DFI Patent Dual System Platform, Hybrid is Disclosed

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Due to the serious issue of global warming, in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving energy has become the responsibility of every global citizen. DFI is committed to developing energy saving products, not only to provide consumers a better platform, but also to do the best for the earth. Therefore, Hybrid platform was invented. Besides saving plenty of energy, Hybrid platform also brings consumers the benefits of time saving, space saving, and money saving. In addition, it is simple to use. Via a control panel, two systems can be easily switched and using condition can be known.

Hybrid platform, adopts the latest DFI patent technology. That is, a board combines a powerful platform of the current mainstream (P45 + ICH10R) and a green platform (NVIDIA ION). In other words, Hybrid has two platforms which operate completely independently. What is more, files can be shared between platforms. Through integrated hardware switch chips as well as network switch chips, Hybrid platform features a KVM and LAN switch on board. So Hybrid platform can be used with a monitor and keyboard/mouse, or with two sets of devices to work separately.
Am I reading this correctly that a motherboard with this technology has an Atom CPU onboard as well? There's no mention of it anywhere and usually ION simply refers to the chipset, right? But then again, how would you be able to move files from A to B if it didn't have a dedicated CPU as well.

If it does have an atom onboard then this is a very interesting concept. My guess is this could be very useful in a server environment: use the atom when load is low, and automatically switch to the P45+CPU when load increases. I would love to see it in action and compare it to regular P45 and ION motherboards!
That's cool.

I've been considering building a low-power box to use for everyday non-gaming stuff, and this thing seems like it will fit the bill.
from the sounds of it you just need two monitors and two pairs of mice/keyboards and you've got two desktops. I'm not sure I see how well this would work at home unless you want them right next to each other.
It is certainly an intriguing idea. I look forward to seeing more on this.
from the sounds of it you just need two monitors and two pairs of mice/keyboards and you've got two desktops. I'm not sure I see how well this would work at home unless you want them right next to each other.

According to the specs, yes and no:
Hybrid platform features a KVM and LAN switch on board. So Hybrid platform can be used with a monitor and keyboard/mouse, or with two sets of devices to work separately.
So basicly it is 2 motherboards morphed into one. I can understand the uses for this but personally I dont need 2 differant computers.

[edit] I was just thinking that the Green side would maybe make a good HTPC. More I think about it the more ideas I am coming up with....hmmmmmmmm
I have been thinking of how to put 2 systems into 1 case. Well this is the anwser.

Super kool
Eh I am bit confused, does each platform share an OS instance and swap processing based on performance needs, or does each platform run its own OS instance? I really dont see this being "green" for [H] users if it is the latter because we would just run both platforms OCed at the same time :D, 24/7 hehe
Why hasn't someone thought of this before? Props to DFI on this one.
Would be handy for development/optimization on the Atom platform maybe. I understand it executes certain ops in a different order than the traditional cpus.
If you install a copy of windows on each system, yes.

I don't see why. If it's the same board, maybe there's an identifier of a sort in the BIOS that will tell Windows this is a single machine, and Windows will treat it as a dual CPU install, but only use one CPU or the other.
Maybe its the cynic in me...but every time i see a company "go green" i want to punch a baby... When i found out about the little deal in my asus bios saying "you have saved THIS MANY TREES" with the power saving features it has...again...baby...punching...go... There are already hundreds of low power boards out there...if you want a low power system...do it because you dont need the power and you dont want the high electric bills...not because you think your motherboard is going to make the world .0000009*c cooler
Damn here I was hoping this motherboard as a hybrid ran on both electricity AND gasoline... imagine the speed from a gasoline powered motherboard!!!!
Interesting, but how is this better or more affordable than having a desktop with a Netbook next to it? Hibernate/ sleep the desktop to check mail and crap, then Hibernate/ sleep the Netbook when you game.

This DFI will probably cost you 4X+ more to do the same thing.
There's a thread about this over in the motherboard section. $399 list price.
Maybe its the cynic in me...but every time i see a company "go green" i want to punch a baby... When i found out about the little deal in my asus bios saying "you have saved THIS MANY TREES" with the power saving features it has...again...baby...punching...go... There are already hundreds of low power boards out there...if you want a low power system...do it because you dont need the power and you dont want the high electric bills...not because you think your motherboard is going to make the world .0000009*c cooler

They're just covering their bases. Ignore the "green" part and focus on the all-on-one package part.

I'm sure they even have something in fine print about eating kittens and babies for other demographies too.
Yo, dawg! We heard you like computers so we put a computer in your computer so you can compute while you compute!
Interesting, but how is this better or more affordable than having a desktop with a Netbook next to it? Hibernate/ sleep the desktop to check mail and crap, then Hibernate/ sleep the Netbook when you game.

This DFI will probably cost you 4X+ more to do the same thing.

I'm thinking HTPC. Go Atom mode if you're watching DVD or Blu-ray or other media libraries. Go Core2Duo/i5/i7 mode when you need to rip or decode or watch Flash based Internet TV (at least until Flash 10.1 comes out).
I'm pretty sure it doesn't run one OS instance and switch between the low power atom and the Core2. It has a built in KVM, so that tells me that it is running two separate OS installs on the same board.
Why? Especially when we can throttle cpu and vid cards? Wasn't it just more massive waste to put more bio/forest slaying pcb on one board as it is?
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I totally don't see the point of this. If it would be able to automatically switch from the atom to the more powerful chip as load increases (without any adverse effects to the user) I would praise this invention. But, it appears to just be two systems jammed onto one motherboard with the ability to power on each one independently or in tandem and share resources. I guess if you know that you just plan to do activities that require little power or activities that require a lot of power that this would be good. But, I would bet that most people would simply have both systems running when they are using the computer and kill off any savings.
Due to the serious issue of global warming, in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving energy has become the responsibility of every global citizen.

DFI just lost me as a potential customer with this. I am not a global citizen. I am a citizen of the United States of America. Global warming even if true is not a serious issue. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. What is wrong with you DFI?
Maybe its the cynic in me...but every time i see a company "go green" i want to punch a baby... When i found out about the little deal in my asus bios saying "you have saved THIS MANY TREES" with the power saving features it has...again...baby...punching...go... There are already hundreds of low power boards out there...if you want a low power system...do it because you dont need the power and you dont want the high electric bills...not because you think your motherboard is going to make the world .0000009*c cooler

That's why 'going green' is a scam. It's about corporate marketing. Corporations in general do not believe in any of this stuff, but they need to market themselves as how trends reflect their products go.
How is this better than CPU's that can throttle down hz and volts based on load?
DFI just lost me as a potential customer with this. I am not a global citizen. I am a citizen of the United States of America. Global warming even if true is not a serious issue. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. What is wrong with you DFI?

While I agree with your overall inference about the scam that is global cooling...er... warming...er....climate change, you do realize that DFI is not an American company, don't you?
How is this better than CPU's that can throttle down hz and volts based on load?

And other power-saving features.

This just seems like a dumb idea as you actually have two computers to maintain, and they both have to be running to share anything, or synchronize, etc.

Say you're running on the low-power PC and you're got browser windows open, and software, and realize that there just isn't enough juice. Does the powerful PC take over transparently? No, you have to start that up and start up your browsers and software and grab all your files from the other pc, deal with locked files, and really need syncrhonization for all files, settings, bookmarks, browser sessions, etc.
This motherboard allows 2 separate systems to run in the same space, a primary mid range system and a low range system. I think there are some videos of it running online, but I forgot where they are.

A practical use for this would be to save energy and space.I would use this for a htpc/whs setup. I would setup the htpc on the primary cpu, and put WHS on the secondary cpu. Currently I am doing this setup with one pc, using it primarily for htpc while running WHS as vmware. Right now this works for me but I am using more energy then I need too, if I had this new motherboard, I could turn off the htpc cpu and only use when I need it, leaving the secondary cpu on all the time to run WHS. This would save on power.

I think its a great idea and opens up more options for those looking to save space and energy.


HTTP as primary pc, Wimdows home server as low end pc
So DFI has bought into the "global warming" SCAM?

Hrmmm..... not buying DFI anytime soon.
I don't mind less power (less cost to me), or even RoHS stuff. Global warming being the reason for this board? Hmm...
My entire system draws 119w at the wall. I throttle the 4970 to 100/125 at idle - and my CPU with C1E set to 3ghz @ 1.2v stays around 2ghz when not in use... That's a light bulb.
So DFI has bought into the "global warming" SCAM?

Hrmmm..... not buying DFI anytime soon.
So you make purchasing decisions based primarily on whether or not a company believes in global warming? And global warming is not a scam, right now its an unsettled debate with both sides using data to support their conclusion and totally ignoring data that contradicts their conclusion.
So you make purchasing decisions based primarily on whether or not a company believes in global warming? And global warming is not a scam, right now its an unsettled debate with both sides using data to support their conclusion and totally ignoring data that contradicts their conclusion.

I'm with cyclone...i base my buying decisions on how companies market their products... Their product marketing here turned me off to the company as a whole... Buying into and promoting something like this makes me take my money elsewhere...