiny and I can see it when the screen is white. There is some flicker but only on that grey screen posted here. There is no banding and the color is really accurate. I now have to decide on a third switch and hope for the same panel If I cant get these pixels unstuck.
Hi all,
thanks for the replies in this thread.

I got mine 2007WFP yesterday, I waited for 40 days to get it and finally it's here.

It's a CZ made RT803 S-IPS, no dead pixels, perfect colors and sharpness.

I hope all the units shipped in Europe are S-IPSs.

(forgot to mention that I live in East Europe)

I am very pleased with mine.

Wish you all the best luck in this game.
I'm a bit of a n00b here at HF (^^^) but immediately took notice of the 2007WFP banding problems that Dell is currently dealing with (I have an a00 2007WFP)

I personally never truly noticed it until using the color tests that ppl have posted, but I would like to get some kind of compensation. I'd rather not have to send it in for exchange as I use it frequently and have read that the exchange process can take a month :eek:

So my quesiton is this: has anyone been in a similar situation and been able to receive some sort of concession coupon in lieu of the exchange hassle? Sorry if this has already been discussed, I did a post search and didn't find anything.

It doesn't take nearly a month. More like 3 or 4 business days and they cross ship so you receive the replacement first, then send the other back.
Replacement came. Another PM330 :( Same Dec 2006, Made In Mexico.

Gonna try playing the lottery one more time. This panel is an improvement over the first though. Backlighting is very very light and even compare to the little corner bleeding of my first. And zero dead pixels.
Who has to pay for this lottery. Specifically, do you have to pay to ship it pack or does Dell cover that?
Like I posted before, I actually got a revison A04 so you would think the stock would be filling up with those. Now, If they split PVA and IPS panels again with the new revision then I just dont know. Im still in this game because I have 2 dead pixels and for all this, I want a perfect panel. Maybe its a cheaper IPS but it isnt a cheap panel.

If anyone gets a Rev A04 PVA please post.
Did anyone else notice an improvement using VGA instead of DVI-D?:eek: Bringing down the contrast really helps, at least in my case.I can notice the grays on this forum now, while previously everything was black.

I'll use it for a while and see, but my first impressions is that i prefer the picture i get using VGA:eek: I know this isn't supposed to happen, but who really cares;)

Could my low-end graphics card be the reason?:)
Another one for the files...

Ordered 2/8/07. Received 2/12/07.

V1B18 - PM330 Rev. A03, Made in Mexico. Shipped from Patrick, NV.

One dead pixel dead center.

I assume this is a PVA, but I have to say, I really don't notice the color shift that others have complained about. I am starting to notice extreme differences between dark and light areas of photos and games. This may end up getting on my nerves if I can't solve it by messing around with settings.

Also (and I expected this) the motion blur in games can be a little heavy. Not surprising with a 16ms monitor.

So far, am undecided as to whether I'll be returning it for another try.
Can someone explain why they wouldnt just buy a panel that they know is S-IPS rather than taking advantage of a clearly disfunctional policy at Dell (I cant believe they still allow this) and wasting time and energy endlessly shipping back monitors?

It seems if you have a burning need for S-IPS that you can justify, you can reach deep and find a couple of extra bucks to buy from someone else. Im really surprised Dell doesnt see how ridiculous this is and disallow endless returning of monitors for literally no reason at all. They're not guaranteeing what technology the panel is based on, so the consumer really has NO argument here.

Sorry to rain on this weird parade, but I think its stuff like this that ultimately backfires on consumers at large in the form of more rigid policies that dont allow any exceptions. Im reminded of all the times Ive questioned a particularly draconian seeming policy only to have the manu inform me "well... we had a more relaxed policy and we had a ton of people doing [insert literally insane behavior here] so we changed it".

Its similar to all of the people who just raped CompUSA on the PDA replacement plan and, subsequently, ruined it.
Can someone explain why they wouldnt just buy a panel that they know is S-IPS rather than taking advantage of a clearly disfunctional policy at Dell (I cant believe they still allow this) and wasting time and energy endlessly shipping back monitors?

It seems if you have a burning need for S-IPS that you can justify, you can reach deep and find a couple of extra bucks to buy from someone else. Im really surprised Dell doesnt see how ridiculous this is and disallow endless returning of monitors for literally no reason at all. They're not guaranteeing what technology the panel is based on, so the consumer really has NO argument here.

Sorry to rain on this weird parade, but I think its stuff like this that ultimately backfires on consumers at large in the form of more rigid policies that dont allow any exceptions. Im reminded of all the times Ive questioned a particularly draconian seeming policy only to have the manu inform me "well... we had a more relaxed policy and we had a ton of people doing [insert literally insane behavior here] so we changed it".

Its similar to all of the people who just raped CompUSA on the PDA replacement plan and, subsequently, ruined it.
I completely agree, but I think should be honest on which panel is being used. Although most manufactures don't tell you either.
I completely agree, but I think should be honest on which panel is being used. Although most manufactures don't tell you either.

Normally people who abuse return policies annoy me, but in this case, Dell is in the wrong here so I have no problem with people returning until they get S-IPS.

If everyone indicated why they were returning, Dell might wise up eventually. Personally I wouldn't do this as it just isn't worth my time. I bought a 2007fp and it was PVA, but it was also defective (A00 model, heavy banding and blur). I returned it for a refund and will not buy another unless dell stops the lotto. For now I went out and bought a 20" CRT instead. If I were in the market again. I would get an HP LP2065 which is S-IPS, no lotto. I didn't know this at the time, if I did, I would have one now.

People probably play the 2007wfp lotto, because there is only one other widescreen S-IPS (NEC 20WMGX2) and it is much more expensive.
Can someone explain why they wouldnt just buy a panel that they know is S-IPS rather than taking advantage of a clearly disfunctional policy at Dell (I cant believe they still allow this) and wasting time and energy endlessly shipping back monitors?

It seems if you have a burning need for S-IPS that you can justify, you can reach deep and find a couple of extra bucks to buy from someone else. Im really surprised Dell doesnt see how ridiculous this is and disallow endless returning of monitors for literally no reason at all. They're not guaranteeing what technology the panel is based on, so the consumer really has NO argument here.

Sorry to rain on this weird parade, but I think its stuff like this that ultimately backfires on consumers at large in the form of more rigid policies that dont allow any exceptions. Im reminded of all the times Ive questioned a particularly draconian seeming policy only to have the manu inform me "well... we had a more relaxed policy and we had a ton of people doing [insert literally insane behavior here] so we changed it".

Its similar to all of the people who just raped CompUSA on the PDA replacement plan and, subsequently, ruined it.

You couldnt be more wrong on this. Its not the technology, I dont think anyone cares about that. The issue is you buy a product based on reviews. Then they switch panels, that is blatent deception. You are literally buying a different monitor. I could even see If they permanetly switched panels but this lottery thing is bizarre.
I ordered two 2007WFP's in early to mid January from Dell UK. They are both RT803's which I assume means that they are definately S-IPS panels.

A03 made in Czech Republic, with no backlight bleed and no dead pixels.

Overall, I'm very very happy with them. As of the time that I ordered these, all the UK forums that I visited showed evidence that Dell UK were only shipping S-IPS panels.
Is there a way to set the colour temperature?Without extra software and hardware.
I ordered a monitor, received it Monday, and it was a PVA, with no dead pixels or backlight bleeding though. It was way bright thought. Ordered a replacement, and they overnighted it, and I recieved it today.

It's an S-IPS this time! Both are Jan 2007 made in Mexico. I think the replacement I got is refurb though. It was packed much differently then the first monitor. Once again, zero dead pixels.

This one seems to have some backlifght bleeding though. And it is much less bright than the first one. I hesitate to say the first was too bright, and this one is almost not bright enough.

A03 for both of them.

I registered just to add some data to this thread for those trying to decide what to do...
Should I care at all that it's a refurb? Are the refurbs from Dell usually okay?

I just feel silly paying the full new price and yet ending up with a refurb.
I know some business people who only buy Dell refurbs. I mean they have been looked at and gussied up in one way or another. Have you checked the usage stats on it? Some of these things aren't even used that much.
Well, I think I won the lottery...

Ordered 2/7/07, received 2/14/07 (with new XPS computer).

Rev. A03, made in Mexico.

Monitor menu says RT803... that means it's a S-IPS, correct?
Have you checked the usage stats on it? Some of these things aren't even used that much.

Yeah, I did, but I think they reset it. It was only at like 1 hour when I checked and I presume that's from me using it.
Ok, so I have been debating whether I should get the 2007WFP or the Samsung 226BW. I have decided to try my luck with the Dell. I just have a couple of questions:

Does Dell let you return the monitor and get your money back rather than exchanging it? Is there a restock fee for this?
I haven't seen people get "reset" monitors so maybe your slab hasn't been used.

Cool. Just so I'm clear, you're taking about the Usage stats that are displayed in the same menu where one can find the panel code, correct? Right below it is an option to reset the timer, so I figured that's what they did. If they don't usually do that, then cool, I guess mine was barely used at all before being returned.